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  1. #1
    tackle78 is offline Junior Member
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    My Big cycle of the future

    I haven't posted in what seems like forever but largely because I've been very clean for the past couple of years. I am returning because I am starting the plans on my next cycle. I will be able to start this in MAy of '06 through the end of July. I want to do everything right on this cycle and have been researching for awhile,(not that I'm a noob anyway) but I want tons of opinions and advice.
    I thought I was done with gear and then I had a huge setback with major shoulder surgery. I don't have any specifics planned out yet but here are some things to consider. The following August drug testing is an issue! This is a huge part of my planning since nothing can be in my system much longer then that amount of time. I'm not concerned right now with what I can and cannot get, since I have a long time before I'll need the gear. My goal with this cycle will be to improve strength, and speed, while getting leaner.
    Current Stats ( I know they will change, but hopefully only for the positive):
    275 lbs
    (The following are personal bests since surgery)
    40: 5.0
    20 yard shuttle: 4.23
    Bench: 360
    Squat: 540
    I have lost a good amount of my strength and I am planning to have it back before I start this cycle but I thought I'd go ahead and put in current stats.
    My BF% has increased significantly to 15%, which is very high.

    So I'm thinking compound wise things like, Prop, EQ, Fina, IGF-1, anavar , winstrol , Insulin , D-bol, HGH (not sure if three months vs. IGF is better), and I am open to anything really. I am not asking for you guys to write a cycle for me. I am simply trying to get your opinions for this cycle. As long as the detection times will workout I am up for anything. These are just the compounds which come to mind right away. Let me know what you think.

    Also, I am planning on doing a cycle thread when I do get this going with weekly pictures, as well as pre and post-surgery pictures from this spring.

    Thx for the help in advance guys.

  2. #2
    Defconx3's Avatar
    Defconx3 is offline Member
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    Since you have to worry about tests, as you already seem to know, you will need to stick with short esters. I am not too sure about your goals, can you be a little more specific, also, do you play any sports?

  3. #3
    tackle78 is offline Junior Member
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    As far as goal specifics go, I need to maintain over 275 lbs, but I need to lower my bodyfat back down to around 10%. I don't need to be crazy ripped but I want to be lean. I also need to improve my strength and get faster. Specific strength and speed goals will come when I test everything immediatly before my cycle.
    And as for the sports, yes I am in athletics at a high level, that is all I'll say about that. but I don't feel that matters with my question other then it explains the drug testing.

  4. #4
    TheNextBigThing is offline Associate Member
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    EQ will not be an option for you, it stays in your system far too long. Fina on the other hand, I don't know about. I have heard of guys taking it and getting tested and not testing positive. I have also heard that the NCAA does not test for it, I even play with a guy who took it before the season. The problem with fina, is that it is all hearsay and I wouldn't really want to risk my eligability for that. Also I would take var over winstrol , but everything else in your cycle will work. As for the HGH or IGF conflict you have going on, I would take IGF.

  5. #5
    Drummerboy's Avatar
    Drummerboy is offline Anabolic Member
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    wow, your gonna be huge and ripped on fina/prop/var/igf alone.... i know this doesnt help just had to comment (im leading into a fina/prop/var myself)

  6. #6
    tackle78 is offline Junior Member
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    Again those aren't for sure compounds in the cycle, just an idea. You're right about the eq I'm not sure what I was thinking. I also for sure prefer anavar to winstrol especially with my joint problems. I have questions about the fina I'm hoping someone could answer for me. Now I've heard various things on detection time from five months to three weeks. I'm assuming the difference is between fina enth and fina acetate. But I have a friend who was kicked off his team for fina and he swears he was on acetate and got tested two months later positive. I'm wondering if he has made the mistake here or the people writing detection times.

  7. #7
    tackle78 is offline Junior Member
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    In addition: expierienced insulin users: how much of a difference is my cycle going to be with post workout insulin or without it?

  8. #8
    Hazard's Avatar
    Hazard is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer
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    considering your goals..... here's what i'd do....

    Forget insulin .... i'd only use it for bulking....

    i'd run this:

    1-12 test prop
    1-12 Var
    1-4 and 8-12 LR3 IGF-1

    The reason i say run var for 12 weeks is because it's mild on the liver compared to other orals..... I don't forsee 12 weeks being a problem..... nor have i heard of it, from anyone thats run it that long or even longer, being a problem.

