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  1. #1
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    Question Masteron Questions?

    what is it best stacked with?? How were your gains?
    would you recommend it??

  2. #2
    Logan13's Avatar
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    what are your goals with this cycle?

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Logan13
    what are your goals with this cycle?
    im 210lbs 12.5%bf 220-235lbs 8% get swole and strong as shit

  4. #4
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    and it's not really for my next cycle i jsut want some more info on masteron !

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by anabolicvenom
    and it's not really for my next cycle i jsut want some more info on masteron!
    Not to be cute, but did you read the steroid profiles on it? From experience, Mast and winny were hard on my hairline...and I'm not predisposed. Highly androgenic , DHT based drug. i.e. It will harden you up and give you oily skin.

  6. #6
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    yeah i looked at the profile but i didnt see anything about hairline

  7. #7
    FranKieC's Avatar
    FranKieC is offline "AR's Pretty Boy"
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    Masteron is good if you are trying to get rid of the last stubborn BF. It is best used when your BF level is in single digits.

  8. #8
    Logan13's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by anabolicvenom
    yeah i looked at the profile but i didnt see anything about hairline
    from Hooker's profile:
    "Unfortunately, being a DHT derivative means that it can have certain undesirable sides as well (acne, hairloss, prostate enlargement, etc… you may want to consider using Finasteride with this drug). DHT has a bad reputation for causing prostate hypertrophy, acne, and hairloss…but most people I’ve talked to find that reputation to be mostly undeserved at least in the case of Masteron ."


  9. #9
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    what do u guys like to stack it with???

  10. #10
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    400mg a week is ideal? correct

  11. #11
    Pinnacle's Avatar
    Pinnacle is offline AR-Hall of Famer ~ Cocky motherF*cker!
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    Yes,those are my legs
    I'll address your questions in reverse order.

    I highly recommend masteron .If your are looking for that refined,finished look.Then this drug is for you.While dieting down to a low body fat percentage,this drug with give you that 'hard,quality muscle" look.It will not be apparent if you BF percentage is above 8%.You need to be lean in order to see it's effects.This is why it's a drug of choice for bodybuilders to use in a competition cycle their last 4 weeks leading up to a show.

    Don't expect muscle gains with masteron.Like I stated above,it gives you a quality muscle look about you.You will see an increase in strength,and it does have the ability to be a great cutting drug.But in order to reap the rewards,your diet must be spot on,and it's best used at cycles end when you are leaning out really nicely.It will also help keep the water off you,as it acts somewhat like an anti estrogen of sorts.It's also suspected to lower SHBG levels which in turn would free up more bio-available testosterone .
    IMO..the perfect stack for masteron would be with Prop/Fina adding the masteron the last 4-5 weeks of the cycle.I've actually ran just that with great success.You could however use test enanthate in replacement of the prop if you're looking to reduce injections.It(masteron) will keep you somewhat drier.I know of guys who use masteron at cycles end in bulking type cycles with Deca included.They claim to like the hard feel of their muscles while remaining relatively dry from the masteron.Not a great way to utilize masteron IMO.Just throwing that option out there for those interested.


  12. #12
    FranKieC's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pinnacle
    I'll address your questions in reverse order.

    I highly recommend masteron .If your are looking for that refined,finished look.Then this drug is for you.While dieting down to a low body fat percentage,this drug with give you that 'hard,quality muscle" look.It will not be apparent if you BF percentage is above 8%.You need to be lean in order to see it's effects.This is why it's a drug of choice for bodybuilders to use in a competition cycle their last 4 weeks leading up to a show.

    Don't expect muscle gains with masteron.Like I stated above,it gives you a quality muscle look about you.You will see an increase in strength,and it does have the ability to be a great cutting drug.But in order to reap the rewards,your diet must be spot on,and it's best used at cycles end when you are leaning out really nicely.It will also help keep the water off you,as it acts somewhat like an anti estrogen of sorts.It's also suspected to lower SHBG levels which in turn would free up more bio-available testosterone .
    IMO..the perfect stack for masteron would be with Prop/Fina adding the masteron the last 4-5 weeks of the cycle.I've actually ran just that with great success.You could however use test enanthate in replacement of the prop if you're looking to reduce injections.It(masteron) will keep you somewhat drier.I know of guys who use masteron at cycles end in bulking type cycles with Deca included.They claim to like the hard feel of their muscles while remaining relatively dry from the masteron.Not a great way to utilize masteron IMO.Just throwing that option out there for those interested.



