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  1. #1
    TheDfromGC's Avatar
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    Angry Done With Test For Good

    well heres my story... i tried a cycle when i was young, (18), was stupid and didnt know shit about gear. bought a bottle that was opened . anyway didnt get shit off that cycle (surprisingly). tried another cycle of aratest about a year later, opened the bottles myself, did 500mg a week and didnt get shit once again after 10 weeks. after that i was like **** it these just dont work on me. anyway about 2 months ago a buddy of mine wanted to get on some gear to get back weight he lost from his shoulder injury. i have a legitimate source i had for a while i came across but never used. well anyway got deal on british dragon enanthate and was like im gonna try this one last time hoping the past 2 cycles were just shitty quality and maybe that was the problem. anyway me and him ran same cycle. 500mg a week of bd test e. he is going into about week 9 or 10 and has gained a total of 5 lbs. myself am going into about week 8 and have gained about 3-6 pounds which i would have gained anyway from training and eating consistently. other then that the only other effects are my shoulders breaking out a bit and alot less cash in my pocket. dont feel any different from the day i started. all the spending on nolva, clomid, l-dex.... just a complete waste. seems like alot of dumbass kids i hear about where i live get on dbol only and dont know shit about gear and put on 30 lbs and keep 25lbs. pisses me off. about 2 more weeks, and im calling it quits on AAS there may still be a small chance i get super-long delay and it finally kicks in. but im definately not counting on it. any other people seem to be uneffected by test??

  2. #2
    ScottyShotty is offline Associate Member
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    You may be losing fat and building muscle at the same time.1 lb. of fat loss+1 lb. of muscle gain=no weight gain.Hows your strength and weight going in the gym?Hows your diet?

  3. #3
    jerseyboy's Avatar
    jerseyboy is offline Anabolic Member
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    Seems kinda strange that you and your friend are both non-responders. I think it's more likely that either you didn't eat enough, train hard enough or drink enough water. Or a combination of all three. Gear is no miracle for lacking genetics nor is it a substitute for diet and hard work. I heard someone describe bodybuilding once as 70% diet, 20% training and 10% AAS. I've been using test for years and can still put on an easy 15 pounds in 6-8 weeks. I don't know what your doing wrong but it seems too coincidental that you got bunk gear twice.

  4. #4
    ScottyShotty is offline Associate Member
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    I'm on week 7 of my cycle and only gained 5-8 lbs. but almost an inch and a half on my arms.

  5. #5
    ScottyShotty is offline Associate Member
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    Can you feel the raw power of the juice flowing through your system?I'm doing 500mg test-e and can feel that sh1t pumping through my veins!By now you should know if its good or not?

  6. #6
    TheDfromGC's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ScottyShotty
    Can you feel the raw power of the juice flowing through your system?I'm doing 500mg test-e and can feel that sh1t pumping through my veins!By now you should know if its good or not?

    trust me, i dont notice shit. also i have good knowledge of diet and training. alot of people will try and say something like it was probly fake or u just dont know how to train or eat, but trust me i do, the shit just didnt work. another thing, i dont just look at gains as gaining weight. my strength is exactly the same or very close to where it was when i begun.....and yes its very strange that 2 people got nothing off 500mgs of enanthate a week but my source is legit and the bottles all checked im out of ideas

  7. #7
    TheDfromGC's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jerseyboy
    Seems kinda strange that you and your friend are both non-responders. I think it's more likely that either you didn't eat enough, train hard enough or drink enough water. Or a combination of all three. Gear is no miracle for lacking genetics nor is it a substitute for diet and hard work. I heard someone describe bodybuilding once as 70% diet, 20% training and 10% AAS. I've been using test for years and can still put on an easy 15 pounds in 6-8 weeks. I don't know what your doing wrong but it seems too coincidental that you got bunk gear twice.
    thats the thing i dont think its bunk gear, i think it just doesnt effect me the way it does other people. my theory i have is that there are alot of people on this board who have said their first cycle was some low dose of test, of say 200mgs/week and they gained 20 pounds over 8 weeks, well if theres people such as this that respond at such a low dose, i dont see why there wouldnt be people at the opposite end of the spectrum that would only respond to gear at high doses, say 1000mgs a week-possibly my case. but the only thing about that is im not willing to run it that high and risk my health, if thats the case its just not worth it.....

