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Thread: questions

  1. #1
    pv66 is offline Junior Member
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    Just started taking a stack yesterday with deca -durabolin and winstrol . It is my first cycle of my life. I had a few questions in regards to this. Right now I am taking 1 unit every 6 days of deca, and a 1/2 unit every other day of winstrol. Is this the right way to be doing it? I was planning on doing this for 8 weeks, and then taking nolvadex after the first 8 weeks. I was only planning on doing this cycle, and then possibly one more, but that is unlikely.

    I was wondering what these units break down to? How many ml's in a unit? Also should I expect side affects such as hair loss from just one cycle? Also, there is a history of heart problems in my family, but I was thinking one cycle wouldn't do any significant damage. Is this a correct assumption?

  2. #2
    GREENMACHINE is offline Are you green enough?
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    Never heard of deca or winny sold in unit or any steroid for that matter.

  3. #3
    pv66 is offline Junior Member
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    I was thinking the unit in the syringe, what do those equate to?

  4. #4
    SwoleCat is offline AR Hall of Fame
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    Deca and Winny.......what an oxymoron that is.


  5. #5
    pv66 is offline Junior Member
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    what do you mean?

  6. #6
    keltiktiger is offline Junior Member
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    I think you need to do a lot more research especially on dosages and what cc, ml, mg all mean.

  7. #7
    pv66 is offline Junior Member
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    I've researched in the anab review 2005, I'm just trying to get an answer as to what the numbers on the syringe correspond to?

  8. #8
    jaydub's Avatar
    jaydub is offline Senior Member
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    wait.. where am I?..
    do you mean cc's? then numners on the syringe mean the number of cc's.

  9. #9
    pv66 is offline Junior Member
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    So one cc is 100 milligrams? And can I get clarification on why deca and winny are oxymorons?

  10. #10
    ccriderss is offline New Member
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    every company doses their AAS diffrent... it should say on the bottle how many MG are in a CC. the number on a syringe CC's. deca usually comes anywhere from 100 to 300 mg a CC. Also a ML (millilitre) and a CC (cubic Centimeter) are the same when it comes to liquid. so depending on how it is dosed and how much u want to take will tell you how much to inject.... and the reason they are oxymorons is because DECA is a bulker and will probably make u hold water (which is good for recovery) and winny is a cutter and will get rid of the water.... so you are basically telling your body to get big and then lose it all at the same time..... throw in some test cypionate with the deca and cut the winny... maybe like 500mg test cyp a week with 400mg deca for 12 weeks...u can use 1 tab of nolva a day and then do some "post-cycle therapy" which includes clomid and sometimes HCG

  11. #11
    ccriderss is offline New Member
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    by the way... if the syringe says "units" on it and it is very thin with about 1/2 needle and it goes from 0 to 100 "units...then you are probably using a insulin needle... which is all bad... syringes can come anywhere from 1CC(which is what 100 "units" are on the insulin needle) to 5 cc's... most people use a 3cc syrings.... mine are 3 cc and they have a line for every 1/10 of a cc and are marked .5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 make sure the syringe has atleast a one inch needle on it.... 1.5 inches would be better and shoot them in the glutes....alternatin each time.... i would also go to the "steroid .com: home page and read up on injection techniques and anything else because u seem not to know what u are doing and that can be very dangerous....

  12. #12
    Liftnainez's Avatar
    Liftnainez is offline Banned
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    any test incorporated with that cycle?
    I guess keep us updated on how it goes.. good luck

  13. #13
    SwoleCat is offline AR Hall of Fame
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    Waaaaaaaaaaaaay more research is needed.

    You don't want to go f*cking yourself up or wasting money or both!


  14. #14
    GREENMACHINE is offline Are you green enough?
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    Quote Originally Posted by SwoleCat
    Waaaaaaaaaaaaay more research is needed.

    You don't want to go f*cking yourself up or wasting money or both!


  15. #15
    inevitable's Avatar
    inevitable is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by SwoleCat
    Deca and Winny.......what an oxymoron that is.

    thast just thinking the same thing.

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