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  1. #1
    IGF-1's Avatar
    IGF-1 is offline Associate Member
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    Jan 2002

    bovine cow growth hormone

    any one heard of this or seen it its bgh for cows i heard its cheaper than hgh and same results for growth i tried getting some at veterinarios in south town but they havent heard of it .they were very interested.

  2. #2
    Rdstrcklnd is offline New Member
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    Mar 2002
    Answer: Do not, I repeat, do not use horse, pig, or bovine GH! Understand the growth hormone is a protein, made up of a long sting of amino acids. Horse, pig, and bovine GH do not have the same amino acid structure as human GH, and your body will develop an immunological response to these foreign proteins to destroy them. If that’s not bad enough, you run the risk of your body developing antibodies that will attack your own GH in response to the administration of the animal forms, and now you’re really screwed. If you can’t afford or obtain human GH, stick with good old-fashioned steroids .

    Source: the article "HORSE AND PIG GH. CAN I USE IT?" in the February 02, 2001 Issue #32 Extreme Q & A of

  3. #3
    ironmaster's Avatar
    ironmaster is offline Associate Member
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    Mar 2002
    Yes, that's a good solid reply. Every mammal's GH is made up of a unique amino structure. Some time back, certain sources tried to market equine GH. Some people will do anything to make a buck....we ran the fucker out of Dodge.

  4. #4
    Ajax's Avatar
    Ajax is offline Senior Member
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    Feb 2002
    Originally posted by Rdstrcklnd
    Answer: Do not, I repeat, do not use horse, pig, or bovine GH
    On top of that you dont' want to grow up to be a horse, pig or cow...

    (Reality check: I am joking about that...)

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