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  1. #1
    sustmakesmehorny is offline Junior Member
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    Jan 2002

    someone plz help me out need advice with getting ripped on winny

    thanks this board has been very helpful for me.

    ok i started a my cylce of deca /winny my main goal is to have nice six pack by the end. ive put on 7 pounds already now starting my third week of deca and my second week of winny. im taking 30 mg winny tabs a day and im gona take 50 a day shortly

    i am a smaller guy i dont wanna be huge so thats why i didnt add test. but anyhow i would like to know if i should change my diet and cardio to get my goals im 21, 5'9, 167 right now. i have a bit of a beer pizza gut from the past. i havent drank in 3 months and i only eat pure food. good carbs and protein but i dont know how to portion them to get my goals.

    my main questions are:
    1.night eating should i eat in the night if so what should i eat and how long b4 bed should i not eat. many days a week should i do cardio how intense
    3.what should my calorie intake be
    any other suggestions of how you acheived similar goals would be great aswell.

  2. #2
    postel's Avatar
    postel is offline Junior Member
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    Your weight isn't really the issue here so i wouldn't worrie too much about how heavy you are. It's all about how you look in the mirror. I'm on a cutting cycle and my weight is decreasing very slowly but my body fat is stripping off, might be hard to picture but you'll see what I mean soon enough. You should try and eat small meals every 2-2 1/2 hours to keep your metabolism high. Start by working out your daily calorie needs, (you can do this with the fitness calculators on the anabolicreview home page), and take less calories than you need, this will make you use your fat stores. Try and take most of your carbs in the morning and protein throughout. The diet should be high protein, low-medium carbs and low fat. Eat clean, no burgers, beer,etc. I believe that good food take time to prepare and make. Fast and convenience foods usually contain a shit load of fat. The issue of eating before you go to bed really depends on how much you've had to eat during the day. If you feel like you must eat before bed try and have just protein.
    Try doing cardio 3 times a week for around 30 min If you feel like your getting the desired results keep it up. If not do a little more, it's alot of trial and error,everyone loses fat at different rates.
    Also during your diet phase have days when you allow yourself to cheat, indulging in some fast food or the like will help give your metabolism and energy level a boost and won't harm your fat burning efforts.
    Last edited by postel; 04-29-2002 at 04:44 AM.

  3. #3
    Redneck is offline Junior Member
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    Don't forget that you can through in a fat burner. Diet & Cardio are the key not tons of situps(they put alot of stress on the nervous system). Postel pretty much got it all .

  4. #4
    03733+$'s Avatar
    03733+$ is offline Associate Member
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    I'm in here with the rest of YOU!
    True as well a fat burner or preformance enhancer like xenadrine,ephedrine can in crease metabolism as well!

    Im glad I read this almost forgot my ephedrine and clomid

  5. #5
    sustmakesmehorny is offline Junior Member
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    Jan 2002

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