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  1. #1
    klepp1214 is offline Junior Member
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    Just started my 1st cycle of Sust250, few questions

    I just started my 1st cycle 4 or so days ago, im doing 3/4cc of Sustanon250 EoD for 12 weeks. As per my other thread im very leery on needles atleast for now, and im trying to get comfortable with it. To do so i want to try to limit myself to what ive done thus far which is quad injections. Is it safe/ok to shoot Quads EoD going from side to side so hitting a leg once every 4 days?
    Second question, Ive heard of the "test flu" if im going to get it, how far in should i expect it? Whats the time frame of (if i dont have it by now) im in the clear from getting it?
    Third Question, i missed legs this week due to my first time shooting each and a pretty good amount of stiff/soreness... that meaning that when i train em next week, they'll probably get a bit sore. Is it ok/more painful to inject into a sore muscle or is it the same?
    Lastly, @ that dosage of sust, and that frequency of injection, when approx should i start to feel a difference?

    Thats all! Thanks again!

  2. #2
    klepp1214 is offline Junior Member
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  3. #3
    TheMudMan's Avatar
    TheMudMan is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    You should try to rotate the sites more. Try throwing in delts and tricepts. This way you will be hitting each site less then once a week. This will help keep scar tissue development low and the possibility of a infection from developing as well.

    You might not get the test flu. I never had. But if you do it will be pretty earl on in the cycle and should lat about a week. It;s your body trying to fight off the foriegn substaces you're injecting.

    As you keep injecting into those groups the sorness will become less.

    IMO for a first cycle you're running too much......... this will be around 750mg per week. But you should start feeling the effects of it in about 4 weeks give or take a week.

  4. #4
    Ejuicer's Avatar
    Ejuicer is offline Anabolic Member
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    Start using more injection sites, they just as easy if not easier. As far as your quads, you should have about 3 injection sites on each quad as well.

  5. #5
    dtr98's Avatar
    dtr98 is offline Member
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    hit quads, pecs, delts and tris. 500mg wk is enough for 1st cycle

  6. #6
    klepp1214 is offline Junior Member
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    so if i have 3 injection sites on each quad? does this mean going back n forth between each leg just hitting a diff area make it ok? or should i still rotate soemthing else in? thanks guys! appreciate it!

  7. #7
    TheMudMan's Avatar
    TheMudMan is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by klepp1214
    so if i have 3 injection sites on each quad? does this mean going back n forth between each leg just hitting a diff area make it ok? or should i still rotate soemthing else in? thanks guys! appreciate it!
    I would still rotate different sites........ you could develop sterile abscesses from the oil that will build up in the injection areas.

  8. #8
    G-13's Avatar
    G-13 is offline Member
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    Rotate your sites, train the shit out of your legs, not everyone gets the flu,you'll notice it in 4-5 weeks maybe a little sooner or later. There is no KICK IN, the weights just start to get lighter.

  9. #9
    klepp1214 is offline Junior Member
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    ok, due to a wedding tomorrow, i want to be able to sit so im going to hit my legs one more time, then ill try to work in buttcheeks i suppose! How are they pain wise vs quads? not soreness but injection wise? And im fairly nervous about hitting a vein or nerve, is your ass litered with them or? thanks again!

  10. #10
    ShnouzedUp's Avatar
    ShnouzedUp is offline Banned
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    Deep in some Guts!!! haha
    Glutes are way easier than quads..imo... i tried hittin a quad once, yea that didn't work to well for me.

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