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  1. #1
    DieselSpeedFreak is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    East Coast

    My revised deca/winny cycle, is it ok??

    Ok , here it is, me second ever cycle, i did only a light deca cycle before this:
    weeks 1-10 deca 300mg, i shot every monday, 1cc
    weeks 1-8 50 mg winny every other day, so that is a half a cc
    weeks 9-10 chlomid, 100mg a day first week, 50mg day second week
    everyother day if i am correct??
    Any advice comments, things to look out for, suggestions greatly appreciated, also if anyone has ever done a cycle like this, let me know. THanks

  2. #2
    Freak69 is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    weeks 1-10 deca 300mg, i shot every monday, 1cc
    weeks 1-8 50 mg winny every other day, so that is a half a cc
    weeks 9-10 chlomid, 100mg a day first week, 50mg day second week
    everyother day if i am correct??

    You need to add some TEST. Where you dont get deca dick. Just my 2 cents worth

  3. #3
    sleazyrider is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    i think you're starting clomid way too early. start it 3 wks after last deca injection.

    get better advice though from the more experienced... bump!


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