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  1. #1
    Nate_Dog's Avatar
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    Ajax - Tell us about Gear and Gyms in Thailand


    Since you are from Thailand,.. please tell us about gear prices. Any other information you deem applicable.

    Also what are the gyms like ? Are there many?


  2. #2
    Redneck is offline Junior Member
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    For real dude how is it over their?

  3. #3
    Ajax's Avatar
    Ajax is offline Senior Member
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    Thailand is a fun place gentleman; there are many features here that are intriguing! And the ladies! Don't get me started or I might never shut up!

    For anybody that runs across this and gets ideas, let me stop you before you ask: I will not buy & ship for you.

    But I have no problem providing information. So here goes!

    Gear is readily available in Bangkok and also in most of the big tourist destinations. Prices can vary a LOT here; some of the les scrupulous pharmacies mark stuff way up knowing that guys on a holiday will come in and 1) just be glad they can buy gear over-the-counter and 2) even if they raise the prices by a factor of 2-3X it still looks cheap!

    Not all pharmacies carry steroids . A few in the tourist areas will stock some; a rare few will have a good supply. Bangkok and Pattaya, to my knowledge have the best-stocked pharmacies. I have heard of people buying gear in Phuket and Koh Samui as well.

    I won’t go into prices, because they do vary depending on where you get the gear. But the prices are very, very cheap. If you are over here, just start asking at the pharmacies and do some comparison shopping. Bigger pharmacies are generally better. Clean, modern ones usually don’t stock gear. Close to the tourist areas is generally your best bet.

    What you can find at excellent prices:

    Dianabol : the famous pink pentagons: BD Anabols @ 5mg and other brands @ 5-10mg/tab
    Anadrol : BD Androlics @ 50mg & others
    Winny Tabs; mostly 5mg, various manufacturers
    Andriol (Testosterone Undecoanate @ 40mg/tab; questionable as to it’s effectiveness!)
    Anavar (Bonavar by Body Research @ 2.5mg/tab, a bit pricey)

    Test. Enathate (Testoviron by Schering 250mg/mL, Testopian by Pharma Hamein @ 250mg/mL)
    Test Cypionate (by Body Research, I forget the product name) @ 200mg/mL
    Test Propionate (Testolic by Body Research @ 100mg/2mL)
    Deca -Durabolin (Organon, mfr. In Pakistan) @100mg/mL
    Sustanon 250 (Organon, mfr. In Pakistan)

    Related Gear / Cycle Support
    Nolvadex (Zeneca, 20mg/tab)
    Clomid 50mg/tab
    Provironum (Proviron , just the local name for some reason, also by Schering)
    Clenbuterol (Various mfrs. @ 20mcg/tab)
    Tertroxin (T3 by Glaxo @ 20mcg/tab)

    Available, but no bargain:
    Zambon Winstrol Depot 50mg amps
    Primobolan (injectable and tablets)
    Ganabol (Boldenone /EQ 10mL @ 50mg/mL)
    Stanzolic (Stanzolol/Winny 20mL @ 50mg/mL)

    I saw HGH here just today for the first time, but I have no yardstick to compare the price to; I have never priced it elsewhere!

    As for gyms: Bangkok kind of sucks as far as gyms go. There are a couple of Bally’s type glitzy gyms where the well-to-do Thai’s go to look in the mirror as they do 100-rep sets of 1kg curls, or hog the bench for 30 minutes while they do sets of 65lb bench presses! Some of the big hotels have gyms, but they are so-so. All-in-all, I haven’t found one I really like yet! I am going to check out a couple tomorrow to see if I can find a good place to work out.

    Pattaya has a great gym: Universe Gym on Beach Road. Dennis James, Shane Stratton and Diane Jardim Stratton are partner in the gym and they work out there off-season. It’s an awesome gym and great to see some world class guys (and a gal) working out right next to you! I work out there every time I am down there for a vacation.

    If you guys ever plan on heading over here and need specific tips, PM me and I’ll be glad to answer your questions!

  4. #4
    iron4life79's Avatar
    iron4life79 is offline Retired Moderator
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    sounds awesome brother. hope you find a decent gym to go with all that gear........... tell me about the ladies, i want to hear more........

    peace bb79

  5. #5
    Sicilian30's Avatar
    Sicilian30 is offline Respected Member
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    There is no place like ho
    Think I wanna move to thailand..

