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  1. #1
    HeLLBoy3045's Avatar
    HeLLBoy3045 is offline Junior Member
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    Apr 2005
    no mans land

    Anti-estrogens kill testerone?

    I was wondering when you take anti-estogens such as tomaxifin, proviron , ovnium, etc... does it reduce the amount of testerone in ur body that is being shot up from steroids or does it have no effect on ur testerone levels?

  2. #2
    Dalton5 is offline Associate Member
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    May 2005
    Budumpa bump

  3. #3
    Two4the$$ is offline Senior Member
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    Feb 2005
    Actually, just the opposite in the case of DHT drugs like proviron , masteron , and possibly winstrol , anavar oral turinabol ... these supposedly assist by reducing SHBG (sex hormone binding globulen) and keep your free testosterone higher.

    However, AI (aromatase inhibitors) such as Arimidex , Letro (possibly faslodex, although I don't know of anyone who has it, has tried it, or has studied this) and others may lower the efficacy of testosterone by itself as they will also reduce your estrogen levels, and highly estrogenic drugs (including testosterone) may have a "synergy" to cause more muscle gain, however, the exact amount that is beneficial is difficult to pin point. Too much estrogen and you'll be gaining fat, water, and risking feminization. So, it's tough to say, but obviously a SERM (which by definition is SELECTIVE) should still enable you to get some of the estrogen benefits while keeping the risks towards the low end.

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