  8. #8
    smiler is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheDfromGC
    trust me, i dont notice shit. also i have good knowledge of diet and training. alot of people will try and say something like it was probly fake or u just dont know how to train or eat, but trust me i do, the shit just didnt work. another thing, i dont just look at gains as gaining weight. my strength is exactly the same or very close to where it was when i begun.....and yes its very strange that 2 people got nothing off 500mgs of enanthate a week but my source is legit and the bottles all checked im out of ideas
    quit drinking it and try a sory

  9. #9
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    When people say 20lbs. their first cycle they're also including the water fat that soons dissapears after discontinuance. So if you gain 20 lbs. you'll keep 6-10lbs. No big loss though, that's still alot of quality weight. So if you gain 5-6 lbs. be happy.

  10. #10
    TheDfromGC's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by inspector_injector
    When people say 20lbs. their first cycle they're also including the water fat that soons dissapears after discontinuance. So if you gain 20 lbs. you'll keep 6-10lbs. No big loss though, that's still alot of quality weight. So if you gain 5-6 lbs. be happy.
    thats not my case, never put on shit over the entire cycle. im not pissed that i got on a cycle and gained 20 lbs and then lost 15lbs. im pissed cause my results over the whole time were equal to nothing

  11. #11
    cb25's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ScottyShotty
    You may be losing fat and building muscle at the same time.1 lb. of fat loss+1 lb. of muscle gain=no weight gain.Hows your strength and weight going in the gym?Hows your diet?
    these are the first places to look for answers.

    has your strength increased?

    have you tried upping the calories in your diet??

    if your gear is 100% legit as you say it is...then you need to look inside yourself for the answers. granted, some people grow like a weed off of lower doses than others, sure...but it's hard to believe that anyone is just completely unaffected by testosterone .

  12. #12
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    I hate to be the one to say "I told ya so".....

    But this is a PRIME case.

    Unless you are interested in going through PUBERTY again(This is essentially what occurs when you administer SUPRAPHYSIOLOGICAL dosages of exogenous testosterone ), and losing all of your gains once you discontinue--STAY AWAY FROM TEST.


    Add some Proviron if Libido is affected--It shouldn't though.


  13. #13
    Dalton5 is offline Associate Member
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    What does your diet look like....if the gear isnt bunk then this should answer your questions, i know you say its good but lets just see for fun.

  14. #14
    Dalton5 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Super Steroidologist
    I hate to be the one to say "I told ya so".....

    But this is a PRIME case.

    Unless you are interested in going through PUBERTY again(This is essentially what occurs when you administer SUPRAPHYSIOLOGICAL dosages of exogenous testosterone ), and losing all of your gains once you discontinue--STAY AWAY FROM TEST.


    Add some Proviron if Libido is affected--It shouldn't though.

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA........good ol Ross.

  15. #15
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    ah...."Big Loui"....


  16. #16
    Raw Dawg's Avatar
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    Diet in check or would see the difference in your physical appearance and also your workouts. I was almost 26 when I ran my first cycle and it was Mexican test only and ran it like a pyramid......(stupid) but hell i did not know better then. My diet was shit and did not change but I felt like Superman for the whole 8 weeks that I was on. Phenominal feeling and did not even need

  17. #17
    Dalton5 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Super Steroidologist
    ah...."Big Loui"....

    Actually his name is Andre.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dalton5
    Actually his name is Andre.
    I know your Avatar is Andre...

    You said "Good ol Ross"...

    It reminded me of the end of Pumping Iron....


  19. #19
    Jnrmrplymouth is offline Associate Member
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    Im sorry but your doing something wrong. Answer these questions and then we can tell you where you are going wrong.

    1. (the most important question of the lot!!!!) whats your diet like? Numbers..........cals, protein and carbs in grams?
    2. whats your training routine like. ie sets per bodypart, days per week in the gym.
    3. How much sleep do you get and rest in general.
    4. Do you drink and/or smoke?
    5. Do you live a hectic lifestyle..........long hours at work, stress, lifestyle probelsm etc?
    6. is the gear 100% legit. are u positive.

    answer these questions and then we will tell you why your not gaining. im guessing diet. 99% of the time its down to diet.

  20. #20
    Dalton5 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Super Steroidologist
    I know your Avatar is Andre...

    You said "Good ol Ross"...

    It reminded me of the end of Pumping Iron....

    Hey Ross, do you think those guys in pumping iron achieved those physiques without test? ......probably running primo/eq/winny cycles right? especially that arnold guy, I bet hes a real stranger to testosterone .