  6. #6
    Nate_Dog's Avatar
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    Just 1 more question... Tell us how much 1000 Pink Thai Dbols go for.. in US$ please...

  7. #7
    Nate_Dog's Avatar
    Nate_Dog is offline Member
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    Universal Gym.. I just looked at it.. a life time membership... is 30,000.00
    Thailand Baht which = 695 USD

    Cheap gym... cheap gear,.. lots of rice... and cute women.. what more could you ask for???

    Ajax... you thai.. ?

  8. #8
    Ajax's Avatar
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    Sicillian: there are a lot of expats here! Mostly fat guys who drink & whore around, so a guy with a good body and is not a 'butterfly' (slang for somebody w/ lots of girlfriends), you really stand out! Just make sure that you have money before you move; jobs that pay well here are DAMN hard to find!

    The women. Ahhh, yes, the women! Lots of beautiful women here. Thailand's reputation for gorgeous women is not undeserved! Many guys come here to sample the sex industry (yes, you can rent hourly, daily, weekly) but don't let that color your perception of Thai women. Most Thai women are FAR more sexually conservative than their American/European counterparts. And good news for all the average looking guys out there: a Thai woman is far more interested in security, stability & 'a good heart' than looks. Given that an average Thai will make somewhere between $100 and $500 a month, any Westerner can provide far more security than any Thai man. So that leaves stability & 'a good heart.' Here's one place where nice guys can win!

    Any other questions?

  9. #9
    ibiza69's Avatar
    ibiza69 is offline Senior Member
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    so what do you do there? work etc. how do you make a living?

  10. #10
    Ajax's Avatar
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    I was lucky; I made a bunch of money a few years back; combination of a good job & luck in the stock market. I came here to start an Internet business and it went bust (like most did!), so now I am not doing much of anything & the money is dwindling.

    So unless something radical happens here soon, I will probably move somewhere where I can make some money again. Alas, it appears my days here might be numbered!

  11. #11
    iron4life79's Avatar
    iron4life79 is offline Retired Moderator
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    thanks for the info on the women .......its sounds totally awesome.
    i hope things pick up for you as well, so you can stay and enjoy the life you have there.

    peace bb79

  12. #12
    PaPaPumP's Avatar
    PaPaPumP is offline Retired Moderator
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    Definately thanks for the information Ajax. MUCH appreciated!

    <---- don't drink too many of those, or you will be one of those fat whores.

  13. #13
    Canes4Ever's Avatar
    Canes4Ever is offline Banned
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    Ajax your a really good guy and I hope the job situation finds you a job soon enough. Thanks for all your help on my gear thread.

  14. #14
    eradikate's Avatar
    eradikate is offline Senior Member
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    how are the girls there?

  15. #15
    Ajax's Avatar
    Ajax is offline Senior Member
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    Yeah, so you guys get the picture. It's a hell of a nice lifestyle over here with so much available and so cheap. You can live large on around $2000 a month: decent apartment, gym membership, good food, nice girlfriend (hey, its an expense!), juice, trips to the beach every other weekend and still have money left over.

    Lots of guys retire here. Not really surprising! Hell, some guys retire here in their 30's!

    So who's coming to visit?

  16. #16
    ironfist's Avatar
    ironfist is offline Elite Hall Of Fame ~ RIP ~
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    In a cage near you...
    Originally posted by Ajax

    So who's coming to visit?

    Sign me up, i could use a vacation...

  17. #17
    G-S Guest
    How did you settle on Thialand as a place to start a business? I take it you are an american... forgive my ignorance, but how does one move to another country and not suffer from "culture" shock?

    Alot of americans there?

  18. #18
    Nate_Dog's Avatar
    Nate_Dog is offline Member
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    Originally posted by Ajax

    So who's coming to visit?
    Sign me up also. I could do with the discount gear,.. and all that rice.

    I am doing it,.. I have my mind made up.

  19. #19
    the original jason is offline AR-Hall of Famer / Retired
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    Fuck I didnt see this post I could write forever lol being here a good while now myself Thailand is not all its made out to be.

