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  1. #1
    Therocksbiggestfan is offline Associate Member
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    Question Superdrol and booz

    Hey, I started my cycle of Superdrol on Monday at 10mg, and I plan to go to 20mg, then 40mg, for 4week cycle, with rebound xt as my pct. My question is I was at a party and drank some beer tonite, I drank a lot of water and I have been on my milk thistle, but I was wondering What does drinking do when on superdrol and other gear...thanks

  2. #2
    Mealticket's Avatar
    Mealticket is offline Senior Member
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    do you think the Rock drinks on cycle?

  3. #3
    fballhoss51's Avatar
    fballhoss51 is offline Senior Member
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    there have been a lot of threads on this, it doesnt matter what steroid you take or prohormone you take, if you intake alcohol at anytime it raises estrogen levels or decreases testosterone levels and many more things, it isnt a good idea to drink but once or twice (3 beers) while one cycle isnt bad but it is best to stay away from alcohol

  4. #4
    Therocksbiggestfan is offline Associate Member
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    yeah i dont drink really at all 1 time maybe evry so often maybe 1-3months but i did last night, if i dont drink again this cycle, the effects wont be that bad right...and yes the rock does not drink...thanks

  5. #5
    Booz's Avatar
    Booz is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer
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    people do drink whilst on cycle but for me you are only hinderin gains if you drink while usin roids!plus you have the usual adverse affects on vital organs.

  6. #6
    eGGz's Avatar
    eGGz is offline Anabolic Member
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    The point of no return.
    If you drink on cycle then you are not very serious about getting in shape.

    On the other hand a superdrol/rebound xt cycle is not a serious cycle either.

    So ummm.... Party on !!

  7. #7
    Therocksbiggestfan is offline Associate Member
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    na i dont party though it was my friends bday that was the first time i drank since 4th of not a partier and I train hard, Im not going to drink like my college kids, Im too into working out to care...also I know that this cycle isnt serious but I dont want to get serious about cycles, untill im older, which I have come to learn is a good idea....but one day....

  8. #8
    mitch911 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by eGGz
    If you drink on cycle then you are not very serious about getting in shape.

    On the other hand a superdrol/rebound xt cycle is not a serious cycle either.

    So ummm.... Party on !!
    hahah i wouldnt party on too much superdrol is hell on the liver and same with booze so too negatives at the same time wont be helpin ur liver out in any way

  9. #9
    Ruger is offline New Member
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    Beer is sooo good though. I get home some nights, open the fridge, and there are the almost frosty bottles with bubbling ice cold refreshment that coarses so nicely through the veins. hehe.
    I still have standing questions... Alcohol is badto some extent... but I am unsure as to how far. The studies are completely thorough like anything else medical. I quit beer for two months thinking I was going to notice a difference and no change really. Now I take the attitude, if I want a few (or 10), have them and enjoy. For me, it is better to be happy and work out hard then miserable and work out hard just for a few pounds of difference in body weight.
    Now, this is taking into consideration quantity. I wouldn't drink heavy often while taking SD. Also, my perspective on drinking does not include shots of whisky, a little of this and that, and a day or more of recovery. Fxxk that.

  10. #10
    shortie's Avatar
    shortie is offline AR Biggerologist
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    Back in da box!
    Quote Originally Posted by Mealticket
    do you think the Rock drinks on cycle?

  11. #11
    shortie's Avatar
    shortie is offline AR Biggerologist
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    Back in da box!
    You mean you think the Rock has juiced?????????????

  12. #12
    Seattle Junk's Avatar
    Seattle Junk is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ruger
    Beer is sooo good though. I get home some nights, open the fridge, and there are the almost frosty bottles with bubbling ice cold refreshment that coarses so nicely through the veins. hehe.
    I still have standing questions... Alcohol is badto some extent... but I am unsure as to how far. The studies are completely thorough like anything else medical. I quit beer for two months thinking I was going to notice a difference and no change really. Now I take the attitude, if I want a few (or 10), have them and enjoy. For me, it is better to be happy and work out hard then miserable and work out hard just for a few pounds of difference in body weight.
    Now, this is taking into consideration quantity. I wouldn't drink heavy often while taking SD. Also, my perspective on drinking does not include shots of whisky, a little of this and that, and a day or more of recovery. Fxxk that.
    I love beer too but I've cut down on my consumption. 10 seems like quite a few in one night. 3-4 on a selective weekend should be fine but not on orals. I did drink while on tbol last month in Vegas and I know I shouldn't have did that. It's Vegas baby! I puked all over the place in the morning too.

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