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Thread: Test E cycle

  1. #1
    zircon is offline Junior Member
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    Test E cycle

    Week 1-2 750mg T enan, 100mg prop eod
    Week 3-8 500mg T enan
    Week 9-10 125mg prop eod

    PCT 20/50 nolva/clomid 4 weeks.

    Taking 20mg Accutane right now for a week will drop to 10mg, and see how it goes.

    Ok so far?

    Question re HCG . I probably will get 5000iu HCG in case my nuts shrink. Will measure my nuts before cycle (should be fun), then report back. Around Week 8 decide whether or not to use HCG 500 iu eod until 4-5 days before end of cycle - based on nut size.

    Does all this sound good?

  2. #2
    thejuiceisloose's Avatar
    thejuiceisloose is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by zircon
    Week 1-2 750mg T enan, 100mg prop eod
    Week 3-8 500mg T enan
    Week 9-10 125mg prop eod

    PCT 20/50 nolva/clomid 4 weeks.

    Taking 20mg Accutane right now for a week will drop to 10mg, and see how it goes.

    Ok so far?

    Question re HCG . I probably will get 5000iu HCG in case my nuts shrink. Will measure my nuts before cycle (should be fun), then report back. Around Week 8 decide whether or not to use HCG 500 iu eod until 4-5 days before end of cycle - based on nut size.

    Does all this sound good?
    I dont know if youre trying to frontload(why if youre using test prop?) but dont fluctuate the test E dosage like that, plus you should run it min. 10 weeks. Also running test prop EOD for one week won't do any good either. Ideally you would want to run it for 4 weeks @ 75mg/ED to keep blood levels more constant. If youre running a cycle for 10 weeks, I really dont think you'd need HCG. Ive run a cycle for 15 weeks and havent needed it, but hey thats me. You should look into re-doing your cycle,JMO

  3. #3
    zircon is offline Junior Member
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    great let's try it then. I'm not keen to really run past 10 weeks so...

    Week 1-10 T enan 500mg
    Week 1-3 T prop 150mg eod
    Week 11 and 12 prop 100-125mg eod

    PCT starts on week 13 weeks as mentioned. I'm very happy with prop eod, it has worked perfectly for me in the past.

    Should I just forget about ordering HCG completely then?

    Or should I rather frontload T enan without prop? I'm doing prop frontload because I think it's a bit safer for acne. Agree?

  4. #4
    zircon is offline Junior Member
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    Another few questions.

    I'm somewhat concerned about build up of estrogen, health related effects of it, and also the recovery problems it may cause.

    Nolva will not help for estrogen. Adex and femera are way too expensive. Proviron may be an option. Can anyone give me pointers regarding this?

    Secondly, I will be doing a bit of travelling right after my cycle, pretty much during PCT. This is my first cycle, so I don't expect to have too much problems recovering. I just want some ideas on how you actually feel once you come off and go into pct, especialyl as I'll come off with a bump using prop at the end.


  5. #5
    MuckDog's Avatar
    MuckDog is offline Senior Member
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    why not nolva?

  6. #6
    zircon is offline Junior Member
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    Well I think it will work, but as far as I understand, novla only blocks receptors, preventing gyno, but does not actually get rid of estrogen as femera does. Or am I incorrect?

    I am simple a bit concerned about health risk of excess estrogen for a long time, and also effect that the excess estrogen could have on my recovery.

  7. #7
    legobricks's Avatar
    legobricks is offline Retired AR Monitor
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    ok, first of all, yes nolva will work for yoiur cycle. you will be fine. also, in one post you said that you have run prop before and it ran perfectly. The immediate post after that, you said this is your first cycle? I dont get it? please explain that. and also, if this is your first cycle, its all messed up. run test E for at least 12 weeks. YOU WILL BE FINE!!! also, prop should be run for 4 weeks at 75 EOD as stated before. so you decided to run it 150mg EOD for 3 weeks. just run it out to four. remember man, more is not always better. Dont frontload with prop, cut htat out and save for another full cycle. run it like this.
    Dbol -40mg ED for week 1-4
    Test E 500mg per week. weeks 1-12

    any questions?

  8. #8
    sportingsteroids is offline New Member
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    why you do not start with 750mg/week test e alone !

  9. #9
    legobricks's Avatar
    legobricks is offline Retired AR Monitor
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    Y so much, start with 500mg alone. remember, more is not always better! and for a first cycle, you do not want to wear out you receptors!

  10. #10
    zircon is offline Junior Member
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    Ok yes to clarify. I have done 3 short cycles (2 weeks each with test /tren ) last one 8 weeks ago. Had blood tests and everything normal.

    So yes, effectively, for me this is like a first cycle.

    Cool nolva will be fine.


    In the first post of juiceisloose he mentions 4 weeks at 75 mg ED, whereas you mention 75mg EOD. Do you mean 150mg EOD? I have no problems running 4 weeks, I just reckon (and still wonder) if after week 3 the test e will not have taken over. But 4 weeks it is then, just clarify for me 75mg eod or 150mg eod.

    Secondly, if I run test e for 12 weeks, do I need HCG ? As this will effectively turn out to be a 15 weeker, as pct starts about 20 days after last test e injection. At the same time, woudl it not be a good idea to use test prop at the end of the cycle to avoid a useless taper?

    Thirdly can't use dbol /oral as I'm on accutane remember 10/20mg per day.

    I won't do 750mg, 500mg is def enough.

    Finally, from your experience, what is pct like after your frist cycle? I will be doing a bit of travelling during pct, so not too keen to feel like shit during it.

    Thanks for the help.

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