  21. #21
    jerseyboy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jnrmrplymouth
    Im sorry but your doing something wrong. Answer these questions and then we can tell you where you are going wrong.

    1. (the most important question of the lot!!!!) whats your diet like? Numbers..........cals, protein and carbs in grams?
    2. whats your training routine like. ie sets per bodypart, days per week in the gym.
    3. How much sleep do you get and rest in general.
    4. Do you drink and/or smoke?
    5. Do you live a hectic lifestyle..........long hours at work, stress, lifestyle probelsm etc?
    6. is the gear 100% legit. are u positive.

    answer these questions and then we will tell you why your not gaining. im guessing diet. 99% of the time its down to diet.
    There's 3 very good points I forgot to make. Good job.

  22. #22
    Raw Dawg's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jnrmrplymouth
    Im sorry but your doing something wrong. Answer these questions and then we can tell you where you are going wrong.

    1. (the most important question of the lot!!!!) whats your diet like? Numbers..........cals, protein and carbs in grams?
    2. whats your training routine like. ie sets per bodypart, days per week in the gym.
    3. How much sleep do you get and rest in general.
    4. Do you drink and/or smoke?
    5. Do you live a hectic lifestyle..........long hours at work, stress, lifestyle probelsm etc?
    6. is the gear 100% legit. are u positive.

    answer these questions and then we will tell you why your not gaining. im guessing diet. 99% of the time its down to diet.
    But he said he could not even tell a difference period. Come on guys, you can tell into week 5 when your gear kicks in, its just a given

  23. #23
    Jnrmrplymouth is offline Associate Member
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    hes on week 8 and hes gained 3-6 lbs. so technically it has kicked in but he aint gaining like a guy on anabolics should. ill wait for him to answer the questions I asked........then we can comment.

  24. #24
    Raw Dawg's Avatar
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    But he did state that he "did not feel any different than the day he started" thats hard to believe no matter how fu****up his diet is

  25. #25
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  26. #26
    TheDfromGC's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jnrmrplymouth
    Im sorry but your doing something wrong. Answer these questions and then we can tell you where you are going wrong.

    1. (the most important question of the lot!!!!) whats your diet like? Numbers..........cals, protein and carbs in grams?
    2. whats your training routine like. ie sets per bodypart, days per week in the gym.
    3. How much sleep do you get and rest in general.
    4. Do you drink and/or smoke?
    5. Do you live a hectic lifestyle..........long hours at work, stress, lifestyle probelsm etc?
    6. is the gear 100% legit. are u positive.

    answer these questions and then we will tell you why your not gaining. im guessing diet. 99% of the time its down to diet.
    1. diet wise, i dont count calories/carbs due to the fact my goal is to bulk up. i do count protein though which i keep at 250-300 grams a day. eat alot of meals throughout day try to go for every 2-3 hours, i can gaurantee i get enough calories
    2. training, generally hit 1-2 muscles per session, spend about 45mins, probly about 10 sets for bigger muscle, 5-6 for smaller muscles
    3. sleep about 8-9 hours per night
    4. drink-no, smoke-no
    5. full time school and full time job, but im not stressed, i can manage
    6. ordered from large wellknown source, felt it was pointless to check bottles out after all the mods giving good words about the guy and did anyway and they all checked out 100%

  27. #27
    AVAGO's Avatar
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    Id say its fake gear bro, at a guess. There is alot of fake bd going around at the minuite. If it was fake it would be right that neither of you have seen/felt any gains and at 500mg pw you will DEFINATLY begin to feel it when it is real. I dont belive ppl can not feel an increase in testosterone 10fold.. Try get yourself another source completly different, try go for some human grade or another UGL...


  28. #28
    tallyjuice's Avatar
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    1) you always should count your cals (250g of protein only translates to 1000 cals). Say you eat the same amount in carbs and half in fat. That means you are only taking in 3000 cals/day. Good luck trying to gain on that (especially if you have a fast metabolism)
    2)big muscles/12-15 sets, small muscles/9-12

    Conclusion: you are eating and training like a 15 yo girl

  29. #29
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  30. #30
    jerseyboy's Avatar
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    I'd say it's possible he has abnormally low test levels to begin with but his buddy was having the same problem.