    Ajax has some good insites but there is alot more to be revealed about Bangkok for a start its dickhead friendly that means they love dickheads cos they can take all ur money!, It is the most corrupt place i have ever lived in and you can pay your way out of almost anythign or everything even the police, goverment buildings(visas and stuff).

    It might seem cheap to live but you would have no problem if you found urself a nice thai girl going through a few hundred dollars per day. I would say no matter what you read and learn you need to live here at the least 2 years before you find out what its really about and what its really like. What you see on the surface is not everything.

    Learning about thai people so funny I have some extract about what to expect from a thai whore or ex whore or bar girl gogo girl whatever anyone inthat seen ill paste it in at the botton Ajax u will laugh bro some of u might not get it but its funny if u live here.

    I have seen so many guys westerners come here and say Oh I met this nice girl and and shes really not that bad and so on bottom line is they will stay till they are sure you have nothing left and then they will be gone.

    On the other hand straight thai girls are very reserved but dont expect to have a western relationship with one chances are if u find a really good one you wont be accepted by the family cos they are only mixed with thai or chinese if u manage to find a good one whos family does accept you expect to be put after whatever the family wants cos what u want doesnt matter if u dont like it tough find someone else thats who it works. Even then if u find someone who seems to be ok its hard work I have tried both sides of things and its hard work either way.

    Saying all that if u really learn about the place its great fun you just have to accept that you are gonna be charged double just cos u r white or untill u can speak good thai even then u still have to blag, its a strange lifestyle and not many people make it here not many at all many try and fail but its great really!


  20. #20
    the original jason is offline AR-Hall of Famer / Retired
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    When you first meet “papa” (literal translation: the swamp sucking scum who sent his daughter off to bonk fat farangs so he could stay home and drink mekhong all day) and “mama” (literal translation: holy f*ck this is what my girl will look like in 30 years time) it is important that you give them considerable respect. Small gifts such as fruit (wrapped in money), candy (wrapped in money) or flowers (wrapped in money) are appreciated, although “papa” (TSSS......) may greatly appreciate either a bottle (wrapped in money) or money (wrapped in money).

    As a “farang” (lit trans :”sucker”) “mama” (HFTIW......) and “papa” (TSSSW....) will be looking to see if you are “jai dee” (lit trans: “open wallet”) and good enough for their little “Lek”, “Noi” or “Pae” (lit trans: money bank). You maybe lucky enough to meet other members of the family such as “pii chai” (lit trans: thai husband she has not told you about) and her much younger “nong chai” and "nong sao” (lit trans : her kids that she has not told you about). Make good friends with these little bundles of joy, as you can be sure that you will hear about every adventure in their lives from sickness (lit trans : pay money) to education (lit trans : pay money) to their marriage (lit trans : pay money).

    When first entering the “hong” (lit trans : mud shack), remember to “Why?” both parents (for details see post on “temple etiquette”). If “mama” (HFTIW..) greets you with “Hi GI Numba 1” it is appropriate to give her a big wet kiss and a pinch on the bottom to remind her of her time in Bangkok. Keep your shoes on as bare feet are highly insulting to Thai’s as we all know!. If there is a chair present, or something else to sit on, make sure that you sit there, as you are not yet a member of the family, so joining them on the floor would be highly inappropriate.

    If you and your girl are thinking about getting married (lit trans : “nailing the farang”), discussion may turn to future matters and you may hear many quaint traditional thai phrases such as “Toyotapickuptruck”, “pigfarm” and “newhousewithfullairconditioningandinsidetoilet”. These phrases mean that parental approval is just around the corner! In addition you will also learn other phrases, Yes! the Thai’s do have words for “hundred thousand” and “million”

    You, of course will not be able to partake fully in this conversation, but if you wish to input something, remember that sudden hand movements are impolite in thai society. Other thai experts have recommended gently nudging “papa” (TSSSW...) with your foot to gain his attention. If you are approved, the family will greet you with cries of “Farang Jai dee” (lit trans : sucker with open wallet), or, if you are very lucky “farang Jai dee mak-mak” (lit trans : rich sucker with open wallet).

  21. #21
    Canes4Ever's Avatar
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    Originally posted by The Original Jason
    When you first meet “papa” (literal translation: the swamp sucking scum who sent his daughter off to bonk fat farangs so he could stay home and drink mekhong all day) and “mama” (literal translation: holy f*ck this is what my girl will look like in 30 years time) it is important that you give them considerable respect. Small gifts such as fruit (wrapped in money), candy (wrapped in money) or flowers (wrapped in money) are appreciated, although “papa” (TSSS......) may greatly appreciate either a bottle (wrapped in money) or money (wrapped in money).

