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  1. #1
    NadaSvada's Avatar
    NadaSvada is offline New Member
    Join Date
    May 2005

    HRT-dose for Thyroid T4?

    Can anybody tell me what's a normal HRT-dose for a person who is hypo-thyroid? I've had my TSH, T3, and T4 levels tested, and my TSH was ellevated to 600-something. As my doctor explained it to me, the ideal situation would be to have the TSH down to 1. The reason I'm hypo-thyroid is becausse of some other medications I'm on, and she don't want to use T4 to downregulate the TSH level. So I decided to look into doing this myself, and have come to the understanding that a normal HRT-dose of T4 would be between 50-100mcg/ed. Can someone who KNOWS THIS FOR SHURE please share theire thoughts on this matter. I'm just trying to get to a normal TSH-level, not interested in going hyper-thyroid.

    Thanks in advance for any help
    Best regards, NadaSvada.

  2. #2
    Slic4788 is offline Associate Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    a TSH of 600?? JESUS...that must be a typo.

    Why don't you just taper of the medications that are causing hypothyroid? If you can't, then use an alternative medicine. I've never heard of such medicines causing hypo.

    If you don't have any history of thyroid diseases, your thyroid will strive to be in the normal range and won't just 'give out'.

    You can try iodine, kelp, and other thyroid-stimulating products on the market.

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