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  1. #1
    Maggs145's Avatar
    Maggs145 is offline Junior Member
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    are 30g darts big enough for Prop

    I am gonna be doing bi injections with some prop, is 30g big enough to get the prop thru, I will be drawing with 23g. Thanks guyz. peace


  2. #2
    Pete235's Avatar
    Pete235 is offline Retired Moderator
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    No! As a matter of fact a 28g pin has a hard time with water based gear. A 23g is fine for injecting (if you want smaller, 25g is the minimum I would recommend). I use a 23g on glutes, delts, quads, bis and tris.

  3. #3
    Cycleon is offline AR-Hall of Famer / Retired
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    I dont see how you would get it through - I have heard of someone using 28g but that is the max I think - 25g is hard enough but reasonable

  4. #4
    Dr.Evil's Avatar
    Dr.Evil is offline Retired Moderator
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    it depends on the size of the syringe. if the diameter is very small as is the case w/ 1cc insulin syringes that carry a 30g needle size then it is very possible. in fact oil (prop) will come out of this easier than it will come out of a 23g needle hooked up to a 5cc syringe.

    the problem is 30g needles are only 1/2" in length (all the ones i've seen at least).

  5. #5
    Maggs145's Avatar
    Maggs145 is offline Junior Member
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    Thanks for the info. Yea i figured if i wanted to go as small as 30g i am gonna have to go with the 1 cc syringes. Yea they are 1/2", bu thats fine cuz I'm doin bi injections. Well at least I think 1/2" is suitable for bi's. Later


  6. #6
    Dr.Evil's Avatar
    Dr.Evil is offline Retired Moderator
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    youŽll be fine with slin darts for the biceps. good luck

  7. #7
    oilfueled is offline New Member
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    I use slin darts for delt injections quite often it isn't that bad, water based pushes through like nothing but the oil is a bit tougher just take it slow and remember not to push too hard cause you will snap the plunger

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