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  1. #1
    joeybenz's Avatar
    joeybenz is offline Associate Member
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    Planning next cycle (bulking)Help!!!

    Whats up guys I'm going to start my next cycle which I want to be a bulking cycle and I just want you guys to help me out.

    This will be my fourth cycle

    1st cycle was-Deca 400mg wk, Test Cyp 400mg without proper pct(I know stupid!) gained about 30lbs keeped about 20 ran it for 12 weeks

    2nd cycle was-EQ 400mg wk, Test E 500mg wk, with nolvadex and proper pct thanks to learning from this site. I think the stuff was fake really didn't see much gain maybe like 5-10lbs ran that for 15wks

    3rd cycle was-Deca 400mg wk, Prop 75mg ed(jumped started cycle with it and ended cycle with it too, took a break between), Test E 500mg wk with nolvedex, b6 and clomid for pct. Gained about 15 lbs keeped most of the weight. Ran this cycle for 16weeks

    I also followed the rule time on equals time off

    I want to start my cycle in Oct sometime and I just want to get some ideas on what I should try next I was thinking about some tren and winstrol . Maybe you guys can give me some insight on a good cycle that worked for you's

    My stats are I'm 5'9 180lbs want to try to get to 200 Don't know my bf

    Thank you

  2. #2
    joeybenz's Avatar
    joeybenz is offline Associate Member
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    Just Did some research on a cycle oh about this:

    Test Prop
    Tren A

    How should I break this down in weeks

  3. #3
    wink182's Avatar
    wink182 is offline Associate Member
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    I will bump for you bro, I will just add to EAT like you life depends on it. Eat until you can barely keep it down! the whole cycle, and make sure you get your 200 grams of protein. good luck!

  4. #4
    wolfyEVH's Avatar
    wolfyEVH is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by joeybenz
    Whats up guys I'm going to start my next cycle which I want to be a bulking cycle and I just want you guys to help me out.

    This will be my fourth cycle

    1st cycle was-Deca 400mg wk, Test Cyp 400mg without proper pct(I know stupid!) gained about 30lbs keeped about 20 ran it for 12 weeks

    2nd cycle was-EQ 400mg wk, Test E 500mg wk, with nolvadex and proper pct thanks to learning from this site. I think the stuff was fake really didn't see much gain maybe like 5-10lbs ran that for 15wks

    3rd cycle was-Deca 400mg wk, Prop 75mg ed(jumped started cycle with it and ended cycle with it too, took a break between), Test E 500mg wk with nolvedex, b6 and clomid for pct. Gained about 15 lbs keeped most of the weight. Ran this cycle for 16weeks

    I also followed the rule time on equals time off

    I want to start my cycle in Oct sometime and I just want to get some ideas on what I should try next I was thinking about some tren and winstrol . Maybe you guys can give me some insight on a good cycle that worked for you's

    My stats are I'm 5'9 180lbs want to try to get to 200 Don't know my bf

    Thank you
    after 3 cycles you're only 180lbs??? how much did you weigh before your first cycle?

  5. #5
    joeybenz's Avatar
    joeybenz is offline Associate Member
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    about 140 it was horrible

  6. #6
    joeybenz's Avatar
    joeybenz is offline Associate Member
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  7. #7
    TheMudMan's Avatar
    TheMudMan is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    If you're looking to builk then why the prop and winny?

    D-bol, Enan, and tren E

  8. #8
    joeybenz's Avatar
    joeybenz is offline Associate Member
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    What types of results will I see from Tren A/Test Prop/EQ

  9. #9
    TheMudMan's Avatar
    TheMudMan is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by joeybenz
    What types of results will I see from Tren A/Test Prop/EQ
    A lot will depend on diet but you would see leaner gains........ If you added Enan or Cyp you would see more gains.

  10. #10
    joeybenz's Avatar
    joeybenz is offline Associate Member
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    Is this better Tren A/Cyp/EQ

  11. #11
    TCEL300 is offline Member
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    tren A for most is run with helps for a lean bulk...ifyou want straight Mass...decca dbol test will blow the fuk all depends on ur diet

  12. #12
    joeybenz's Avatar
    joeybenz is offline Associate Member
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    How's this look

    EQ 600mg wk (monday and thurday)
    Test E 700mg wk (monday and thursday)

    How long should I run this cycle and should I end the cycle off with prop did that with my last cycle and I didn't mind it this time I will use 100mg for the last 4 weeks

    How should I set this up also do you guys think that these doses are too high??? The reason why I put them so high is because for the past 3 cycles I've kept the same amount and I don't know if I will see effects if i don't up the dose

  13. #13
    joeybenz's Avatar
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  14. #14
    jrock38 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by joeybenz
    How's this look

    EQ 600mg wk (monday and thurday)
    Test E 700mg wk (monday and thursday)

    How long should I run this cycle and should I end the cycle off with prop did that with my last cycle and I didn't mind it this time I will use 100mg for the last 4 weeks

