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  1. #1
    Grappler13's Avatar
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    [B]New Member: Confused about conflicting info! PLease Help[/B]

    I am a grappler (3-5 times a week for 1.5 hours) and thought I would do a short safe cycle to help with strength and recovery. I am currently set up to take 20 D-Bol ED for six weeks split into 5mg doses throughout the day. At week two, I was planning on adding 200mg deca injectable once per week for five weeks. I have clomid on hand in case of gyno but was planning on saving it for PCT. If I start to develop some aromatizing symptoms, should I start the clomid and if so, How much per day. Also, do I NEED an anti-e if I've got the clomid (thinking it will carry me over until I can get some Arimidex or Nov). Fnally, I thought I was putting together a responsible basic cycle but some posts have been emphatic about adding test to the old Deca-DBol stack and say my sex drive will go as flaccid a s my member if I don't. I want this cycle to be easy and safe (clean diet and no alcohol, etc..) but if I ned the test and or an anti-e, I will get it. ANY ASSISTANCE would be greatly appreciated.
    Last edited by Grappler13; 11-28-2005 at 06:54 AM. Reason: Wanted Bolder heading

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by Grappler13
    I am a grappler (3-5 times a week for 1.5 hours) and thought I would do a short safe cycle to help with strength and recovery. I am currently set up to take 20 D-Bol ED for six weeks split into 5mg doses throughout the day. At week two, I was planning on adding 200mg deca injectable once per week for five weeks. I have clomid on hand in case of gyno but was planning on saving it for PCT. If I start to develop some aromatizing symptoms, should I start the clomid and if so, How much per day. Also, do I NEED an anti-e if I've got the clomid (thinking it will carry me over until I can get some Arimidex or Nov). Fnally, I thought I was putting together a responsible basic cycle but some posts have been emphatic about adding test to the old Deca-DBol stack and say my sex drive will go as flaccid a s my member if I don't. I want this cycle to be easy and safe (clean diet and no alcohol, etc..) but if I ned the test and or an anti-e, I will get it. ANY ASSISTANCE would be greatly appreciated.
    That is a 1970 cycle....Dont do it!!!!!
    Test only for your first cycle.
    must be 21 or older and have trained for 4-5 years naturally.
    What are your stats right now?

  3. #3
    Grappler13's Avatar
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    Thanks for your help.

    1970's cycle eh? I really thought I had done my research. I currently have 2000mg of deca injectable, 1000mg D-bol and 24 50 mg tabs of clomid but am patient and want to get this right however I would like to use the gear I have if possible. What would one recommend for someone who wil be wrestling 5-6 hours a week (lots of isometric and slow movements) and have time for another 9 hours to lift and or do cardio.

    I'm 33 years old, 5'11, 185, 16% bodyfat and have been lifting for years although the jui jitsu workouts are more draining than most of my weight lifting workouts as each 1.5 hour class ends with 30 minutes of straight fighting (NONSTOP)! ANy help is greatly appreciated. My health is of great importance and I want strength, endurance, and a little size or mass wouldn't hurt.

  4. #4
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    It is common knowledge and I can tell you from experience...a Deca and d-bol cycle without Test will kill your sex life fast!...they call it Deca dick.

    Best thing is to just do a test only cycle first....then your second cycle you can throw in some deca and D-bol

    So I recommend this.
    week 1-10 500mg Test ( 250mg done 2x a week)
    start PCT 12-14 days after last shot, and do it for 4 weeks.

    Half lives of some Test....start PCT acording to this.
    Sustanon or Omnadren 15 to 18 days
    Cypionate 12 days
    Enanthate 10.5 days

  5. #5
    Booz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tyrone_Biggums
    It is common knowledge and I can tell you from experience...a Deca and d-bol cycle without Test will kill your sex life fast!...they call it Deca dick.

    Best thing is to just do a test only cycle first....then your second cycle you can throw in some deca and D-bol

    So I recommend this.
    week 1-10 500mg Test ( 250mg done 2x a week)
    start PCT 12-14 days after last shot, and do it for 4 weeks.

    Half lives of some Test....start PCT acording to this.
    Sustanon or Omnadren 15 to 18 days
    Cypionate 12 days
    Enanthate 10.5 days
    agreed with mr bigg,a 1st cycle should consist imo of test alone and 500mg weekly would be good!!

  6. #6
    Grappler13's Avatar
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    Deca Dick?

