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  1. #1
    xplicit is offline Member
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    New York

    Any one use retracktable needles??

    The nurse who will be shooting me up uses retrackable needles. Once you use them a protective guard shoots out and covers the pin so u cant prick ur self accidently. She is a nurse and said there kidna expensive if u want them. What u do i only seen this once and i wasnt really payin attention but u connect the retracktable part to the needle and once ur doing injecting the guard pops out and covers the pin kinda cool just wanted to let u guys know about it if u already havent cause it will prevent u prickin urself and most imporatntly say u do it for a friend and u accidently prick ur self wit that needle u use on him.

  2. #2
    xxxl83 is offline Productive Member
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    there is also another type of pin I think it's called safetyglide it sounds similar to what you're talking about. The safetyglide has a piece that you push on and it slides down the pin and covers the tip once the slide is pushed down it will not come off the tip. At first it makes the pin look really long but it's just the length of the slide. I think it's a good idea.

  3. #3
    xplicit is offline Member
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    Yea i think that is the same thing this nurse uses, it is like a atachable piece u add to the actuall needle.

  4. #4
    xxxl83 is offline Productive Member
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    The safety glide isn't an attachment it's part of the needle, either way it serves the same purpose. It's worth using I know it's alot easier when you can't find the cap to a normal pin after use.

  5. #5
    McBain is offline Member
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    Can this be ordered on a website? I'm curious to look at the specs of it.

  6. #6
    xplicit is offline Member
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    New York
    im not sure the girl i know is a nurse so she gets them from the hospital.

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