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  1. #41
    Two4the$$ is offline Senior Member
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    Well, there are two things that lag ... your daily dosage, and your body's time to start responding to the mechanisms (some are slower than others) of each respective compound. I personally will target getting my daily [active mg] value to the exact number I choose relative to the risks and ancillaries I intend to include during my analysis phase.

    Do both, do neither, test it all, logically for me it's sound, and to be done. If the sides are worse (TheMudMan) then maybe you shouldn't - but I'm still waiting to hear the details of that circumstance. I still can't see a defensible reason NOT to do it... and I see Hookers contention, which is that orals work really fast, but not everyone wants to do DBol or A50 ...

  2. #42
    needle's Avatar
    needle is offline Senior Member
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    I frontload either prop or dbol ! I think it does work!

  3. #43
    topvega's Avatar
    topvega is offline Anabolic Member
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    Back from the dead.....
    i kickstarted last time... maybe i will give frontloading a shot next cycle... or maybe i will do both....

  4. #44
    Two4the$$ is offline Senior Member
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    I'm planning on doing both... I'll be posting my next cycle later on tonight -

  5. #45
    Pinnacle's Avatar
    Pinnacle is offline AR-Hall of Famer ~ Cocky motherF*cker!
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    Yes,those are my legs
    The only way to truly know if this will/does work,is to have blood taken on a weekly basis for the first 5 weeks of the cycle.PPl tend to over exaggerate on these boards.So when you get a believer,they rave that the test kicked in at week 2.Show me bloodwork and then I'd believe that person.Other than that,it's strictly a theory.


  6. #46
    Snoop is offline Associate Member
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    I like to kick start my cycles using Suspension for the first 30days while waitng on the other stuff to work. The downside is that I feel like a pin cusion.

  7. #47
    Two4the$$ is offline Senior Member
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    Well, pinnacle... do you think the higher dosages just don't get released? Or follow a different rule than the normal dosage does?

    Support that... theres evidence that says otherwise.,

  8. #48
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pinnacle
    The only way to truly know if this will/does work,is to have blood taken on a weekly basis for the first 5 weeks of the cycle.PPl tend to over exaggerate on these boards.So when you get a believer,they rave that the test kicked in at week 2.Show me bloodwork and then I'd believe that person.Other than that,it's strictly a theory.

    I disagree...there's no reason to believe that the pharmacokinetics are altered at all when we frontload. Until bloodwork shows otherwise, we ought to adhere to the accepted norms for pharmacokinetics of injectable AAS...not the other way around.

  9. #49
    Pinnacle's Avatar
    Pinnacle is offline AR-Hall of Famer ~ Cocky motherF*cker!
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    Yes,those are my legs
    Quote Originally Posted by hooker
    I disagree...there's no reason to believe that the pharmacokinetics are altered at all when we frontload. Until bloodwork shows otherwise, we ought to adhere to the accepted norms for pharmacokinetics of injectable AAS...not the other way around.
    I'd estimate that 75% of ppl would say frontloading is ineffective.Out of those 75 percentile,say 50% actually tried it and it failed to yeild the promised "Paper" results.Explain to me how this "Paper" theory is effective then?Does this occur on a random basis? Einstein has some great theories on paper as well.But they are just theories til proven factual.This is the case here. I'd just like to see some hard evidence that it truly works.Just seems to me that if this actually worked,it would have become standard protocol for running anabolics quite some time ago.Case is,hardly anyone does this,and less have seen actual results from this.
    I'll put it this way.When ppl go on antidepresants,it normally takes 30 days for the drug to take effect.Now would frontloading and anti make the drug more effective in a shorter time frame?If so,why wouldn't doctors recommend frontloading a drug to get the effects quicker for a patient?


  10. #50
    MMA's Avatar
    MMA is offline VET
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    i'm glad someone addressed this, i've been meaning to write a piece on this for a while. yes, on paper, it makes perfect sense. however, our bodies aren't paper and have numerous feedback mechanisms to get you back to "normal". for example, we have a chemical in our body that binds the vast majority of our test, so it's completely neutralized. how many people test for free vs bound test during a cycle? you could be running much higher gear on paper, and still be getting the same effect if enough of it is bound.

    and this is just one of the bodies many feedback mechanisms. i can tell you one thing from experience - 40 mg of dbol feels completely different at the end of a cycle than at the beginning.

  11. #51
    shortie's Avatar
    shortie is offline AR Biggerologist
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    Back in da box!
    Truman, bring back the fat girl or pull your pants up man! j/k

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