    If you start may 1st.... you should complete the cycle mid july..... if this is too late for you.... cut it back 1 or 2 weeks.

    *edit* i made this bold because i feel this is the most important part.....
    The biggest factor in you dropping BF is going to be your diet and your cardio..... drugs alone aren't going to drop the weight for you.....

    From everything you've told us.... i don't see the cycle i've laid out as being a problem.....

    As far as dosing goes.... thats up to you.... But if i was to run this cycle.... i'd run 100mg's test prop ED and between 60-75mg's anavar ED.... i've heard all too many times that var's results really show after 60mg's a day..... not that it wont work at 40mg's/day..... but you can see better results without sacrificing health or side-effects... with a little higher dosage.....

    hope i was of some help....
    Failure is not and option..... ONLY beyond failure is - Haz

    Think beyond yourselves and remember this forum is for educated members to help advise SAFE usage of AAS, not just tell you what you want to hear
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  9. #9
    tackle78 is offline Junior Member
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    Hazard- I really like your ideas. My diet is pretty solid and I understand diet is the number one factor, training number two, and drugs far behind. Do you have any links as to why you say 60 mgs for anavar ? I like the two splits of IGF-1 idea. As for no insulin cause it isn't a bulker. Well it isn't what I would call a cutting cycle either. I am not going to limit calories at all during this time period, rather eat a ton of food, clean. Insulin is about the only drug talked about so far in this thread I've never tried, but as I understand it as long as the diet is on point, fat gain isn't a problem. But I like your ideas, on your cycle with every day injections, why not add fina? Thx

  10. #10
    Hazard's Avatar
    Hazard is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by tackle78
    Hazard- I really like your ideas. My diet is pretty solid and I understand diet is the number one factor, training number two, and drugs far behind. Do you have any links as to why you say 60 mgs for anavar? I like the two splits of IGF-1 idea. As for no insulin cause it isn't a bulker. Well it isn't what I would call a cutting cycle either. I am not going to limit calories at all during this time period, rather eat a ton of food, clean. Insulin is about the only drug talked about so far in this thread I've never tried, but as I understand it as long as the diet is on point, fat gain isn't a problem. But I like your ideas, on your cycle with every day injections, why not add fina? Thx
    Im not 100% sure on how long Tren acetate (fina) will last in your system..... so i didn't add it in there. If you find out... and it fits your schedual.... you can throw it int here for added benefit.

    Sorry i don't have links to the anavar stuff..... this was all stuff i have gathered from people who have used it.

    Insulin is a very very dangerous substance.... and it's nothing tot ake lightly.... if your going to doit... doit right....

    Research from now until you use it... i'd also buy a blood glucose monitor so you can monitor your levels on your own....

    In my honest opinion.... you don't need insulin for this cycle.... when was the last time you ran gear? you should see great results from a long break.....

    you mentioned losing bodyfat..... you can't bulk and cut in the same cycle.... or atleast.... not in a 12 weeker..... however... you can add lean mass.

    do some research on the tren.... and add it in IF it fits within the time you have....

    i think you'll be mroe than happy witht he results from this cycle..... with test,tren, and var..... your strength is gunna go through the roof..... on top of adding some lean mass.... the IGF will surely help to lose BF if the diet is right..... it'll also help with any size you want to gain.

    good luck bro.... and be sure to let us know what you decide to do and how it goes.....

    Failure is not and option..... ONLY beyond failure is - Haz

    Think beyond yourselves and remember this forum is for educated members to help advise SAFE usage of AAS, not just tell you what you want to hear
    - Knockout_Power


  11. #11
    BG's Avatar
    BG is offline The Real Deal - AR-Platinum Elite- Hall of Famer
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    I have a good one started now,
    weeks 1-5 prop
    weeks 1-8 tren -e
    weeks1- 16/18 test-e
    weeks1-18 eq
    weeks 11-18 anavar
    hcg then clomid and nolva(not to much clomid thought maybe three weeks)
    through out the whole cycle , multi-v, b-6, b-5,flaxseed, and milkthistle.
    I hope it works out well, playing it by ear,can barely walk from prop. pain, got b-12 on the way. I think this is a pretty good mixture of compounds, if your interest let me know (PM) and Ill keep up on gains. Im a hard gainer so hope to get a good 10-12 keepable lbs. for this.

