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  1. #1
    Houston is offline New Member
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    houston, texas

    cypionate and anavar cycle

    I have two bottles of test cypionate , each at 10ml. One is 100mg/ml and the other is 200mg/ml. I also have a 100 tabs of anavar each 10mg. I just started my cycle yesterday w/ a shot of test 2cc/200mg and will continue it this way, shooting every 5th day. I will start taking the 40 mg of anavar per day in about a month in a half. Would this yield good results with the dosages I have chosen.

    Thanks for any help given


  2. #2
    Magnum II's Avatar
    Magnum II is offline Associate Member
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    The answer to your question depends upon several things. First of all, what's your history with AS? If this was your first cycle for instance, your body will likely react well to this dosage, even though it's relatively low. The other important factor is your presonal stats. What are your age, dimensions, body fat % and personal training history? What are your gaols? Are you sure you've achieved all you can through natural growth before engaging in AS use?...Are you old enough to ensure that you won't do damage to your own natural growth mechanisms by using AS?

    Make sure you've researched the meds and related information thoroughly before jumping in to juicing only get one body.

    If you can answer afirmatively to all the questions above, I'd say the dosages you suggest are conservative but potentially effective, realizing that you won't see explosive gains from those amounts.

  3. #3
    Houston is offline New Member
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    houston, texas
    Thanks for your input. Yeah i have done AS before. I just wanted some input from some others who may be more familiar with this particular stack. Would you recommend adding some deca or tren towards the end of the stack?

    Thanks again!

  4. #4
    Jsik98's Avatar
    Jsik98 is offline Member
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    I'm on cyp, deca , eq, and anavar 12.5m caps right now, and I'm amazed at how quickly the results are coming! . I'm much fuller and harder and I've put on 8 pounds already. I'm only in my second week and can't wait for everything else to kick in! This is my first cycle and it's definetely everything it's made up to be and some! I would suggest getting some prop or d-bol to kickstart your cycle until the cyp kicks in. When doing a long ester test like cyp it's definetely not a bad idea to through some nandolone or eq in the mix. I wouldn't do it at the end of your cycle, though. As a matter of fact, if you're gonna add deca or eq then do it right now. I'm assuming you're going twelve weeks so I'd run the var at the end of the cycle 1 week before your last shot of cyp/deca. This way you can run the var for 4 weeks as the tes/deca (or both) is tapering down and make some final gains before you start pct. Sounds like a good idea...I like getting creative! Good luck, have fun, be smart, and get huge!

  5. #5
    Ejuicer's Avatar
    Ejuicer is offline Anabolic Member
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    Toronto, Ontario
    Both doses are too low imo. I wouldn't run the var any lower then 60 and i would do test shots twice a week or every 3.5 days at at least 400-500mg per week.

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