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  1. #1
    BHarper is offline Junior Member
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    Unhappy Bro's, my 17 year old cousin is thinkin of using AAS or IGF. Give input on this!

    I have a younger cousin who is very active in High school sports. He has been on Varsity teams since he was a freshman. He naturally has good genetics. Unfortunately it seems like nothing is ever good enough these days for kids. I would have done almost anything to have the genetics/ability of my cousin, but for him this isn't enough.

    When I was visiting him, I used his computer to check my email and also checked the history of his IE log. I saw that he had been going to a few different boards. I asked him if he was doing steroids . He would have told me if he was, he is like a brother, we talk about everything. He said that he wasn't but was considering it. I was like Fuck, here we go....

    I ended up having a 2 hour conversation with him about it telling him about all the reasons to wait. His responses were that he had to do something to be competitive because his team mates were using juice. In high school I was in a similar situation. I never knew if team mates were on but had suspicions. He knows for a fact because he has been offered by team mates.

    All of us know (or should know) why you shouldn't use AAS before you are fully grown and have hit your genetic max. This is anywhere from 22-27 years old. I am TOTALLY against AAS in HS sports. I'm not one for telling on team mates but these kids could be doing serious damage to themselves. As for coaches that look the other way, I think they sh0uld lose thier jobs. Unfortunately, there is no easy way to handle this. Telling the coach, puts the coach, the user, the person telling, and the team in a very bad situation. What are your suggestion on this. I'm talking about kids who are looking at their pick of just about any school in the nation. So, there is a lot of pressure on them for preformance, and there is a lot of local/regional media coverage on them.

    (As I write this post, I'm watching the eagles game, so I apologize if it jumps around a littel)

    My cousin knows the reaons that he shouldn't use AAS but it doesn't seem to really effect him. He is already good size, 6'3" 220. He said he was looking into alternatives like Growth and IGF, and asked me what those would do to him. I said that he was best to stay away from all of it. i took him to a local supplement store and bought him 2 10lb tubs of protein. I told him to start eating more (clean) protein and then make a decision. I figures this would buy some time.

    Anyway guys, Please give me some input on this. I know there are a lot of Ex-high school athletes here and know how my cousin feels. What would have kept you from using AAS? I think letting his parents know is actually a decent option. Maybe the parent of the team mates using.?.

    -Supplements to take for size, strenght?
    (Protien, BCAA's, Creatine, NOx, what else?)
    -Effects of GH and IGF on younger athletes?

    Thanks for any help guys, I just don't want to seemy cousin hurt himself or his chances of a college scholarship if there is testing, as there are a fair amount of team mates "on".

    Thanks for your input and time.

  2. #2
    The Return Of Hoss is offline Anabolic Member
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    Maybe this thread will help me out too....i'm 18 and a senior in HS and i'm debating using to catch up in the game.

  3. #3
    powerliftmike's Avatar
    powerliftmike is offline ~Elite AR-Hall of Famer~
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    Well, it is ultimately a personal decision that requires maturity and knowledge. Being young you have a few things going against you in terms of considering AAS us: Not fully grown, endocrin sys not fully matured, high natural test levels, not enough experience in the gym, and with nutrition. All these things take years to happen. I will say that AASs are not by any means going to get you strong and bulky overnight, it just speeds up normal training progress. Think of them like pepper on a steak, just something extra, you MUST have the steak first tho. I dont how much that analogy makes sense to you guys as I made it up myself.

    If you guys have more specific questions just PM me as I will glad to help out.

  4. #4
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    What sport does he play in HS that he needs to be bigger than 6'3 220? Football? Besides it being bad for his growth and hpta development, don't they get tested for AAS?
    I think you know what you're talking about, so i would just try and talk to him about it more and what could happen if he takes them, also remind him that there's always the chance that he gets caught and kicked off the team or alot worse.
    Don't tell anyone, like the coach, though. I wouldn't trust anyone with the issue except you and your cousin.

  5. #5
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    dont know bro what to say if you told his parents they will be against himm 100% that he will do it behind there back & yours too because he considered you like a bro & then he wont trust you anymore & maybe he will hurt himself more but its a good thing that he been on some boards reading is better than doin roids without a clue i think the better thing you can do is try over & over to convince him not to use anything till r or 4 more years i know it sound like impossible but i researched AAS 4yrs before i started my first cycle i wasnt in a rush because i didnt want to hurt myself just try to reason with him.

    good luck,

    ][-][ ][-][ ][-][

  6. #6
    BHarper is offline Junior Member
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    Yeah, football. I think i'll just lay a big guilt trip on him and find some articles of users who f'd themselves up using early. It is just a shame that there is so much AAS usage at that level. He told me about a lineman that he played against that was 6'7" 420lbs during the season. I remember seeing something about this kid this summer at the Big 33 gams. he "cut down" for the game and was at 385. WTF?

