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  1. #1
    Danny42 is offline New Member
    Join Date
    May 2002

    Dbol cycle, first time

    I am going to start my first cycle ever next week, I'm 20 years old, been lifting for 5 years and am about 200 pds 6 feet. it is an oral cycle of d-bol. I'm taking 5mg 3X a day for 6 weeks. I know that is not a lot but its my first time, so i want to start off easy. I just had a few questions:

    Exactly how badly am I hurting my liver with this being oral, and is it the same kind of effect alcohol puts on the liver- I'm not drinking during the cycle, but I've hit the bottle pretty hard over the last few years and wondering whether this will fuck my liver up real bad?

    I'm gunna lift 5 days on, one day off, lift every muscle during the 5 days, is that a good idea?

    Also, is an anti-estrogen needed if all I'm doing is taking these for 6 weeks for the first time? If so, what should I use, and where can I get it?

    Any Comments would be greatly apreciated. Thanks.

  2. #2
    Kaz's Avatar
    Kaz is offline Member
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    London UK
    Take a look

    Might answer some of those Q's - By the way - you DO need anti-e on hand just in case - ALWAYS!!

    I would also be inclined to do 4 weeks not 6

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