View Poll Results: more anabolic: test or deca

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  • deca

    8 34.78%
  • test

    15 65.22%
Results 1 to 15 of 15
  1. #1
    Iron horse's Avatar
    Iron horse is offline Anabolic Member
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    more anabolic: test or deca

    whats better for putting on weight gain, test or deca ?

  2. #2
    Dizzy's Avatar
    Dizzy is offline Banned
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    Test will give more size...but I believe deca is more anabolic .

  3. #3
    Anabolik's Avatar
    Anabolik is offline Associate Member
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    here is what Got Wood posted on anabolicfitness:

    Compound / androgenic :anabolic activity
    testosterone 1:1
    testo cyp 1:1
    testo enath 1:1
    testo prop 1:1
    methyltest 1:1
    fluoxymesterone 1:2
    methandrostenelone(methandienone) 1:3
    Oxymetholone 1:3
    ethylstrenol 1:4 to 1:8
    oxandrolone 1:3 to 1:13
    Nandrolone phenprop 1:3 to 1:6
    Nandrolone decanoate 1:2.5 to 1:4
    stanozolol 1:3 to 1:6
    dromostanolone prop 1:3 to 1:4

    And as Mr. Anabolicum pointed out, the ratio comes from the ratio of the increase in ventral prostate weight to the increase in weight in the bulbocaniverous/levator ani (BCLA) muscles in rats (or mice?). There is some debate as to how this ratio actually translates to skeletal muscle, but anecdotally there seems to be at least some correlation. I just wouldn't treat any ratio you see as gospel...more or less just a ballpark figure.

  4. #4
    Canes4Ever's Avatar
    Canes4Ever is offline Banned
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    Originally posted by Anabolik
    here is what Got Wood posted on anabolicfitness:

    Compound / androgenic :anabolic activity
    testosterone 1:1
    testo cyp 1:1
    testo enath 1:1
    testo prop 1:1
    methyltest 1:1
    fluoxymesterone 1:2
    methandrostenelone(methandienone) 1:3
    Oxymetholone 1:3
    ethylstrenol 1:4 to 1:8
    oxandrolone 1:3 to 1:13
    Nandrolone phenprop 1:3 to 1:6
    Nandrolone decanoate 1:2.5 to 1:4
    stanozolol 1:3 to 1:6
    dromostanolone prop 1:3 to 1:4

    And as Mr. Anabolicum pointed out, the ratio comes from the ratio of the increase in ventral prostate weight to the increase in weight in the bulbocaniverous/levator ani (BCLA) muscles in rats (or mice?). There is some debate as to how this ratio actually translates to skeletal muscle, but anecdotally there seems to be at least some correlation. I just wouldn't treat any ratio you see as gospel...more or less just a ballpark figure.
    I must be stupid but this sounds interesting but it just is confusing to me....what I get is then that oxandrolone is 13 times more powerful than test ? Can someone explain this to the dummy

    DOH !

  5. #5
    Anabolik's Avatar
    Anabolik is offline Associate Member
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    No its a ratio... means that for every 1 'unit' of androgenic effect oxandrolone has 13 'units' of anabolic effect.
    Test has a ratio of 1:1. Means it has as much anabolic effect as androgenic.
    Now of course, anavar (oxandrolone) is weaker than some of the other agents listed. Simply means that most of anavar's effect is anabolic. Although something like test may very well have far more of this effect at the same dose. Its just that test will also have as much androgenic effect as anabolic. Get it?

  6. #6
    Iron horse's Avatar
    Iron horse is offline Anabolic Member
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    so so far everyone agree's test is a bit better atleast on putting on the size?

  7. #7
    Canes4Ever's Avatar
    Canes4Ever is offline Banned
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    Originally posted by Anabolik
    No its a ratio... means that for every 1 'unit' of androgenic effect oxandrolone has 13 'units' of anabolic effect.
    Test has a ratio of 1:1. Means it has as much anabolic effect as androgenic.
    Now of course, anavar (oxandrolone) is weaker than some of the other agents listed. Simply means that most of anavar's effect is anabolic. Although something like test may very well have far more of this effect at the same dose. Its just that test will also have as much androgenic effect as anabolic. Get it?
    Yeah ! Now that makes have to fogive me guys I hated science with a passion in school. Sometimes reading reading this stuff reminds me of those awful tedious days in High School chemistry class

    Sorry guys if I seem dumb on this sometimes but this is just not my forté

  8. #8
    POWERSTROKE is offline Associate Member
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    I will most likely never touch deca again. Cant stand the stuff, my soldier hasn't marched in 6 weeks. As far as gains, I would go with test. .