  7. #7
    SprinterOne's Avatar
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    I may be in the minority on this one, but I feel the other side of the coin needs to be discussed. Anyways, take it how you will...

    Quote Originally Posted by BHarper
    Unfortunately it seems like nothing is ever good enough these days for kids.
    Welcome to the world of athletics. You think guys at the top make it to the top because at some point they decided it was good enough? It's never good enough, it never can be good enough. Good enough equals time to quit. This may be hard to understand if you don't have that type of personality, but the people who do have it understand exactly what I mean.

    Unless you have experienced this you can't even begin to pretend to understand. It really becomes a matter of life or death. Not reaching your goal would be no different then dying, because your whole reason for living was to reach this goal. Sound absurd? Perhaps, but it is true. Take for example the 72 Olympics in Munich. Terrorists broke into the Olympic village and took 8 athletes hostage. To cut the story way short, in the end all the terrorists and all the athletes died. Yet even after this all the Olympic events went on and all the athletes competed. The athletes were focused on a single goal and nothing, not even an event like the one described, could stop them. This is the mindset of the elite athlete.

    Now, in regards to your cousin, there are 2 questions that need to be asked. First, how important is it to him to reach his goals? If he didn't reach his goals, how would that impact him? This is something only he can answer and he has to look deep inside and draw out the real answer. Second, how realistic are his chances of reaching this goal if he doesn't use steroids or if he does use steroids . Only then can you begin to weigh the risk to reward ratio and make the right decision. And only your cousin, as much as it may pain you, can make that decision. It is his and his alone. If you really care about him you would force him to look inside and make the decision on his own. Ask him the right questions, educate him with an OPEN MIND, and allow him to come to the decision he must come to. If he does decide to use, I really hope you educate him on what to take so he does it as safely as possible.

    Quote Originally Posted by BHarper
    I think letting his parents know is actually a decent option. Maybe the parent of the team mates using.?
    Who are you, the steroid police? He has told you something that I am sure he trusted you to keep secret, and you want to run out and tell his parents? Then on top of it you want to tell on all his teammates, thus making him a snitch in his teammates eyes and doing more damage then steroids ever could (but hey, at least he would grow to his true size). Also, think about the damage it would do to your relationship, is it worth it? It's not like he is thinking of using crack or heroine.

    Quote Originally Posted by BHarper
    Thanks for any help guys, I just don't want to seemy cousin hurt himself or his chances of a college scholarship if there is testing, as there are a fair amount of team mates "on".
    If everyone is using his chances will be hurt just by not using.

    Anyways, that's all I got for you, good luck.

  8. #8
    Thegr8One's Avatar
    Thegr8One is offline Senior Member
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    bitchslap him and tell him NO

  9. #9
    powerliftmike's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Son Of Khadafi
    What sport does he play in HS that he needs to be bigger than 6'3 220? Football? Besides it being bad for his growth and hpta development, don't they get tested for AAS?
    I think you know what you're talking about, so i would just try and talk to him about it more and what could happen if he takes them, also remind him that there's always the chance that he gets caught and kicked off the team or alot worse.
    Don't tell anyone, like the coach, though. I wouldn't trust anyone with the issue except you and your cousin.
    Crap, why does he want AAS for stupid HS level competition and he is already 6'3" 220? I was thinking this kid was like a skinny 150 lb kid or something...

  10. #10
    TCEL300 is offline Member
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    17 is if he wants to play on college hes gonna have to learn to work at it without AAS....but i mean if he wants to take the chance..get tested...miss a year...hey go for it pal..its his life

  11. #11
    slitsoul13's Avatar
    slitsoul13 is offline Associate Member
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    that is a hard choice for any athlete to make, i think sprinterone said it perfectly... because once he starts, he prob. won't stop, at least for a long time..

  12. #12
    BHarper is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by SprinterOne
    I may be in the minority on this one, but I feel the other side of the coin needs to be discussed. Anyways, take it how you will...

    Welcome to the world of athletics. You think guys at the top make it to the top because at some point they decided it was good enough? It's never good enough, it never can be good enough. Good enough equals time to quit. This may be hard to understand if you don't have that type of personality, but the people who do have it understand exactly what I mean.