  13. #13
    IBdmfkr's Avatar
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    Great advice Pinn, You named the exact combo I am using to finish my cycle. I can't wait!

  14. #14
    FranKieC's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by IBdmfkr
    Great advice Pinn, You named the exact combo I am using to finish my cycle. I can't wait!
    What did you end up going with>? I know both of your cycles sounded nice.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pinnacle
    I'll address your questions in reverse order.

    I highly recommend masteron .If your are looking for that refined,finished look.Then this drug is for you.While dieting down to a low body fat percentage,this drug with give you that 'hard,quality muscle" look.It will not be apparent if you BF percentage is above 8%.You need to be lean in order to see it's effects.This is why it's a drug of choice for bodybuilders to use in a competition cycle their last 4 weeks leading up to a show.

    Don't expect muscle gains with masteron.Like I stated above,it gives you a quality muscle look about you.You will see an increase in strength,and it does have the ability to be a great cutting drug.But in order to reap the rewards,your diet must be spot on,and it's best used at cycles end when you are leaning out really nicely.It will also help keep the water off you,as it acts somewhat like an anti estrogen of sorts.It's also suspected to lower SHBG levels which in turn would free up more bio-available testosterone .
    IMO..the perfect stack for masteron would be with Prop/Fina adding the masteron the last 4-5 weeks of the cycle.I've actually ran just that with great success.You could however use test enanthate in replacement of the prop if you're looking to reduce injections.It(masteron) will keep you somewhat drier.I know of guys who use masteron at cycles end in bulking type cycles with Deca included.They claim to like the hard feel of their muscles while remaining relatively dry from the masteron.Not a great way to utilize masteron IMO.Just throwing that option out there for those interested.

    Pinnacle saves the day again!

  16. #16
    IBdmfkr's Avatar
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    I'll PM you, don't want to hijack.

  17. #17
    FranKieC's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by IBdmfkr
    I'll PM you, don't want to hijack.
    sounds good

  18. #18
    velvetlion's Avatar
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    Would it keep you dryer during a bulking cycle of for example: Test E., D bol, and Masteron . I know that it is more expensive, but with that out of the equation, would it be worth it to add it in there to try to help with the water retention and the aromatising of the testosterone ? Maybe build better quality muscle?

  19. #19
    needbigguns's Avatar
    needbigguns is offline Once Human and Inferior - Now Beast-Like and Superior
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    would masteron be good in a 8-10 week cycle of Test E, Anadrol and Tren A ?
    - I was thinking week 4-8 or week 6-10 - just running it for the last 4 weeks to harden and solidify my gains

  20. #20
    MASTER's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pinnacle
    I'll address your questions in reverse order.

    I highly recommend masteron .If your are looking for that refined,finished look.Then this drug is for you.While dieting down to a low body fat percentage,this drug with give you that 'hard,quality muscle" look.It will not be apparent if you BF percentage is above 8%.You need to be lean in order to see it's effects.This is why it's a drug of choice for bodybuilders to use in a competition cycle their last 4 weeks leading up to a show.

    Don't expect muscle gains with masteron.Like I stated above,it gives you a quality muscle look about you.You will see an increase in strength,and it does have the ability to be a great cutting drug.But in order to reap the rewards,your diet must be spot on,and it's best used at cycles end when you are leaning out really nicely.It will also help keep the water off you,as it acts somewhat like an anti estrogen of sorts.It's also suspected to lower SHBG levels which in turn would free up more bio-available testosterone .
    IMO..the perfect stack for masteron would be with Prop/Fina adding the masteron the last 4-5 weeks of the cycle.I've actually ran just that with great success.You could however use test enanthate in replacement of the prop if you're looking to reduce injections.It(masteron) will keep you somewhat drier.I know of guys who use masteron at cycles end in bulking type cycles with Deca included.They claim to like the hard feel of their muscles while remaining relatively dry from the masteron.Not a great way to utilize masteron IMO.Just throwing that option out there for those interested.

    perfect advice as usual!

  21. #21
    FinaGuy's Avatar
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    frankie nice avi. =OP u might have stole it from me... lol jk

    ill be running a Test E, fina, EQ & Mast cycle in about a month... i never used Mast. in any of my stacks but im looking forward to running this compund somewhere around 75-100mg EOD...

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