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  1. #1
    SensP is offline Associate Member
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    Winny at the end of a bulking cycle? Keeping blood pressure in check?

    Hey guys, I'm looking towards my next cycle here, which is going to be a bulker. I think this is the stack I'm going with:

    test e: 500-600 mg/wk for 14 weeks (first inject at 1000-1200 for frontload)
    deca : 300mg/wk for 12 weeks (Is this dosage ok, or should I up it?)
    d-bol: 30-40mg/ed for 4-5 weeks

    Now, obviously I'm going to be retaining a ton of water on this cycle. Two questions: ( 1)what can I do to keep my blood pressure at a safe level? I've heard hawthorne berry helps, but is there anything else? Nolva maybe? But if I take nolva won't I limiting my gains? Maybe just 10mg ed?

    (2) I know winny is normally used for cutting, but would it be effective to use at the end of this cycle to harden up my gains? And if so, how should I incorporate it into my cycle?

    Also, the gear will probably be all QV. I've heard they underdose their stuff. Should I up my dosages to offset this, or is what I've heard about their stuff being underdosed just a lot bs?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    hey bro nice cycle but go with this doses

    test 600mg after frontloading

    deca 400mg

    dbol 40mg

    2nd thing use nolva at 20mg no nolva wont limit any gains but it will take the water retention out most of it, about winny its very effective for me although i just used it for the last 3 or 4wks of my cycle never saw alot from it coz i ddnt run it that long but it helped me alot with my last 2 cycles to keep all of my gains my wieght loss was max 1 & half kg go with winnt the last 6wks of your cycle @ 50mg ed or 100eod bt ed os better but hey there is somthin important you should stop deca if you will go with winny because the combination of winny/deca @ the same cycle way too bad on your prolactin levels just givin you the heads up if you dont want to lactate btw use vit b6 @ 200mg ed to fight any elevated prolactin levels from deca.

    good luck,

    ][-][ ][-][ ][-][

  3. #3
    SensP is offline Associate Member
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    358 about this. I run the deca to 12 weeks, keep going with the test, wait a week, then throw in the winny. Would that be ok? Any other opinions on adding winny to the end of this cycle? Would it help to harden up my gains? And how exactly would I run it? In other words, when should I stop the deca and start the winny? I mean, if I go 12 weeks on deca, then switch to winny on week 13 and run that for 6 weeks, I'm looking at least an 18 week cycle, right?

    Might eq work just as well to harden up my gains? Or how about var?

    Btw, I got plenty of b6 on hand. Thanks for the heads up though, bro.

  4. #4
    SensP is offline Associate Member
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    Essentially, I'm looking for the ideal way to harden up the gains at the end of this highly androgenic cycle. I'd appreciate it a lot if some of the more advanced members on this board would help me out here.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    yes eq can harden you up but eq needs mini 12wk to see full results i got an idea why dont you drop the deca & make it test/eq/dbol /winny if you like it actually am not a big fan of deca too much water that you will lose most of it after cycle so wht do you think of droppin the deca & replacing it with eq??

  6. #6
    powerliftmike's Avatar
    powerliftmike is offline ~Elite AR-Hall of Famer~
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    Winstrol will hardened you up and add some strength, but I am never going to use it again for two reasons: When using orals it was really tough on my liver and I felt it (even worse than dbol for me), but most of all it almost meant the end of powerlifting for me cause it really messed up my joints. My knee is still not as good as it used to be, luckily my elbows are pretty much healed.

    So my advice is use depot and inject it (dont drink it, and too avoid the liver and GI problems I had). Make sure you use it in a stack cause it can really mess your joints up and the problems with joints go way up if used alone.

  7. #7
    SensP is offline Associate Member
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    Well I was hoping that with the winny at the end of the cycle I wouldn't lose too much of my deca gains.

    How does eq compare with deca in terms of lbm and strength gains?

  8. #8
    Darkness's Avatar
    Darkness is offline Member
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    Test e/EQ/Dbol is a pretty good cycle but as far as mixing winny there I dont know and would actually like to know about it.

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