    Unless you have experienced this you can't even begin to pretend to understand. It really becomes a matter of life or death. Not reaching your goal would be no different then dying, because your whole reason for living was to reach this goal. Sound absurd? Perhaps, but it is true. Take for example the 72 Olympics in Munich. Terrorists broke into the Olympic village and took 8 athletes hostage. To cut the story way short, in the end all the terrorists and all the athletes died. Yet even after this all the Olympic events went on and all the athletes competed. The athletes were focused on a single goal and nothing, not even an event like the one described, could stop them. This is the mindset of the elite athlete.

    Now, in regards to your cousin, there are 2 questions that need to be asked. First, how important is it to him to reach his goals? If he didn't reach his goals, how would that impact him? This is something only he can answer and he has to look deep inside and draw out the real answer. Second, how realistic are his chances of reaching this goal if he doesn't use steroids or if he does use steroids . Only then can you begin to weigh the risk to reward ratio and make the right decision. And only your cousin, as much as it may pain you, can make that decision. It is his and his alone. If you really care about him you would force him to look inside and make the decision on his own. Ask him the right questions, educate him with an OPEN MIND, and allow him to come to the decision he must come to. If he does decide to use, I really hope you educate him on what to take so he does it as safely as possible.

    Who are you, the steroid police? He has told you something that I am sure he trusted you to keep secret, and you want to run out and tell his parents? Then on top of it you want to tell on all his teammates, thus making him a snitch in his teammates eyes and doing more damage then steroids ever could (but hey, at least he would grow to his true size). Also, think about the damage it would do to your relationship, is it worth it? It's not like he is thinking of using crack or heroine.

    If everyone is using his chances will be hurt just by not using.

    Anyways, that's all I got for you, good luck.
    Thank you for your post. This is the type of feedback I'm looking for. I know most of the pro's and con's of using AAS. I went to a HS that was ranked nationally every year and went to state Semi's every year, and a few state titles. Anyway I know the dilema that he is facing. I never used until I was 24 but I didn't persue college athletics seriously. I did track but that was just to stay in shape.

    As far as being the steroid police, I think my original post was a little vague on my intentions. I think that this is the last possible scenario that would come. I just think that somwthing should be done in HS sports to level the playing field. Not saying that I'm going to say anything but it is HS. I'm just going to give him advice and answer any questions about this that he has. My first concern is HIS Health and saftey.

    BTW, does anyone know what if there is testing for roids in HS sports? Does it vary from State to state? I know I had to take a piss test before camp started in the summer, but I think that was for rec drugs. It was just a litmus test.

  13. #13
    powerliftmike's Avatar
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    I think you should be concerned about your health first. Just because something is AAS tested doesn't mean the athletes are AAS free. Drug testing is mostly a public relations positive anyway.

  14. #14
    magicstick2003's Avatar
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    i noticed you taked about the effects of growth. Especially at his age it would be a complete mistake to use something like that unless he doesn;t mind the whole cave man look. growth can cause his bones to get larger which can be predomenantly seen in his face. Look at the pros even, i remeber seein a picture of ronnie coleman in his early days and then compared to now. His whole head has actually gotten bigger.. not something i would be preticularly interested in having the rest of my life.
    If he were to go the whole AS route iam pretty certain he will never want to go natural again. he may almost become addicted to it cause he iwll constantly think he needs it in order to be a good player (which in some sense might be true). I played highschool ball too awhile back and i know we all thoguht bout juicing at time but most of us had a brain and stered clear of that shit mainly because we were smart enough to recognize that it could seriously effect us later down the road in life.
    if you really want something that could scare him just tell him there is a chance he could permenantly be messed up and might not be able to have kids later on down the road in life. I know if i heard something like that i would probably freak out. Ultimately your best bet is to just inform him cause if he wants to do it he will end up doing it in the end.... if he respects you so much then just tell him straight up you will lose repect for him for making such a poor decision in his life. I'm also a little confused if he's already in football in most areas the season is about half way over, so anything he started now would be too late anyway.

    best advice though would be too get him on a site like this one which actually educates it's memebers rather then some of the other shady ones out there that could give two shits and dish out advice to anyone. At least her there is some integrity amongst it's memebers.

  15. #15
    BHarper is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by magicstick2003
    I'm also a little confused if he's already in football in most areas the season is about half way over, so anything he started now would be too late anyway.

    State finals are in Mid December

  16. #16
    magicstick2003's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BHarper
    State finals are in Mid December
    a i gotcha here they are mid november so i was kinda confused. I dont know bout you're area but i know where im at they actually can test the teams at any time, i know of two teams that have dominated the finals and got tested just about every year around finals.....