  12. #12
    Moosepellet's Avatar
    Moosepellet is offline Member
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    1-12 Test Propionate 100mg ED
    1-10 Tren Acetate 75-100mg ED

    That should give you some good results

  13. #13
    Hazard's Avatar
    Hazard is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by Moosepellet
    1-12 Test Propionate 100mg ED
    1-10 Tren Acetate 75-100mg ED

    That should give you some good results
    It definately will... but how long will tren stay in his system....? Im guessing 3 weeks or so but i don't want to tell him to go ahead and run it... and have the guy test posotive..... he said he's pretty high up on the sports level..... i wouldn't want to risk my career over this.....
    Failure is not and option..... ONLY beyond failure is - Haz

    Think beyond yourselves and remember this forum is for educated members to help advise SAFE usage of AAS, not just tell you what you want to hear
    - Knockout_Power


  14. #14
    TheNextBigThing is offline Associate Member
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    I wouldn't risk tren bro. Your results will be very good with prop, var, and IGF. Like Hazard said, your career is worth more than another compound in your cycle.

    *Although I myself have considered running tren and still may, I just want to hear about more people who have been tested and were negative. So I can see where you are coming from and the risk that are willing to take.
    Last edited by TheNextBigThing; 07-18-2005 at 10:21 PM.

  15. #15
    Consistency's Avatar
    Consistency is offline Extraordinarily Exorbitant
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    i agree with hazard a prop/var/igf cycle is perfect for your needs. I have run all 3 of these compounds and I feel they work very well together.

    let me guess you are a offense tackle, #78 and play ncaa?

  16. #16
    tackle78 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Consistency
    i agree with hazard a prop/var/igf cycle is perfect for your needs. I have run all 3 of these compounds and I feel they work very well together.

    let me guess you are a offense tackle, #78 and play ncaa?

    Actually that is not my position or level of play, but a long long time ago when I was in high school it was and it just kinda stuck.

    As for the cycle, I think the prop/var/igf cycle is looking pretty good. As you pointed out by the time this cycle rolls around it will have been three years since the previous one.

    I think I do have to agree with Hazard on the insulin , it is probably not necesary for this cycle. But I've been wanting to try it for awhile. I'm still trying to research on the results with and without the insulin in the opinion of guys who've used slin.

    I really like the idea of splitting up the igf at the begining and end, I feel it helps with keeping gains at the end of a cycle. So lets say I ran the prop/var/igf combo, what r u guys thinking for ancilliaries?


  17. #17
    tackle78 is offline Junior Member
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    just bumping this up for more replies

  18. #18
    timtim is offline Member
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    haven't heard one positive thing about igf. might want to put this money into something else that will benefit you more. don't think 3 months of hgh is worth it either.

    prop, var, and tren (not sure if it will show on a drug test) is probably your best bet. all the exotic stuff isn't necessary if your not competing in a bb show.

  19. #19
    tackle78 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by timtim
    haven't heard one positive thing about igf. might want to put this money into something else that will benefit you more. don't think 3 months of hgh is worth it either.

    prop, var, and tren (not sure if it will show on a drug test) is probably your best bet. all the exotic stuff isn't necessary if your not competing in a bb show.
    You've never heard anything good about IGF-1? I have heard good things and myself have expierienced good things with the drug. I used it for four weeks only IGF and gained a solid five lbs while getting a little leaner. I think it would be a great addition to the cycle at the end to help with pct, and at the begining for getting those cells duplicating so they can grow!

  20. #20
    Hazard's Avatar
    Hazard is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer
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    as far as ancillaries go.... i'd say....

    1-12: 10mg's nolvadex ED
    PCT: 20mg's nolva dex ED and clomid (300mg's 1st day, 100mg's/day for 30 more)

    i don't think you need much more than that... but there is a whole host of things you can take with that..... I don't think you need anything to combat water because well..... yah shouldn't gain too much water.....

    Another option..... is to run the IGF like this.....

    5,6,7,8 - and then 13,14,15,16 - this way you'll be running the IGF durring your PCT..... maybe helping to retain your gains..... just another idea i figured i'd throw at yah.....

