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  1. #1
    devildawg is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2005

    check out my 1st cylcle plz

    Hey guys I am about to start my 1st cycle and would appreciate any thoughts on it. My plans are:

    50mg test prop - every 3 days wks 1-10
    50mg tren hex - ev.3 dys wks 1-10
    50mg Winny tabs ed wks 1-10
    20mg nolvi ed wks 3-10

    I know this may seem weak but this is my first cycle and I just want to gain some mass and lose fat. I am 34 6' 2" 208 17% bf

    Is this any good or am I wasting my money? Thnks for any comments.

  2. #2
    Juicy Sauce's Avatar
    Juicy Sauce is offline Member
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    Nov 2005
    sounds pretty good. for your goal of gain muscle and lose fat, i think u can achieve this. why do u think u are wasting money? u want to learn about juice and ur body so its not a waste unless u spent to much for the sauce. my first cycle was 1 sustanon a week for 10 weeks. i gained like a mofo. thats only 250mg per week. u are going to take 50mg winny per day. thats 350mg per week right there alone. not a weak cycle at all. instead of worring about things. think good things instead. u must be verry excited. train hard but safe. eat a lot of food but good quallity. sleep 8+ hours a night and you will be happy with the results. good luck bro and have fun.

  3. #3
    hulkzer's Avatar
    hulkzer is offline Associate Member
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    Mar 2005
    balz deep in jessica alba
    Quote Originally Posted by devildawg
    Hey guys I am about to start my 1st cycle and would appreciate any thoughts on it. My plans are:

    100mg test prop - eod wks 1-10
    50mg tren hex - drop the tren for a first cycle and loook up the side effects
    50mg Winny tabs ed wks 6-10
    20mg nolvi ed wks 3-10

    I know this may seem weak but this is my first cycle and I just want to gain some mass and lose fat. I am 34 6' 2" 208 17% bf

    Is this any good or am I wasting my money? Thnks for any comments.
    Keep your diet clean and do cardio 3-5x's a wk.

  4. #4
    wolfyEVH's Avatar
    wolfyEVH is offline Anabolic Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    just run test E at 500mg/week. only 2 shots a week......50mg EOD or E3D is still too low IMO. save your money and will be a much better first cycle

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