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  1. #1
    RockSolid's Avatar
    RockSolid is offline Banned
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    Could it be expected

    im 5'10, 180 pounds, with 9% bodyfat, im 20 years old and am gonna do my first cycle, my main objective is to gain mass and minimize side effects,,,,,

    will this cycle yeild any gains for me or should i up the doses.....

    test enat 250mg/week for 10 weeks
    deca or eq 200mg/week for 10 weeks
    d-bol 30mg/ed for 4 weeks

    can i expect 15 pound or more for this( i know everyones differnt but generally) or should i up the doses?


  2. #2
    Kaz's Avatar
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    You will make plenty of gains on those doses! I would advise against uping the dose at this stage since this is your first cycle. I have been using AS for 10 years and I would happily do that cycle AND make gains so I see no reason to increase the dose unless you get nothing (Some hope!)

    I think 15lbs is attainable, but as you said we ARE all different so dont take that as read. I would expect to gain that much at least from that cycle so for your first time you should do it easily enough, just make sure you eat clean and plenty etc etc.

    No matter what anyone likes to say, when you use AS (Especially when you FIRST use AS) LESS IS MORE!!

  3. #3
    jammergsxr's Avatar
    jammergsxr is offline Member
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    So in your opinion Kaz would
    weeks1-8 250 mgs EQ
    weeks 1-8 250mgs t200
    weeks 10-12 clomid
    be a good newbie cycle?
    maybe last 4 weeks 50mgs winny ED

  4. #4
    Kaz's Avatar
    Kaz is offline Member
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    Originally posted by jammergsxr
    So in your opinion Kaz would
    weeks1-8 250 mgs EQ
    weeks 1-8 250mgs t200
    weeks 10-12 clomid
    be a good newbie cycle?
    maybe last 4 weeks 50mgs winny ED
    Sounds good to me! My first cycle was actually 200mg and thats roughly what I go for now, but 250 is cool.

    Think about it like this:

    If you make reasonable gains on 200mg and keep them why up the dose? All you attract is more sides with a higher dose. If you could keep the huge gains you could make with 500mg we would all look like Ron Coleman!

    Besides, if you up your dose to 500mg, and still keep a similar amount as you would have done with 200mg whats the point? It costs more both for your wallet and your body! And what would be next? 1000mg? 1500mg? Where would it stop!!

    What we do is a lifestyle - Spend your life doing it, dont try to reach the finishing post on the first lap!

  5. #5
    RockSolid's Avatar
    RockSolid is offline Banned
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    thanks for the opinions

  6. #6
    iron4life79's Avatar
    iron4life79 is offline Retired Moderator
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    here we go again..........

    as usual, im following kaz around and following his lead as well.
    i tend to agree with him to a certain point. if this is your 1st cycle, then you might as well keep the doses low to moderate, and see what that gets you gains wise. no sense jabbing double the amount of gear for the same amount of results.
    however, once youve gone around a few times, things are likely to change, and this where he and i part company. if i remember correctly, (and kaz is always free to correct me any time he wants) hes a strict advocate of low dosing.....period. for some, this may work well, for most imho, it dosent. eventually the doses will HAVE to be raised to continue seeing results. but this is just my opinion.

    peace bb79

  7. #7
    Kaz's Avatar
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    Re: here we go again..........

    Originally posted by barbells79
    as usual, im following kaz around and following his lead as well.
    i tend to agree with him to a certain point. if this is your 1st cycle, then you might as well keep the doses low to moderate, and see what that gets you gains wise. no sense jabbing double the amount of gear for the same amount of results.
    however, once youve gone around a few times, things are likely to change, and this where he and i part company. if i remember correctly, (and kaz is always free to correct me any time he wants) hes a strict advocate of low dosing.....period. for some, this may work well, for most imho, it dosent. eventually the doses will HAVE to be raised to continue seeing results. but this is just my opinion.

    peace bb79

    I wont disagree with you bro, since Im aware that we all react differently. Im 10 yrs down the line and still making gains on small doses and I always tell people not to up the dose until they have to.

    One of the reasons for this is that on other boards they advocate 1000mg test per week to people about to do their second cycle! (Not including the other gear they are doing with it!) To me that is plain stupid, as Im sure you will agree. Id much rather give the safe route to people and let them increase slowly in their own time.

    Most of the guys on this board are pretty sensible with their doses anyway, and from what Iv seen they are more sensible with the doses they suggest to others than the doses they use themselves! And that is why I spend my time on this board!

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