  17. #17
    juicyup34 is offline Banned
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    i think its bad no matter how you look at it.

  18. #18
    Testostack's Avatar
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    Why don't ya use an old recipe: Train hard, eat like a horse, rest and start over. Then take off your shirt in six months and then you'll see magic!! I consider taking AAS, i'm 22 years old, training for 2 hard years, and i know i should think about it, so drop it!
    You're def. too young, don't mess up w/ your hormones. Can be very boring for later....

  19. #19
    Unoid is offline Member
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    he needs to train different /better , tactics and his mental ability can overcome physical differences.

  20. #20
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    Eh Unoid!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Unoid
    he needs to train different /better , tactics and his mental ability can overcome physical differences.
    in a former post, You were talking about injectable Dbol , right, is that stuff real???

  21. #21
    magic32's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Testostack
    Why don't ya use an old recipe: Train hard, eat like a horse, rest and start over. Then take off your shirt in six months and then you'll see magic!! I consider taking AAS, i'm 22 years old, training for 2 hard years, and i know i should think about it, so drop it!
    You're def. too young, don't mess up w/ your hormones. Can be very boring for later....
    I concur, but some kids aside from being lazy, have misinterpretations of steroid usage. Most notably, "I can take them then perform and look great." Whether he's looking to work hard, or just for a magic remedy, he needs to wait. Get him some literature on all the physiological negatives associated with teen to 21yr. old usage...


  22. #22
    shortie's Avatar
    shortie is offline AR Biggerologist
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    Back in da box!
    Thank god congress had the forsight to pass the anaboic steroid control act in 1990, due to their intelligence and forward thinking steroid use in high school athlete has tripled. I think we should all thank them for their brilliance.

  23. #23
    Testostack's Avatar
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    Here is the real problem

    Quote Originally Posted by magic32
    I concur, but some kids aside from being lazy, have misinterpretations of steroid usage. Most notably, "I can take them then perform and look great." Whether he's looking to work hard, or just for a magic remedy, he needs to wait. Get him some literature on all the physiological negatives associated with teen to 21yr. old usage...

    I think AAS should be def be used when you reach your max, during a certain period longer than normal and a plateu can there be boring. So that's were you got two options: one you change your diet and training just to see how your body react, and grow bigger w/ better quality (what i did )or, second option, you feel lazy and go on roids, but anyhow, never use it before 25 and at least 4 years of serious lifting!!!

  24. #24
    legobricks's Avatar
    legobricks is offline Retired AR Monitor
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    thats stupid IMO. i was thinking about it at that age, but garrenteed he has not his his natural peak in wieght and strength. also, at that age, he's got more testosterone running through him that somebody like 25 on AAS. AAS will do little for him and just screw up his life. also his growth plates and such are not done growing yet, so the AAS will fuze them together and he will not grow ANY taller. he is really hurting his body if he starts them now. tell him creatine, weight gainer, and FOOOOOOODDDD!!!! If he likes that hell thank you later, trust me. its not worth it at that age. i just hope he listens to you!

  25. #25
    MASTERDBOL's Avatar
    MASTERDBOL is offline Senior Member
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    i did it at that age, and i saw major side effects. i.e bloody noses for no reason just sitting in class, agression, a bleeding ulcer at 18, etc. if i had it to do over again, i would NOT have done it. i was doing it straight with no cycling. being a total idiot. i learned the hard way. i believe now that i could have accomplished the same results without the nonsense. i dieted very well, i worked out properly, and rested properly. nobody else had all the other things going for them. i had friends that did steroids with me, but didnt do anything else right. and most kids dont do the other things right. so just by eating accordingly, and working out like no others, you WILL surpass them naturally.

  26. #26
    ODC0717 is offline Anabolic Member
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    at that age, regarless of the outcome he is still going to do harm to himself. this is my issue with it, this is the type of shit that gives AAS a bad name. If something were to go wrong, like injecting into a vein, the media would go ape shit over it. anyone who condone's a 17 year old using AAS has issues. at least wait until you're 18, or OUT OF HIGH SCHOOL.

  27. #27
    mranak is offline Associate Member
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    Maybe we need steroid testing for high school athletes. It sucks, but that might be the only way to level the playing field. To have to use AAS in high school, WHICH IS STUPID AND UNHEALTHY FOR A KID IN HS, just to play even the odds against others, well, that's just wrong. Shit like this gives AAS a bad rap as well.

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