    As a “farang” (lit trans :”sucker”) “mama” (HFTIW......) and “papa” (TSSSW....) will be looking to see if you are “jai dee” (lit trans: “open wallet”) and good enough for their little “Lek”, “Noi” or “Pae” (lit trans: money bank). You maybe lucky enough to meet other members of the family such as “pii chai” (lit trans: thai husband she has not told you about) and her much younger “nong chai” and "nong sao” (lit trans : her kids that she has not told you about). Make good friends with these little bundles of joy, as you can be sure that you will hear about every adventure in their lives from sickness (lit trans : pay money) to education (lit trans : pay money) to their marriage (lit trans : pay money).

    When first entering the “hong” (lit trans : mud shack), remember to “Why?” both parents (for details see post on “temple etiquette”). If “mama” (HFTIW..) greets you with “Hi GI Numba 1” it is appropriate to give her a big wet kiss and a pinch on the bottom to remind her of her time in Bangkok. Keep your shoes on as bare feet are highly insulting to Thai’s as we all know!. If there is a chair present, or something else to sit on, make sure that you sit there, as you are not yet a member of the family, so joining them on the floor would be highly inappropriate.

    If you and your girl are thinking about getting married (lit trans : “nailing the farang”), discussion may turn to future matters and you may hear many quaint traditional thai phrases such as “Toyotapickuptruck”, “pigfarm” and “newhousewithfullairconditioningandinsidetoilet”. These phrases mean that parental approval is just around the corner! In addition you will also learn other phrases, Yes! the Thai’s do have words for “hundred thousand” and “million”

    You, of course will not be able to partake fully in this conversation, but if you wish to input something, remember that sudden hand movements are impolite in thai society. Other thai experts have recommended gently nudging “papa” (TSSSW...) with your foot to gain his attention. If you are approved, the family will greet you with cries of “Farang Jai dee” (lit trans : sucker with open wallet), or, if you are very lucky “farang Jai dee mak-mak” (lit trans : rich sucker with open wallet).

    This is some seriously funny shit ! OJ that is amazing, had me laughing my ass off !

  22. #22
    Ajax's Avatar
    Ajax is offline Senior Member
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    Holy-shit TOJ, that's hilarious! I was rolling on the floor laughing at your assessment of Thailand & Thai relationships. People were looking in the door of my apartment to see what all the noise was about!

    The sad part is that it's so funny because a lot of it is true. There are a lot of down sides to Thailand as well. After you have lived here a while you get used to them--or learn how to avoid them.

    Yeah, white people (European descent) are often looked upon as ATMs. We have so much money compared to the average Thai and they figure that it's no big deal to help part us from some of that wealth!

    Luckily my girlfriend is an orphan and her adopted parents are fairly well-to-do, so I don't have the problems with them trying to siphon off money from my wallet; but I paid a heavy price in other relationships before I learned the ropes!

    Diesel: yeah, it's a long plane ride! You will probably have to transfer one or even two times, so that breaks up the flight and gives you time to stretch you legs. If you are lucky you can get a good six or eight hours of shut-eye over the pacific leg of the flight so you won't go out of your mind!

  23. #23
    the original jason is offline AR-Hall of Famer / Retired
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    only one plane ride most people dont want to leave lol, yeah that still makes me laugh that extract funny shit


  24. #24
    G Child's Avatar
    G Child is offline Anabolic Member
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    Some kind of padded room...wearing some kinda white jacket...can't!
    That was some funny sh*t TOJ! So TRU, so TRU!

  25. #25
    4inguy is offline New Member
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    hey ajax i got back from thai two months ago. it was lots of fun. got wasted and partied all kinds. you said you found HGH overthere. where? and for howmuch?

  26. #26
    Ajax's Avatar
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    HGH was not cheap. I hear Hong Kong is far better for HGH prices. There's a good thread on opn the topic if you do a search.

  27. #27
    instynct999 is offline Junior Member
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    i was thinking of moving there myself for like a year to detox from the world so to speak


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