    Failure is not and option..... ONLY beyond failure is - Haz

    Think beyond yourselves and remember this forum is for educated members to help advise SAFE usage of AAS, not just tell you what you want to hear
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  21. #21
    timtim is offline Member
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    the dirty
    i have seen a few guys who did it at my gym and they said it wasn't worth it, not much in gains. i've also seen a bunch of other websites where people report similar. if you get good gains, do what works for you by all means.

  22. #22
    tackle78 is offline Junior Member
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    I like the way u think Haz. Tough decision to run it at the end with drugs or with pct? For sure running it first four weeks though.

    Still looking for some feedback on adding insulin post workout. So if there are any vets out there with some knowledge, please help a brother out.


  23. #23
    Hazard's Avatar
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    i researched slin for a while..... and then went out and bought a bottle for myself.... then my dumbass signs up for a 1yr membership for jiu jitsu and muay thai..... No way am i going to run insulin .... and do a stressful activity after i shoot it LOL

    When i was researching slin..... i had a few people tell me that it can add a few extra pounds to your cycle..... and the pumps are great..... but if you run insulin alone.... it's not going to do much at all..... I know you wont be running it alone..... i just thought i'd add that info in there.

    Im not saying to do it..... or not to do it...... just really think about it and make sure that you are fully aware of what insulin entails.....

    1) not overdosing your shot
    2) Drinking your dextrose 15 mins after shot
    3) Drinking your protein shake 20 minutes after shot
    4) Eating a high carb meal between 1-1.5hrs after shot
    5) Eating another meal a few hours after the last one....
    6) Recognizing hypoglycemia..... and always having something sugary(sp?) nearby to drink (IE. Pepsi)
    7) Diet can't be crap (not that it should be anyways.....) - with insulin you literally will be what you eat..... NO FATS!

    Make sure you can follow everything to a "T" before you take that 1st injection..... start posting in the insulin forums..... you'll get a lot of knowledge out of there.

    Oh and another thing.... you might have to adjust your dextrose if your going to run insulin and LR3 IGF-1 at the same time..... i know some people say they sometimes feel hypo off IGF..... and if you run both together..... you might need more dex.....

    Failure is not and option..... ONLY beyond failure is - Haz

    Think beyond yourselves and remember this forum is for educated members to help advise SAFE usage of AAS, not just tell you what you want to hear
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  24. #24
    Hazard's Avatar
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    here's another thought LOL.... which i think is a lil overkill but hey.... why not mention it.....

    1-4 LR3 IGF-1
    5-8 Slin
    9-12 LR3 IGF-1
    13-16 - Slin

    or the other way around..... haha...... there's a ton of different stuff you can do..... i personally would just stick with test/var/igf and possibly the tren if it wont interfere with testing....
    Failure is not and option..... ONLY beyond failure is - Haz

    Think beyond yourselves and remember this forum is for educated members to help advise SAFE usage of AAS, not just tell you what you want to hear
    - Knockout_Power


  25. #25
    Consistency's Avatar
    Consistency is offline Extraordinarily Exorbitant
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    Ive ran IGf myself, and loved it. i plan on using it in my next PCT. Go to the IGF forum. Ive never heard of anyone having bad expierences with it

  26. #26
    tackle78 is offline Junior Member
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    Yeah the IGF is for sure in. like I said I've been happy with it by itself, with gets me excited.

    The tren is for sure out. I know have gotten 14 different sources say five months. Too bad but we'll figure something out.

    I like the alternating igf/slin weeks you suggested haz, if I do decide to use the slin I think that is the way it will be done. I've read alot on slin and igf together and it gets the issue more complicated, so not at the same time now for sure. A long time to decide on whether or not to take it. The diet concerns will simply not be an issue. As I said earlier this cycle is going to be a big deal for me. I will be eating incredibly strict and there won't be cheat days or anything. 12 weeks w/o any cheat days should be ok since I'm still high calorie. Due to my intense cardio and agility training sesions I'm consuming over 6000 cals every day now. I don't think I'll need to go below that, just cut out the every other day pizza habit I've got going on. And stop drinking altogether. My one diet flaw has got to be pizza and beer. but that will stop.

