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Thread: Next Cycle??

  1. #1
    dtr98's Avatar
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    Next Cycle??

    1-14 500mg sust wk eod
    1-14 400mg deca split 2x wk
    6-10 50mg dbol ed

    then test e and eq

  2. #2
    Ejuicer's Avatar
    Ejuicer is offline Anabolic Member
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    So what exactly are you asking?

  3. #3
    dtr98's Avatar
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    nothing, just posting the start of a long cycle

  4. #4
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    id front load the dbol for the first 6 weeks, and drop the deca a week before the sus

  5. #5
    dtr98's Avatar
    dtr98 is offline Member
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    sorry, should of posted whole cycle.

    forgot doing prop 50mg ed for 3wks to jump start, eod for more stable blood levels and to get most out of short ester prop. only doing 500mgs of sust cuz going right into test e 600mg and eq 500mg.

    dbol is for when the sust and deca kick in, will get better results, will go right into a test e and eq cycle.

    will add some naposim to test e and eq cycle, and then going with prop 100mg ed and tren a 75mg ed adding winny at 50-60mg ed last 5-6 wks. going to be a long cycle. doing the b6, nolva 10 mg ed and letro 1.25 mg eod. will add t-3 to prop/tren a also. hcg 100ius 2x wk at wk 5 for rest of cycle.

  6. #6
    G-1000's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dtr98
    nothing, just posting the start of a long cycle

    cycle looks good. but it is not a long cycle at all.

  7. #7
    dtr98's Avatar
    dtr98 is offline Member
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    how long are your cycles?

    here's the cycle planned
    1-14 sust 500mg eod
    1-14 deca 400mg split 2x wk
    6-10 dbol 50mg ed

    13-29 test e 600-700mg
    13-29 eq 500-600mg
    18-23 naps 50-60mg ed

    29-41 prop 700mg wk ed shots @ 100mg maybe bump to 125
    29-40 tren a 525mg wk ed shots @ 75mg maybe bump to 100
    36-41 winny 50-60 mg ed

    4-41 hcg 1000ius wk split 2x wk
    1-41 nolva 10mg ed
    1-41 letro 1.25 mg eod

    b5, b6, t-3, liver and kidney stuff etc...

    then pct

    lmk if i missed anything
    thanks again

    Quote Originally Posted by gsxxr
    cycle looks good. but it is not a long cycle at all.

  8. #8
    dtr98's Avatar
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    went to doc today for blood results,
    triglycerides and cholesterol were alittle high about 180 and hdl was low at 28 wants me to try niaspan ( niacin ). liver, kidney, etc all good on sust, deca and dbol .

  9. #9
    dtr98's Avatar
    dtr98 is offline Member
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    up 9 lbs so far

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