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  1. #1
    leansauce is offline Associate Member
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    Question strange bloodwork results

    so i came off of a 12 week cycle that was pretty light looked like this
    1-10 deca 200mg/week
    1-12 prop 350mg/week
    10-13 winny 50mg/week
    letro and b6 throughout cycle

    my pct looked like this:

    14-15 clomid 100mg 4 days then 50mg a day for the remaining 10
    14-17 nolva 20mg/ed
    trib, zma, clen

    i decided two weeks after ending my pct which would be week 19 i wanted to go get bloodwork done. pct was definitely over and i wanted to see how my body had recovered. physically my nuts came back in full force along with sex drive within two weeks( nuts were totally gone during cycle )of the beginning of pct. so i figured two weeks after pct and 6 weeks since any aas to any noticable degree was in me i was ready to see what my bloodwork would say since i was eager to get on a new cycle which i did the next week anyways so week 20 i start my new cycle of test cyp and eq, and i did not know my test results until week 21 which is this week. (it took two weeks for them to get the results from lab cus of thanksgiving)

    everything was normal on my test except:

    Testosterone 1101 High / Normal 234 - 827
    HDL 36 Low / Normal >40

    why was my test threw the roof even two weeks after pct!! im soo confused
    doctor was helllllllla suspiciuos and wanted me to make another follow up consulting appointment after she said she "discusses the results further with her colleagues" what do you think shes gonna say/do to me at this follow up consultation tomorrow??? i just got the results today
    also how bad is my HDL and what bad effects will that have for me?

  2. #2
    O.M.E.G.A's Avatar
    O.M.E.G.A is offline Douche Bag
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    ....woops sorry about that

    you dropped the deca , never mind
    Last edited by O.M.E.G.A; 11-29-2005 at 03:42 PM.

  3. #3
    O.M.E.G.A's Avatar
    O.M.E.G.A is offline Douche Bag
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    maybe one of your compounds you used was really some other compound
    Last edited by O.M.E.G.A; 11-29-2005 at 03:42 PM.

  4. #4
    leansauce is offline Associate Member
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    the last cycle was my first and during cycle i gained 20lbs and during pct an additional 8lbs which seemed strange at the time

    did my pct of nolva clomid trib zma and clen really work that good?? is it possible?? well i guess it must be i kno doc must think i was on aas when i went in to get tested but i totally was not it was 9 weeks since last 100mg deca injection and 6 weeks since last 25mg winny capsule and 7 weeks since last 50mg prop injection, could any of those still of had an effect on my testosterone that many weeks after administering??

  5. #5
    leansauce is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by OMEGA
    half lives take about another week to dissipate
    what are u saying man the longest half life there was decanoate which hadnt been administered for 9 weeks on the day of my bloodwork, all those substances had plenty more than there half life to get out of me

  6. #6
    leansauce is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by OMEGA
    considering the drugs your were using that looks a bit wierd, although deca will take longer to clear then just 2 weeks

    maybe one of your compounds was really some other compound
    what are u saying man the deca had not been taking for 9 WEEKS! when i got bloodwork done

  7. #7
    O.M.E.G.A's Avatar
    O.M.E.G.A is offline Douche Bag
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    Quote Originally Posted by OMEGA

    maybe one of your compounds you were using was really some other compound


  8. #8
    leansauce is offline Associate Member
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    and the prop was definitely prop i guess my deca could have been something else or my winny capsules could have been something else but what oral would be able to effect me 6 weeks out?? and what injectable 9 weeks out?

  9. #9
    stupidhippo is offline Anabolic Member
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    hmmph! Im jealous.. Im further in my PCT and my test levels are that of a girl. Since our PCT regimens are similar I was wondering what are ur rations like in ur diet (pro/carbs/fat) and how high u kept ur cals?

  10. #10
    stupidhippo is offline Anabolic Member
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    oh yeah.. the HDL level is still decent and especially if ur total cholesterol was way below the limit..

  11. #11
    leansauce is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by stupidhippo
    oh yeah.. the HDL level is still decent and especially if ur total cholesterol was way below the limit..
    yea my LDL was 104 and normal is <150
    so that was pretty good
    my doc said HDL 36 for my age was kinda bad tho i should be well over 40 she said

    as for portions i kept them same as on cycle ~4500 cal for first three weeks of pct then dropped back to my normal diet of about ~3000 cal on week 4 of pct and have stuck to that

    yea i guess i should be happy with the test results...?

