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  1. #1
    theron's Avatar
    theron is offline Associate Member
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    If I take 50mg of Dianabol per day which is 10 tabs how much muscle gain to expect?

    During a weeks time on 50mg of Dianabol per day how much muscle gain is average for someone on a good diet and works hard in the gym?

  2. #2
    Kaz's Avatar
    Kaz is offline Member
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    Do you mean you are taking this dose for a week only?

    If thats your intention its impossible to say! You WILL make some kind of gains, but I would guess that at that dose and for that short a time it would be mostly water (Which you would lose) It might be an idea to run the DBol at a lower dose for a longer period.

    If you plan to run longer than a week, again a lot of gains are going to be water just by the (usual) nature of the drug, and, its still impossible to say how much you will gain (And just as hard to guess how much you will lose after!)

  3. #3
    Ajax's Avatar
    Ajax is offline Senior Member
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    Can't tell you how much you will gain--or how much you will keep. It's impossible to predicct stuff like that!

  4. #4
    G-PIG's Avatar
    G-PIG is offline Associate Member
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    100 pounds, lol

  5. #5
    murph's Avatar
    murph is offline Member
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    dont expect to look like that guy in your avatar,..........but 4real I've been on a week tomorrow, and I've already gained 5-6 pounds I'm taking EQ, Deca ,and some test aswell, but I'm pretty sure that the gains are off the D-bol this fast,........but each person is different, and I agree 100% with what Ajax said............(thats at 40mg)

  6. #6
    theron's Avatar
    theron is offline Associate Member
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    How much within 3 weeks then?

  7. #7
    Big Al's Avatar
    Big Al is offline Retired Moderator
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    Whatever you gain in three your lose in the two weeks after, do some research bro, a three week D-bol only cycle isn't not a good plan.


  8. #8
    youngun is offline New Member
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    i dont understand why people take just dbol after reading your posts, do you lose all gains, i am taking 100ml deca , 250 ml sust per week 25mg dbol ed

    i might as well leave the dbol out if i will lose the gains off it

  9. #9
    Kaz's Avatar
    Kaz is offline Member
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    Originally posted by youngun
    i dont understand why people take just dbol after reading your posts, do you lose all gains, i am taking 100ml deca , 250 ml sust per week 25mg dbol ed

    i might as well leave the dbol out if i will lose the gains off it
    Dbol is most often used to start a cycle - Why? because Dbol starts to work within a week and the juice takes about 4 weeks. If you start with DBol you get the effect (Strength, Pump etc) almost as soon as you start, and by the time you stop the DBol in the 4th week (Usually thereabouts) the other gear is kicking in and takes over.

    As for losing gains, the answer is not everyone loses all their gains from DBol. I dont. I also think its dependant how much of it you take. More is definately NOT better when it comes to DBol since you put on LOTS of water, which you then lose - Hence people think they lose everything. They probably dont, it just looks that way!

    Of course we are all different, and have different reactions to each drug. I get on well with DBol but another bro on here has bad estrogen sides from it almost as soon as he takes it. The only way to tell is to take it (With anti-e on hand just in case) and go from there. There can be NO absolutes. We are all different.

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