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  1. #1
    JUICING's Avatar
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    6 months on 1 month off

    I've been training for about 7 years using steroids on and off the whole time. I get 90% of all my steroids from my doctor prescribed. My doctor said it's allright to stay on for 6 months then come off for 30 days with clomid and HCG to clean up. Plus it's kind of convinent when I'm competeing to be able to run all summer. I just want some input from guys that run similar cycles. I'm 29 years old and the doctor said at that age I don't have too much to worry about. Plus if I'm not on something I don't feel normal.

  2. #2
    Ejuicer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JUICING
    I've been training for about 7 years using steroids on and off the whole time. I get 90% of all my steroids from my doctor prescribed. My doctor said it's allright to stay on for 6 months then come off for 30 days with clomid and HCG to clean up. Plus it's kind of convinent when I'm competeing to be able to run all summer. I just want some input from guys that run similar cycles. I'm 29 years old and the doctor said at that age I don't have too much to worry about. Plus if I'm not on something I don't feel normal.

    Not too sure what your doc is talking about. If you're only coming off for a month and taking clomid and hcg your body is never actually getting a chance to fully recover and return to a normal state. Plus by running cycles like that there are permanent hormonal problems that you should worry about. If you run your cycles like that i'm sure there's a good chance hrt will be in your future.

  3. #3
    topvega's Avatar
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    i'd get a new doctor...

  4. #4
    BlInDsIdE's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by topvega
    i'd get a new doctor...
    agreed- ur doctors a dumb@$$

  5. #5
    thndrgod33's Avatar
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    is he a doctor of history or what

  6. #6
    aadrenaline is offline Banned
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    no hes a doctor whose about the money!!!

    but then again it all depends on the person i know guys who have been on for over a year(around 16 months) and came off and were fine...and then a few months later ran 3 month cycles and recovered fine..well fine being there natty test levels came back but just a little lower than it was before.

    depends on how you look at every plus there has to be a minus.
    if any kind of drug you used didnt do something bad it wouldn't be illegal would it?!(besides alcohol and

    if done right you should be not agreeing with the 30days off and then being fine to start another.

  7. #7
    vitor is offline Anabolic Member
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    You will never be able to return normal test levels with that type of cycling!

  8. #8
    Big Bapper's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BlInDsIdE
    agreed- ur doctors a dumb@$$
    Your doctor sounds pretty cool to me Bro. Just make sure your getting regular blood work done. I think it all depends on your goals how long you stay on for. I think with this type of cycling you could require HRT for the rest of your life on the other hand I have heard storys of gut staying on for years and still be able to recovor.

  9. #9
    JUICING's Avatar
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    Allright the doctor is a quack and only about the money. I realized that with the phone conversations I've had with him. Pay a fee have a blood test and it's shipped to your door. But all that's besides the point. Whenever I try to come off for longer than a month I just can't function and have no energy, no strength and feel somewhat depressed. Allright I'm going to try to stay off for longer than a month this time maybe I'll use some HGh as a bridge. If I can keep my energy levels up I should be allright.

  10. #10
    topvega's Avatar
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    everything u described during coming off sounds normal... after being on it's gonna feel like that...when u r on bro u r on...if it didn't feel any better y wld u go on??? if Pinn was around (god only knows where he is) he wld ask u about becoming a lifer....

  11. #11
    JUICING's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by topvega
    everything u described during coming off sounds normal... after being on it's gonna feel like that...when u r on bro u r on...if it didn't feel any better y wld u go on??? if Pinn was around (god only knows where he is) he wld ask u about becoming a lifer....
    I'm not trying to sound dumb but I'm a little lost here who is Pinn and what is a lifer?

  12. #12
    topvega's Avatar
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    your not dumb bro... a lifer is someone who is always taking extra test... like hrt but self prescribed... pinn is a good guy who must be on vacation or in the havn't heard from him in a week or so...