  12. #12
    stupidhippo is offline Anabolic Member
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    yeah no kidding =) Ur test levels are really good after PCT, and I wouldnt worry too much about that cholesterol but ofcourse more time off wouldnt hurt.. I actually can feel the low test.. not having nearly normal sex drive etc.. but bought some tongkat ali and it seems to be working already or then possibly my PCT is finally starting to restore my test.. For what I have understood the LH levels shoot up weeks b4 the test levels do.. For my next cycle Im gonna definetly include HCG in the PCT protocol. Other possible problem is that I had to start cutting in PCT also.. which I know is a big no no but sorta had no choice. So if I was wating more maybe my tests would recover more quickly?

  13. #13
    leansauce is offline Associate Member
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    yea well too late to take more time off lol i started my test cyp and eq cycle 7weeks after cycle and 3 weeks after pct since my body had seemingly fully recovered except the HDL i think more time off was rather unnecessary anyways

    my test cyp and eq cycle will have HCG in it also so i dont lose contact with my nuts during cycle again lol but pct will be the same i hope i get the same results!

  14. #14
    Swampwood's Avatar
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    You just wanted to show off cause your cookies kick back in so fast

  15. #15
    leansauce is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swampwood
    You just wanted to show off cause your cookies kick back in so fast
    i guess since that is what i suspected all along,
    but really i was not totally sure that maybe one of those drugs hadnt tainted the test becuz my cookies didnt just kick back in but they are making more than a normal man my age, which is 20 even being right after pct of my first cycle, kinda strange eh?

    has anyone had a higher than normal testosterone test?? how did your doctors react to it? what did they say to u?

  16. #16
    Swampwood's Avatar
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    When your young and you just finished pct your nads are pumpin up the test to recover and they come back a lil high to compensate for the open reseptors. Plus the norm. values on a test are an average..many people are high or low on a chart but normal for their body factors.

  17. #17
    powerliftmike's Avatar
    powerliftmike is offline ~Elite AR-Hall of Famer~
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    17aa AAS (like your winny) tends to send HDL to near zero figures. It will quickly rise after discontinuing the compound, just give it a month or so. If you are stuck with low test levels nolva and/or adex/ldex are good options. Again, just as it took weeks for you to shutdown it takes weeks for you to "startup". Be patient bro.

  18. #18
    leansauce is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by powerliftmike
    17aa AAS (like your winny) tends to send HDL to near zero figures. It will quickly rise after discontinuing the compound, just give it a month or so. If you are stuck with low test levels nolva and/or adex/ldex are good options. Again, just as it took weeks for you to shutdown it takes weeks for you to "startup". Be patient bro.
    i think u got it a little backwards, i have unusually high testosterone significantly above the normal range which is 241-847 i have 1101 !!! i took the bloodtest 2 weeks after my 4 week pct for my 3 month cycle, isnt that kinda strange? youd think it would be low at that point

  19. #19
    stupidhippo is offline Anabolic Member
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    ur pct was a success lucky u =)

  20. #20
    vitor is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by leansauce
    i think u got it a little backwards, i have unusually high testosterone significantly above the normal range which is 241-847 i have 1101 !!! i took the bloodtest 2 weeks after my 4 week pct for my 3 month cycle, isnt that kinda strange? youd think it would be low at that point
    Wow! Good for you

  21. #21
    ManOnSwole is offline Junior Member
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    I'd call that an awesome PCT job . I've been reading some stuff the only thing I can imagine would throw test levels off like that is ATD, but you're not on it.

  22. #22
    leansauce is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ManOnSwole
    I'd call that an awesome PCT job . I've been reading some stuff the only thing I can imagine would throw test levels off like that is ATD, but you're not on it.
    whats ATD?
    yea the doc asked what supplements i was currently on and i said tribulus and zma which is truely all i was on she said she couldnt imagine anyway either of those would put me over 200 above the high norm for test

  23. #23
    ManOnSwole is offline Junior Member
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    ATD is (1,4-androstadiene - 3,6,17-dione), becoming a popular OTC supplement for PCT. When people ran blood tests with it they had test levels like yours, something about ATD will throw off your test levels on bloodwork.

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