    Sounds bad and the wife would be none to happy. Is there a particular type of test that y'all recommend. And what is the use of deca anyway? I'd like to keep my gains from the test cycle but am not looking to get huge, just stronger. I can squat 400 now and my bench is stuck around 225. (I swam earlier in life and think that explains the positive results I get with leg training.) Thanks again for all the help!

  7. #7
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tyrone_Biggums
    It is common knowledge and I can tell you from experience...a Deca and d-bol cycle without Test will kill your sex life fast!...they call it Deca dick.

    Best thing is to just do a test only cycle first....then your second cycle you can throw in some deca and D-bol

    So I recommend this.
    week 1-10 500mg Test ( 250mg done 2x a week)
    start PCT 12-14 days after last shot, and do it for 4 weeks.

    Half lives of some Test....start PCT acording to this.
    Sustanon or Omnadren 15 to 18 days
    Cypionate 12 days
    Enanthate 10.5 days
    I would agree with the above, except for the starting times for pct, its crucial to wait for the androgens levels to fall before implementing pct, and i have been tested for all the different compounds and my body is different than them starting times stated, but other than that first cycle TEST ONLY IS THE WAY TO GO

  8. #8
    longhorn814's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Grappler13
    Sounds bad and the wife would be none to happy. Is there a particular type of test that y'all recommend. And what is the use of deca anyway? I'd like to keep my gains from the test cycle but am not looking to get huge, just stronger. I can squat 400 now and my bench is stuck around 225. (I swam earlier in life and think that explains the positive results I get with leg training.) Thanks again for all the help!
    a lot of people like deca as long as they run it with test. All steroids shut down or surpress your natural test production. Deca shuts it down quite hard and fast so it is necessary to run test with deca. I would suggest using test in your first cycle, preferably test e, for 12 weeks and start PCT of nolva/clomid 14 days after last shot of test. You could use dbol for the first 4 weeks to kick start the cycle too. Just make sure you have nolva on hand b/c dbol aromatizes quite easily

  9. #9
    Grappler13's Avatar
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    What type of Test to use

    WHat kind of test would I use. I swear I've been researching this for weeks on end and am still confused. If I do a Test only cycle, is there one that is particularly effective and non-aromatizing? Is Sustenon test? I'[m really confused and promise not to start anything until I'm MUCH better informed. This is a great site and I appreciate the help.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Grappler13
    WHat kind of test would I use. I swear I've been researching this for weeks on end and am still confused. If I do a Test only cycle, is there one that is particularly effective and non-aromatizing? Is Sustenon test? I'[m really confused and promise not to start anything until I'm MUCH better informed. This is a great site and I appreciate the help.
    Test Cypionate or Enanthate would be best ( both should be shot 2x a week or once every 4 days) or the other should be easy to find.
    Test Prop is good also but shots ED or EOD would be a nightmare for a beginner.

  11. #11
    longhorn814's Avatar
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    test is test, the difference is being the ester it is attached to. Sust is actually a blend of four esters. The ester it is attached to determines its half life in your body and thus how often you need to inject. All test aromatizes too. For a first cycle go with test enanthate or cypionate . Go to the drug profiles and read about them.

  12. #12
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Grappler13
    WHat kind of test would I use. I swear I've been researching this for weeks on end and am still confused. If I do a Test only cycle, is there one that is particularly effective and non-aromatizing? Is Sustenon test? I'[m really confused and promise not to start anything until I'm MUCH better informed. This is a great site and I appreciate the help.
    i would go with test E for the first cycle at 500mg per week (2x250mg), test E is a single ester and is far better at keeping your blood levels stable than SUS ,which has to be shot every other day to maintain levels

  13. #13
    Grappler13's Avatar
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    Great site and advise. Thanks again.

  14. #14
    Grappler13's Avatar
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    Still Really Confused

    "Despite this we recommend that steroid novices stay away from all testosterone compounds. To make it very clear: Those who have never taken steroids do not yet need any testosterone and should wait until later when the "weaker" steroids begin to have little effect. For the more advanced, Testosterone enanthate can either be taken alone or in combination with other compounds. "

    I read this @

    WTF, I know everyone wants to be helpful but sadly because of our sad regulatory FDA scheme, it's hard to get good info. Is there a reason to stay away from test 1st cycle? I want to keep what I get so am not interested in temporary mass or strength. Any ideas. My D-Bol Deca stack did not go over well with the more experienced guys here.

  15. #15
    longhorn814's Avatar
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    very outdated profile, read the profile of it by hooker in the drug forum, it is much more current

  16. #16
    SixLifts is offline Junior Member
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    Might wanna look into Winstrol .....since u were saying wanted strangth and to keep gains might be something to think about since u hard into fight training.

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