    How should I set this up also do you guys think that these doses are too high??? The reason why I put them so high is because for the past 3 cycles I've kept the same amount and I don't know if I will see effects if i don't up the dose

    I just ran
    1-12 EQ 500mg week
    1-13 Test E 750mg week
    3-8 Tren 75mg ED
    also ran IGF-1 LR3 5-8
    I was up 20lbs on this but once I stopped the Tren due to some Kidney pain I lost 5lbs..
    Over all I like this cycle but plan on running
    1-6 Tren 50mg ED
    1-6 Test Prop 50mg ED
    1-6 Test suspension 50mg ED
    for next cycle

  15. #15
    joeybenz's Avatar
    joeybenz is offline Associate Member
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    Does it matter if you do the same doses each time you do a cycle? Thats why I upped the dosage

  16. #16
    Booz's Avatar
    Booz is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer
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    E London,no SOURCES given
    750mg test e weeks 1-14
    600mg eq weeks 1-13
    3-400mg tren e weeks 1-12(if you can handle the shat!)

  17. #17
    joeybenz's Avatar
    joeybenz is offline Associate Member
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    yeah I think I'm going to drop the tren alot of people seem to not being able to handle it

  18. #18
    joeybenz's Avatar
    joeybenz is offline Associate Member
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    now if I were to throw dbol in there how many weeks should I run it and at what mg I'm new to the pill think this will be the first for me

  19. #19
    jrock38 is offline Associate Member
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    Dbol 1-4 at 50mg split 4 times daily worked good for me...
    All my cycle will be with tren from here on out...that stuff is potent but awesome results...

  20. #20
    Drummerboy's Avatar
    Drummerboy is offline Anabolic Member
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    you dont need anything with tren /prop/ 100mg prop/75mg tren ED will produce hard gains. 10 pds lean in 10 weeks easily. You will probably need good pct including HCG , nolva and ldex. Your balls will likely shrink hardcore. This is the case with most tren users. If you want to hit 200, I would say you should stick with the bread and butter stack. Test Cyp (or enth), deca , and jumpstart with dbol . Take 300mg test, 200mg deca E3D for 12 full weeks. First 4 weeks, 30-40 dbol ED. I would take 40 if you can handle the pumps and cramps. I eat bananas and drink water and have no problems. I dont take any anti-e's while on this stack, as the estro causes no problems for me and estro helps you GROW. Eat like a mother. 300 good protien a day minimum. Tons of carbs, and some fat. (2:2:1) 4000-5000 calories a day. Train at least 5 days a week. You will gain. EQ is not the best bulker and is a testosterone derivative. Deca is nandrolone . A test and nandro work together well. For bigger bang, replace the Dbol with Anadrol , 50mg ED. Keep Nolva on hand in case nips get sore/itchy, and take only until symptoms gone. Im guessing that your diet and training could be fine tunes, cause you have already used to drugs... good luck!!

  21. #21
    joeybenz's Avatar
    joeybenz is offline Associate Member
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    the only anadrol i can get would be 75mg
    so your saying do:

    Wk 1-4 Anadrol
    Wk 1-12 Deca 200mg every 3 days
    Wk 1-12 Test E 300mg every 3 days
    No anti E unless I feel itchy or sore nipples nolva for that
    Do I still do clomid therapy? with the clomid therapy shouldn't I use the test e 1 week longer than deca because it says to start pct 28days after last shot and test e is 14 days after last shot i like the idea of shoting every 3 days never tried that alway on monday and thursday

  22. #22
    Drummerboy's Avatar
    Drummerboy is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by joeybenz
    the only anadrol i can get would be 75mg
    so your saying do:

    Wk 1-4 Anadrol
    Wk 1-12 Deca 200mg every 3 days
    Wk 1-12 Test E 300mg every 3 days
    No anti E unless I feel itchy or sore nipples nolva for that
    Do I still do clomid therapy? with the clomid therapy shouldn't I use the test e 1 week longer than deca because it says to start pct 28days after last shot and test e is 14 days after last shot i like the idea of shoting every 3 days never tried that alway on monday and thursday

    Yes, this is what im saying. Dont forget, you can take Dbol instead of anadrol... it is more tame and works well, anadrol is very harsh... try the dbol first... yes run the Test 1 week longer so the esters run out at the same time... forgot about that oops... The clomid thing... i only use HCG (2 weeks after last deca shot or one week after last test shot same thing, for 2 weeks 1000iu EOD) and nolva 20mg ED with the HCG, and continue nolva for about a month after at 20mg ED. I am out of the clomid school of thought now... i also add clen to PCT with Keto, but this is just a preference... You can add the clomid to the nolva once you have finished the HCG cycle, which will stop at the same time your longest ester has run out of your body (the deca ester is the 4 week one, but you already know that). good luck, its a great bulking cycle.
    Last edited by Drummerboy; 09-17-2005 at 04:10 PM.

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