  31. #31
    TheDfromGC's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tallyjuice
    1) you always should count your cals (250g of protein only translates to 1000 cals). Say you eat the same amount in carbs and half in fat. That means you are only taking in 3000 cals/day. Good luck trying to gain on that (especially if you have a fast metabolism)
    2)big muscles/12-15 sets, small muscles/9-12

    Conclusion: you are eating and training like a 15 yo girl
    yes.....taking in 250-300 grams of protein a day with probly 4500+ calories a day and doing intense training for 45mins on one muscle is training like a 15yo girl...

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheDfromGC
    yes.....taking in 250-300 grams of protein a day with probly 4500+ calories a day and doing intense training for 45mins on one muscle is training like a 15yo girl...
    45 min!? try an hour and a half to 2 hours said before "past failure every set"....with or with out gear.

  33. #33
    tallyjuice's Avatar
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    so where are the other cals comming from? How are your macro nutrient breakdowns? Also, the amount of sets do count!

  34. #34
    testosterona's Avatar
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    gear is fake for sure. if this guy is in the gym half as much as he says, eating half as much as he claims, HE WOULD BE SEEING A DIFFERENCE!

  35. #35
    TheDfromGC's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bignbald02
    45 min!? try an hour and a half to 2 hours said before "past failure every set"....with or with out gear.
    the way u describe it is that every single person should workout for 1 1/2-2 hours. not everything works for everybody. ive been lifting for 6+ years, ive tried long workouts, short workouts, and everything in between, for me personally i respond better to quicker intense lifting sessions as opposed to being at the gym for 2 hours....there is no universal amount of gym time thats gonna be the best, varies person to person....

  36. #36
    TheDfromGC's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by testosterona
    gear is fake for sure. if this guy is in the gym half as much as he says, eating half as much as he claims, HE WOULD BE SEEING A DIFFERENCE!
    ur rite, with my training and diet ive probly gained about 6 pounds in the past 2 months. my strength has increased very slightly, but i would contribute none of this to the gear, just to my natural good training/dieting.....feel no different physically or mentally from when i started, and the gear, im positive its legit, id bet $1000 it is. really, i just feel im a special unlucky exception where this shit just doesnt hit me like it does majority of all other people

  37. #37
    EdMan2's Avatar
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    Are you a really hard gainer? I don't see how you can be eating 4000 or more calories a day but not gaining anything at all. I mean if I were to eat 4000+ a day and not workout, I'd probably gain well over 5 pounds of pure fat in 8 weeks. Now if I train I can direct some of this towards muscle mass gains.

    Here's where it gets a little tricky. You are thinking that maybe your body doesn't react to testosterone very efficiently. This, although possible, would have led to very apparent natural physiological symptoms that you would have seen beforehand. Androgen insensitivity can run the entire range, from complete insensitivity to a very low degree of it. I would doubt that you are in some way not sensitive to testosterone, because you would have probably seen the effects of this while growing up.

    If you have any way of doing so, get your stuff tested, that's the only way you'll know for sure. Otherwise you can get your own blood levels tested while on it, which will show whether or not you have elevated testosterone levels , and you'd be able to conclude if the stuff is fake or not. If it's fake, then you know what the problem is. If it isn't, then you'll have to look deeper and see if there is something the matter with your body.
    Last edited by EdMan2; 10-30-2005 at 12:30 AM.

  38. #38
    Jnrmrplymouth is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheDfromGC
    the way u describe it is that every single person should workout for 1 1/2-2 hours. not everything works for everybody. ive been lifting for 6+ years, ive tried long workouts, short workouts, and everything in between, for me personally i respond better to quicker intense lifting sessions as opposed to being at the gym for 2 hours....there is no universal amount of gym time thats gonna be the best, varies person to person....
    Take no notice of this nonsense. Stick to your 45 min training program with your amount of sets. All these people that say 'train for 2 hours'. How on earth can you train for 2 hours with maximum intensity. IMO anything over an hour is a waste of time. I dont know what to say about your situation though. Your training and diet seem to be fine. Are you on 500mg/week of test?

    Oh and the point about training like a 15 yo girl..........yh.........try telling dorian yates that

  39. #39
    ScottyShotty is offline Associate Member
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    I'd say you shouldnt worry about getting incredible gains until you FEEL the chemical in your body. If your on 500 mg of pharmacudical grade test in week 8(even if your training and diet was shit-I'm not saying it is)you should feel lets say, at least, different.Then again is it really possible for it not to affect you?Is there documented cases?GL

  40. #40
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    If he's done with test, he is done with test...


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