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  1. #1
    thekustomshop1 is offline New Member
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    Someone help!!!!!!

    Hey guys need help! Not really really a newbie to steroids , but this is the first time I have injected myself. I did 1ml of test e in my thigh, and 1 of tren in the other. Well here's the problem! On the thigh I put the test E in, my leg is so swollen, it's gross. I almost couldn't walk the next day, and the 2nd day was even worse, almost puts me in tears! I found the thickest part of my thigh and stuck it and I hit a nerve!(hurt!) Moved up 1 inch, stuck it and pulled back to see if there was blood, and no, so I pumped it in. I put it in pretty much in the front of my thigh. Like I said, It's swollen like he#@! The whole back of my thigh is bruised. It's going on the 4th day since I inj. Need helped, starting to get worried. Still hurts bad! When I put ice on it, you can see the indentions of the ice cubes for almost 5 min afterwards. Any advice would be appreciated more than you could know!

  2. #2
    TheMudMan's Avatar
    TheMudMan is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    It sounds like it's infected......... is the area hot and red as well?

    it also sounds like you went through a vein and it bleed for a bit and gave you the bruise.

    Best bet is to go to the doctor and get a script for anti-biotics.

  3. #3
    GearAholic's Avatar
    GearAholic is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    im no dr so don't take my word for it, you might of got an infection either way you should know how bad it is and if you should go to the dr, when it comes to your health its always better to be safe than sorry

  4. #4
    symatech's Avatar
    symatech is offline Retired Moderator
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    My leg did the same thing when it was infected. Like those mattresses you see that you can put a hand print in for a few moments. If it continues to swell ie. up or down you leg or doesn't start getting better in a few days go to the doc and they will put you on antibiotics. Are you running a fever by any chance? I only had a slight fever when my leg got infected but it's a good sign to look out for.

  5. #5
    thekustomshop1 is offline New Member
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    Red and hot

    It is red and hot. Like the other said, a mattress. You can push in and leave a dent in it for a lil while.

  6. #6
    symatech's Avatar
    symatech is offline Retired Moderator
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    I'd call the doc in the morning and schedule an appointment.

  7. #7
    thekustomshop1 is offline New Member
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    Do you think Augmentin will work? I have alot left over. I know its a pretty strong antibiotic.

  8. #8
    symatech's Avatar
    symatech is offline Retired Moderator
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    augmentin is what I took the first time I had an infection. I'm no doctor so I hate to advise you on medication but for severe infections (which I had) I was directed to take 1 875mg tab/capsule every 12 hours for a full 10 days. If you have 500mg tabs/capsules and a more minor infection you can take two of those per day 12 hours apart. Make sure you take it for the full 10 days even if it gets better sooner.

    officially I'd have to advise you to go to the doc, unoffically that's how I'd dose it. use your best judgement
    Last edited by symatech; 11-14-2005 at 08:36 PM.

  9. #9
    Zapp's Avatar
    Zapp is offline Banned
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    Why didn't you just put them in the same syringe, and save you the trouble of doing two injections?

  10. #10
    thekustomshop1 is offline New Member
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    Thanks symatech. I appreciate the info. It's great to know that there's people who give a shit here!

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