  9. #9
    D3m3nt3d's Avatar
    D3m3nt3d is offline AR's Whore D'Oeuvre
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    no doubt test bro..

  10. #10
    Iron horse's Avatar
    Iron horse is offline Anabolic Member
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    who voted for the deca ??

  11. #11
    Money Boss Hustla's Avatar
    Money Boss Hustla is offline Retired Moderator
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    JC!! This f'ing thread is from May 2002!! Who the hell voted on a year old thread therefore bumping it!?

  12. #12
    LORDBLiTZ Guest
    Vote to lock all the old threads

  13. #13
    mmaximus25 is offline Senior Member
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    Sometimes it’s confusing to talk about anabolic or androgenic steroids . What you have to realize is when people talk about androgenic's like test they're not saying its not anabolic but more so androgenic... Vise Versa, anabolics are merely more so anabolic than they are androgenic.... and so these androgens are labels as such (androgenic's and anabolic's) All of your androgenic's are a higher anabolic than your labeled anabolics…
    Most often when stacking, what your trying to balance is keeping the anabolic effects equal or higher than the androgenic effect. That is why you have a test with deca or EQ.... or D-bol and deca...

    You want a high anabolic effect and the only way to achieve such a result is using the highest anabolic which happens to be test and countering or balancing the high androgenic effects with an additional or more so anabolic like winny, deca, EQ, Oxana, tren , and so on.

  14. #14
    BigBadBoy is offline New Member
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    What exactly is the difference between anabolic and androgenic ?

  15. #15
    mmaximus25 is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by BigBadBoy
    What exactly is the difference between anabolic and androgenic?
    The reference of labeled higher androgenic steroids have a high effect on the human bodies glands that have to do with masculine characteristics. Ex body hair, sebaceous glands, etc. This is not to say the anabolic effect is not as potent.
    The reference of labeled higher anabolic steroids is the high effect it has on building new proteins or muscle without having a large androgenic effect. This is not to say some will not suffer sides for only using anabolics.
    Ok I know what you might say... why not just use the higher anabolics like deca and winny... well for one some higher anabolics are harder on your liver like winny but secondly your body will respond safer to a synthetic androgen that is more similar to its own natural androgens. Namely synthetic testosterone ... And with this considered a derivative like deca, which just so happens to shut your HPTA (Hypothalamic/Pituitary/Testicular Axis) down severely and is linked to a mimicking effect of progesterone in some and a libido killer in others… I don’t know why people would choose deca over Test...
    Third the labeled higher anabolic than androgenic like Deca is no where near as strong an anabolic as say testosterone enanthate ... and to merely use only labeled anabolics you will not see the highest potential in lean muscle mass produced...
    Just as a note: I, at one time thought deca to be safer but I saw my error some time ago...

    Quote Originally Posted by mmaximus25
    Sometimes it’s confusing to talk about anabolic or androgenic steroids. What you have to realize is when people talk about androgenic's like test they're not saying its not anabolic but more so androgenic... Vise Versa, anabolics are merely more so anabolic than they are androgenic.... and so these androgens are labels as such (androgenic's and anabolic's) All of your androgenic's are a higher anabolic than your labeled anabolics…
    Most often when stacking, what your trying to balance is keeping the anabolic effects equal or higher than the androgenic effect. That is why you have a test with deca or EQ.... or D-bol and deca...

    You want a high anabolic effect and the only way to achieve such a result is using the highest anabolic which happens to be test and countering or balancing the high androgenic effects with an additional or more so anabolic like winny, deca, EQ, Oxana, tren, and so on.
    Last edited by mmaximus25; 07-14-2003 at 11:53 AM.

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