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  1. #1
    Bossman's Avatar
    Bossman is offline Bossman - AR Monitor
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    are stomach problems common on AAS?

    I would think that orals would be more prone to causing stomach problems but what about injectables?

    I have ulcerative colitus and haven't had too much of a problem with most supplements. Im on week 5 of a test cyp/EQ cycle and Im just starting to have stomach problems(gas and diarrhea). Although, it could be from diet, stress or another unknown source. I have 1-2 flareups a year.

  2. #2
    powerliftmike's Avatar
    powerliftmike is offline ~Elite AR-Hall of Famer~
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    I have had GI problems before, but only with orals. Anavar and especically Andriol (test undecanote, which btw is worthless) gave me the most problems.

  3. #3
    Bossman's Avatar
    Bossman is offline Bossman - AR Monitor
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    Quote Originally Posted by powerliftmike
    I have had GI problems before, but only with orals. Anavar and especically Andriol (test undecanote, which btw is worthless) gave me the most problems.
    Damn, Im sorry to hear that. And I was planning on adding var to my cycle in a few weeks! Im going to have to rethink that.

    I ran Dbol for 1 week(quit do to early gyno signs) and then SD for then next 3 weeks at the start of my cycle. That may be why Im having some problems now. Superdrol did make me hit the toilet more often.

  4. #4
    Schwarz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cgb6810
    I would think that orals would be more prone to causing stomach problems but what about injectables?

    I have ulcerative colitus and haven't had too much of a problem with most supplements. Im on week 5 of a test cyp/EQ cycle and Im just starting to have stomach problems(gas and diarrhea). Although, it could be from diet, stress or another unknown source. I have 1-2 flareups a year.
    Easy bro. I can sympathise. I've had UC for 10 years. I haven't done any cycles (starting first one tommorrow) so can't comment on that. I have been able to control my UC though. I know there are certain foods that set it off (dairy products, spicy foods, carbonated drinks, coffee, tea etc). So it's worth taking the time to learn about what foods you can and can't eat. The BB lifestyle (ie no junk food, plenty of water, spreading out meals throughout the days) also seems to help. Also I take a solgar probiotic which had helped a lot.

    Hope things get better for you bro. Good luck and bump this thread.


  5. #5
    Bossman's Avatar
    Bossman is offline Bossman - AR Monitor
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    Quote Originally Posted by Schwarz
    Easy bro. I can sympathise. I've had UC for 10 years. I haven't done any cycles (starting first one tommorrow) so can't comment on that. I have been able to control my UC though. I know there are certain foods that set it off (dairy products, spicy foods, carbonated drinks, coffee, tea etc). So it's worth taking the time to learn about what foods you can and can't eat. The BB lifestyle (ie no junk food, plenty of water, spreading out meals throughout the days) also seems to help. Also I take a solgar probiotic which had helped a lot.

    Hope things get better for you bro. Good luck and bump this thread.

    Thanks for your response Schwarz. Yeah, I've been getting a little sloppy while on my current bulking cycle, eating everything in site. Once the UC is irritated it seems to take a while, and some Rowasa, to get things under control. I felt great on my 14 week contest prep diet. It consisted of all whole foods, no dairy or protein shakes. That should tell me something.

  6. #6
    needle's Avatar
    needle is offline Senior Member
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    Mostly with orals not so much with injects!

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