  13. #13
    JUICING's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by topvega
    your not dumb bro... a lifer is someone who is always taking extra test... like hrt but self prescribed... pinn is a good guy who must be on vacation or in the havn't heard from him in a week or so...
    I guess ther's worse things in life than being a lifer LOL! I realized that after my first cycle about a hundred years ago. And for the record I've never exceeded 500 mg's of test in a week but plan to in the near future.

  14. #14
    ampin74 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by JUICING
    I guess ther's worse things in life than being a lifer LOL! I realized that after my first cycle about a hundred years ago. And for the record I've never exceeded 500 mg's of test in a week but plan to in the near future.
    I'm new to this board bro! I just wrapped up a 16 week cycle august 30th, did my PCT and started HGH at 4iu's 5 on 2 off! I look the best I have ever in my life right now! I can't wait for the next one! It will be 16 weeks of Primobolan at 600 mg's a week, 60 mg's of var, and HGH! WOW I heard that cycle is bad to the bone smooth as can be!

  15. #15
    SPIKE's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by topvega
    your not dumb bro... a lifer is someone who is always taking extra test... like hrt but self prescribed... pinn is a good guy who must be on vacation or in the havn't heard from him in a week or so...

  16. #16
    ranran is offline Junior Member
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  17. #17
    JUICING's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ampin74
    I'm new to this board bro! I just wrapped up a 16 week cycle august 30th, did my PCT and started HGH at 4iu's 5 on 2 off! I look the best I have ever in my life right now! I can't wait for the next one! It will be 16 weeks of Primobolan at 600 mg's a week, 60 mg's of var, and HGH! WOW I heard that cycle is bad to the bone smooth as can be!
    Good job with all the hard work. I'm planning on running some HGH when I come off maybe it'll help but if not I'm HRT bound.

  18. #18
    Seattle Junk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JUICING
    Allright the doctor is a quack and only about the money. I realized that with the phone conversations I've had with him. Pay a fee have a blood test and it's shipped to your door. But all that's besides the point. Whenever I try to come off for longer than a month I just can't function and have no energy, no strength and feel somewhat depressed. Allright I'm going to try to stay off for longer than a month this time maybe I'll use some HGh as a bridge. If I can keep my energy levels up I should be allright.
    Your doc is giving you bad PCT advice if he's telling you to use HCG after your cycle. HCG can and will suppress your HPTA if it's used after your cycle. You want to use HCG througout a long cycle. If you're doing 6 months on at 500mgs/week of test I would recommend HCG @ 500ius e3d. Then HCG eod the 2nd to last week of AAS then ed on the last week with maybe a 1500iu shot toward the very end. Then use clomid and nolva in PCT and stay steroid free for at least 3 months and I would add in tongkat and tribulis to aid in bringing your natty test back to normal. I could see a 6 month on, 3 month off cycle with proper PCT being safe. 1 month is not even close to being enough to restore your HPTA and natty test, you might as well never come off.

    You must get your HPTA back or you may be HRT for life. Do you want to have kids or be able to get it up again? Don't listen to doc on this. Do your own research through medical journals and knowledable people at places like this. These are the people that are the lab, not the observers.
    Last edited by Seattle Junk; 11-02-2005 at 12:27 AM.

  19. #19
    cb25's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Seattle Junk
    Your doc is giving you bad PCT advice if he's telling you to use HCG after your cycle. HCG can and will suppress your HPTA if it's used after your cycle. You want to use HCG througout a long cycle. If you're doing 6 months on at 500mgs/week of test I would recommend HCG @ 500ius e3d. Then HCG eod the 2nd to last week of AAS then ed on the last week with maybe a 1500iu shot toward the very end. Then use clomid and nolva in PCT for at least 3 months and I would add in tongkat and tribulis to aid in bringing your natty test back to normal.