  27. #27
    Hazard's Avatar
    Hazard is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by tackle78
    Yeah the IGF is for sure in. like I said I've been happy with it by itself, with gets me excited.

    The tren is for sure out. I know have gotten 14 different sources say five months. Too bad but we'll figure something out.

    I like the alternating igf/slin weeks you suggested haz, if I do decide to use the slin I think that is the way it will be done. I've read alot on slin and igf together and it gets the issue more complicated, so not at the same time now for sure. A long time to decide on whether or not to take it. The diet concerns will simply not be an issue. As I said earlier this cycle is going to be a big deal for me. I will be eating incredibly strict and there won't be cheat days or anything. 12 weeks w/o any cheat days should be ok since I'm still high calorie. Due to my intense cardio and agility training sesions I'm consuming over 6000 cals every day now. I don't think I'll need to go below that, just cut out the every other day pizza habit I've got going on. And stop drinking altogether. My one diet flaw has got to be pizza and beer. but that will stop.
    good luck with the cycle bro and keep us posted on what you decide to do and how it goes.....

    Failure is not and option..... ONLY beyond failure is - Haz

    Think beyond yourselves and remember this forum is for educated members to help advise SAFE usage of AAS, not just tell you what you want to hear
    - Knockout_Power


  28. #28
    tackle78 is offline Junior Member
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    So here's what I'm thinking...

    1-12 100mgs Prop ED
    1-12 60 mgs anavar ED
    1-4 IGF-1 40 MCGS morning and 40MCGS night
    10-14 IGF-1 40 mcgs morning and 40 MCGS night

    That way there would be some carry over to PCT with the IGF, but I don't wanna run it absent of gear. I'll decide about the insulin at a later date. Nolv throughout, and appropriate PCT after.

    I found some stuff on the anavar at that dosage that haz talked about, I wanna try it. Just lost my powder source though but I've got a year to get another one so it should be all good.

  29. #29
    Consistency's Avatar
    Consistency is offline Extraordinarily Exorbitant
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    Quote Originally Posted by tackle78
    So here's what I'm thinking...

    1-12 100mgs Prop ED
    1-12 60 mgs anavar ED
    1-4 IGF-1 40 MCGS morning and 40MCGS night
    10-14 IGF-1 40 mcgs morning and 40 MCGS night

    That way there would be some carry over to PCT with the IGF, but I don't wanna run it absent of gear. I'll decide about the insulin at a later date. Nolv throughout, and appropriate PCT after.

    I found some stuff on the anavar at that dosage that haz talked about, I wanna try it. Just lost my powder source though but I've got a year to get another one so it should be all good.
    looks solid, im jealous

  30. #30
    Hazard's Avatar
    Hazard is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer
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    man..... your not f*ckin around witht hat IGF are yah.... LMFAO 80mcg's is a NICE ammount

    i like the way the cycle is set up bro - let us know how it goes
    Failure is not and option..... ONLY beyond failure is - Haz

    Think beyond yourselves and remember this forum is for educated members to help advise SAFE usage of AAS, not just tell you what you want to hear
    - Knockout_Power


  31. #31
    tackle78 is offline Junior Member
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    Thats the amount I did when I used it alone and I loved the stuff. Can't wait to try it while "on".

    Today a guy at the gym asked me about how much I ate to stay my size. I told around 6500 cal a day and he told me that was too much and I didn't need over 3000 a day....says the 160 lbs man to the 275 lbs man...I wish people would think before they speak sometimes.

  32. #32
    Defconx3's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tackle78
    So here's what I'm thinking...

    1-12 100mgs Prop ED
    1-12 60 mgs anavar ED
    1-4 IGF-1 40 MCGS morning and 40MCGS night
    10-14 IGF-1 40 mcgs morning and 40 MCGS night

    That way there would be some carry over to PCT with the IGF, but I don't wanna run it absent of gear. I'll decide about the insulin at a later date. Nolv throughout, and appropriate PCT after.

    I found some stuff on the anavar at that dosage that haz talked about, I wanna try it. Just lost my powder source though but I've got a year to get another one so it should be all good.
    Damn that looks good, Im sure you will love it. I'm also glad that you decided to stay away from the slin for this cycle.

    Happy growing!

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