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Thread: Emergency

  1. #1
    SpringsBridge7 Guest


    Last edited by SpringsBridge7; 02-24-2007 at 12:24 PM.

  2. #2
    Two4the$$ is offline Senior Member
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    Could be. What all are you taking?

  3. #3
    SpringsBridge7 Guest
    I know it shuts the body down worse then test but im taking only deca 300mg a week. Ive done it before and never had any libido issues and quick recovery post cycle so i said hey im trying to bulk what the ****. The er guy said yeah its serious because its a irregular heartbeat and they dont know what its caused by but i know its from the juice. I was just wondering since i know the cause if its not just from my body having a heart issue if its dangerous for me to continue or if juice causes iregular beats and its more of a common thing when on which ive heard.

  4. #4
    G-13's Avatar
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    Girlfriends cause irregular heartbeats thats for sure, the AAS may have sped up an already existing heart condition, but that is something i have heard from being on this board and dont know for sure, not even 1%sure it's true, just research it and see what you come up with.

    And some personal advice for whatever it's worth. Women suck,but we all need the companionship at some point so we have to deal with their bullshit. So whatever hell she's putting you through, just let it roll off you shoulder like your the Fonz. The Fonz didnt' put up with any shit from women because there was always one waiting, at least thats how he acted so they worshiped him. NOw im not saying buy a bike and grease your hair back, im just saying "be cool" "fuk It', act like you dont give a shit if an atomic bomb is going to be dropped on your house at 5:00 because your still going to watch the simpsons. Women want what they can't have, change the way act and behave around her and she will change i guarantee it. And if she doesn't then so what, live you life for you and LIVE it bro because the thing about life is this, nobody gets out alive.

  5. #5
    SpringsBridge7 Guest
    Yeah thanks for the girl advice bro. I have been fighting like CRAZY for the last month im sure that has something to do with the blood pressure. But no ive had tests done on the heart a few years ago and everythign checked out A ok.

  6. #6
    stupidhippo is offline Anabolic Member
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    How bad were the chest pains ? I also have similar pains but I have thought nothing of them.. And for me they were the worst during weeks 2-5..

  7. #7
    SpringsBridge7 Guest
    They are just minor spuratic small ach's feels like gas or i have to burp. Also I pop or crack my chest and it feels like i have to do that.

  8. #8
    stupidhippo is offline Anabolic Member
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    strange I had those but now on the 8th week they are completely gone... felt like once or twice in the gym that my heart was doing sumin weird...

  9. #9
    beuleux's Avatar
    beuleux is offline Banned
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    Deca will raise your bp its quite well known for that, I get nosebleeds and headaches all the time when on deca, I also get that palpatation thing you get and a wierd head rush that accompanies it but I kinda like it, personally I dont worry about it but then I dont get the chest pains you get. You should give this thread a read if you havnt already A buddy of mine got these piercing headaches from deca when doing anything energetic including traing and shagging it got so bad he had to stop the course after 5 weeks.

  10. #10
    SpringsBridge7 Guest
    Thanks for all the help guy's, but do steroids cause abnormal heartbeats or EKG'S and it is somewhat common, or should i get off? Also yeah ive been getting the headach's also im not really worried about the Bp just find the abnormal EKG troubling. Also if I told them i was on Juice would they have said to get off it can kill me or would it just have explained the abnormality? Like i said two years ago it was abnormal also and they said it was fine no underlying heart condition, its just these ach's got me bugged out.
    Last edited by SpringsBridge7; 09-08-2005 at 05:53 AM.

  11. #11
    dirtyvegas's Avatar
    dirtyvegas is offline Senior Member
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    how do you know its from the juice? you said you had a similar issue 2 years prior and they did test and you were fine. maybee its the same issue, but maybee not. Listen to your body and do what you think is best.

    tell them about your prior abnormal EKG 2 years ago including all the test they did and the final evaluation, they can bring up your medical chart for a better decision.


  12. #12
    beuleux's Avatar
    beuleux is offline Banned
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    One other really should tell your doc about the roids hes not gonna shoot you, he needs to know or he cant make a proper diagnosis. If your car broke down because of something you did youd tell the mechanic so he could fix it right.

  13. #13
    powerliftmike's Avatar
    powerliftmike is offline ~Elite AR-Hall of Famer~
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    Your blood pressure will be high if you are retaining alot of water, common with deca . Irregular heart beats? I don't think AASs can cause this, however AASs increasing blood pressure could aggravate the condition. Be sure to stay away from many of the 'fat cutting' medicines like Clen if you have heart problems.

  14. #14
    SpringsBridge7 Guest
    Ok i went to the doctor today and he gave me a ekg and it came out abnormal he read it and said that its a partial blockage of one of the elecrtrical receptors in my heart valve not any vlave blockage physically like cholesterol just the sensory blockage and it doesnt effect anything and the chest pain is from lifting. He said its not a heart condition, not a murmor or anything serious in fact i was like can i go run a mile right now and hes like feel free to do so, he said lots of people have it i have one partial blockage he said if i have 4 full blockages then i would need a pace maker but one partial lots of people have them. So i guess great news. Thanks for all the feedback guys i really apreciate it, i was FREAKED OUT. Thanks agian.

  15. #15
    Jsik98's Avatar
    Jsik98 is offline Member
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    What is a sensory valve, and how does it get blocked? I find this interesting, would you mind explaining?

  16. #16
    SpringsBridge7 Guest
    No its not a valve its a nerve or i guess a sensor somewhere in my heart chamber itself, the sensor is partially blocked or the sensor only recieve's partial messages to beat. This is not serious because their are thousands of sensors in the heart. The reason it showed on the ekg is because my beat is fractions of a second off. I thought it still could be some what serious or have future problems but the doctor sort of laughed and was more concerned with my cartilidge inflamation from chest workouts. He said lots of people have this sensory blockage somewhere in the heart and it's common. No murmor or heart condition.

  17. #17
    dirtyvegas's Avatar
    dirtyvegas is offline Senior Member
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    Thankgod i have no problem in this department..
    Its good that your ok..!!

    take care hommie and goodluck


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