    You must get your HPTA back or you may be HRT for life. Do you want to have kids or be able to get it up again? Don't listen to doc on this. Do your own research through medical journals and knowledable people at places like this. These are the people that are the lab, not the observers.
    not true...hcg can be used to sort of "jump-start" the testes after a long cycle. it's not going to supress your natural test. if that were true, why would you use it throughout a long cycle???

    that being said...6months on, 1 month off? no, nothing wrong with it if you don't mind being on HRT for the rest of your life.

    IMO if there's a way to prevent it (and it seems that there is...i.e. run reasonable cycles), then there's no reason to risk it.

  20. #20
    chest6's Avatar
    chest6 is offline Banned
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    you're gonna be a hrt candidate soon

  21. #21
    Seattle Junk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cb25
    not true...hcg can be used to sort of "jump-start" the testes after a long cycle. it's not going to supress your natural test. if that were true, why would you use it throughout a long cycle???

    that being said...6months on, 1 month off? no, nothing wrong with it if you don't mind being on HRT for the rest of your life.

    IMO if there's a way to prevent it (and it seems that there is...i.e. run reasonable cycles), then there's no reason to risk it.

    It's proven that low amounts of HCG throughout a long androgenic cycle is beneficial in decreasing the time to recover the HPTA in the upcoming PCT. It greatly reduces or stops testicular atrophy all together. It's proven and documented in a few medical journals. Do a search in this forum for data. It's been posted many times over. I don't have the time tonight to do research for you but I may have time tomorrow. There will be other members here that will back this up as well. I'm not trying to prove you wrong but I'm going by personal experience and documented medical data. You do not want to use HCG after discontinuing AAS, espcially in mega doses of 2,500+ ius per shot. You do not want to desensitize your LH response with large doses of HCG. That's another way to mess with your HPTA and make it that much harder to recover. Sure, HCG will bring your balls back fast but don't you want your HPTA back as soon as possible? Your balls will shrink again if you your HPTA is still suppressed.
    Last edited by Seattle Junk; 11-02-2005 at 12:39 AM.

  22. #22
    cb25's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Seattle Junk
    It's proven that low amounts of HCG throughout a long androgenic cycle is beneficial in decreasing the time to recover the HPTA in the upcoming PCT. It greatly reduces or stops testicular atrophy all together. It's proven and documented in a few medical journals. Do a search in this forum for data. It's been posted many times over. I don't have the time tonight to do research for you but I may have time tomorrow. There will be other members here that will back this up as well. I'm not trying to prove you wrong but I'm going by personal experience and documented medical data. You do not want to use HCG after discontinuing AAS, espcially in mega doses of 2,500+ ius per shot. You do not want to desensitize your LH response with large doses of HCG. That's another way to mess with your HPTA and make it that much harder to recover. Sure, HCG will bring your balls back fast but don't you want your HPTA back as soon as possible? Your balls will shrink again if you your HPTA is still suppressed.
    yea, i'm familiar with the basics of using hcg throughout a cycle. i'm not a complete newb.

    i'm saying hcg at the end of a cycle isn't as bad as you say it is, when used in appropriate doses. i'd absolutely agree that 2,500iu is wayyy too much. i spoke with an anti-aging doc, who recommends 1,000 iu for 10 days. no more.

  23. #23
    JUICING's Avatar
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    I was refering to Human Growth Hormone not HCG . My doc does recommend running HCG after a cycle I don't remember the exact dose. One kit seems like it lasts for 15 to 20 days and clomid for the first 15 days after a cycle. He didn't recommend but a couple hundred mgs of test and a little bit of deca . I was going to run the HGH for extra energy when I come off this cycle and maybe for the next 4 to 6 months.

  24. #24
    kloter1's Avatar
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    post some pics

  25. #25
    JUICING's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kloter1
    post some pics
    I got competition pictures from 3 or 4 mounths ago. When I was 205 now 240 Give me a day or so to get a new scanner And I post some.

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