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Thread: Off Season

  1. #1
    DE18 is offline New Member
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    Off Season

    Hey this is my first post and I am fairly new to anabolics, I have done one cycle of winstrol tabs in the past (I know very minor). I am just comming out of a football season at the D3 school I play for and was wondering how I can go about cutting down for the off season. I'm 6'0" 265 now with 435 Bench and 600 Squat, and I am looking to slim down alot and simply maintain the strenght I have now. Here comes the tough part I can't do the needle, freaks me out. What do you guys recommend, Winny, Clen ? Help me out. Thx

  2. #2
    C_Bino's Avatar
    C_Bino is offline $BAM-7246~AR-Hall of Famer
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    Diet and cardio. I guess winny is your only option if you cant inject. But if you cant inject you shoulnt use roids because I dont know how you will take test. Maybe you could take var also. But just do cardio and diet man.


  3. #3
    Testostack's Avatar
    Testostack is offline Anabolic Member
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    Well first welcome. Sorry to insist, but can't you really do needles? cuz you'd be missing a bunch of juicy gear, such as test, and even if at first i thought it was not necessary, now i know you can't go roids w/out test. That said, tabs version can be good too, such as primobolan S.
    But as a first cycle, sorry to get back to that, you'll have to go test.......No pain no gain, you know what they say...

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by DE18
    Hey this is my first post and I am fairly new to anabolics, I have done one cycle of winstrol tabs in the past (I know very minor). I am just comming out of a football season at the D3 school I play for and was wondering how I can go about cutting down for the off season. I'm 6'0" 265 now with 435 Bench and 600 Squat, and I am looking to slim down alot and simply maintain the strenght I have now. Here comes the tough part I can't do the needle, freaks me out. What do you guys recommend, Winny, Clen? Help me out. Thx
    Aside from diet and cardio...a thermogenic would add a little addition help. I agree with the others in saying that if your not ready for needles then your probaly not ready for steroids . But if you wanted to go the oral route an anavar cycle would definately help maintain your strength while cutting and prevent catabolism. I'm a firm believer that test should be the base of every cycle and prop would be your best option. You could look into some T3 but plenty of research needs to be done before starting.

  5. #5
    Testostack's Avatar
    Testostack is offline Anabolic Member
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    OT (see profile Oral Turinabol ) is good too, try it out. Seems to be much better than Anavar /EQ or winny, though. that'll be my 2nd cycle w/ test e.

  6. #6
    powerliftmike's Avatar
    powerliftmike is offline ~Elite AR-Hall of Famer~
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    Primo tabs suck. Dont let needles bother you bro, just read up on how to inject. It doesn't really sound like you need AASs tho, do some cardio and clenbuterol . Also strict diet is a must.

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