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  1. #1
    flex321's Avatar
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    Nolvadex! during cycle?

    wk1-4 35mg/ed dbol
    wk1-10 500mg/wk cyp
    wk1-8 eq 400mg/wk
    wk7-12 winny 50mg/ed
    wk 12-14 clomid 50,100,50
    im in week 3 now and going strong.

    my question is I have 30 nolvadex and was thinking of cutting them in 1/2 and doing 10mg/ed for the rest of my cycle. Is there a great benefit in doing this and is it worth it? I already have hard tissue under both my nipples from previous cycles in the past. Any coments on any of this will be great!


  2. #2
    testprop's Avatar
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  3. #3
    Kaz's Avatar
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    Re: Nolvadex! during cycle?

    Originally posted by flex321
    ......I already have hard tissue under both my nipples from previous cycles in the past......
    Thats the bit that got me! I Was going to say that its best to keep the nolva till you need it, but since you are likely to need to quite quickly during your cycle its stumped me!

    My GUESS is that you would be able to use the nolva to minimse the sides, but to be brutally honest the doses you are taking are not helping the sides at all! If you hadnt started already I would have said that it would be better to do two smaller cycles with lower doses to minimise the sides, but since you started already I doubt you want to slow it all down!

    Ill bump this as well to see if anyone else has any good ideas for you.

  4. #4
    flex321's Avatar
    flex321 is offline Member
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    Thanks KAZ! I'm very curious to what would be best for me. I was keeping it in case I needed it, but then thought I would be better off just doing 10mg/ed nolv for my entire cycle up till my Clomid Therpy

  5. #5
    Sicilian30's Avatar
    Sicilian30 is offline Respected Member
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    Well Flex, Kaz is right on here. 10mg will probally not do anything for you, I personally had to take about 80-100mg a day just to keep my nips from burning, and i was doing straight test not something like dbol which is worse.
    I would order some more, just in case or get something like liquidex or Armidex to help. Nolv will hinder gains to a degree, but is cheap and will serve the purpose.

  6. #6
    Dizzy's Avatar
    Dizzy is offline Banned
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    If you already have hard tissue then I would run the nolvadex to keep from developing gyno. You really should have been doing that from the beginning. Actually even better would be to get some arimidex or femera. I have heard reports of femera getting rid of hard tissue under the nipples.

    10mg of nolvadex works fine for me and I am gyno prone. But it does depend on the person.

    Sicilian - Have you looked into arimidex or femera? I would run some to see if it helps. 80-100mg of nolvadex sounds crazy to me. If I had to use that much I wouldn't cycle at all. I would try to get rid of that bs.

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