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  1. #1
    Warrior's Avatar
    Warrior is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Oct 2002

    Lyle McDonald's E-books...

    Anyone read Lyle's book, Bromocriptine: An Old Drug with New Uses (142 pages)? I just downloaded it from Meso with Ultimate Diet 2.0 (76 page e-book)...

    I read an interview with McDonald and his ideas in body recomposition are interesting to say the least... especially his research in Leptin and Bromo...

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    its look an Interesting read.

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  3. #3
    Warrior's Avatar
    Warrior is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Oct 2002
    Nobody read these?

    The Ultimate Diet 2.0

    The Ultimate Diet 2.0 is an updated version of a cyclical diet introduced to the world of bodybuilding over 15 years by bodybuilding gurus Dan Duchaine and Michael Zumpano.

    Including an overview of the physiology of both muscle growth and fat loss, the 7 day UD2 cycle also gives specific guidelines for each day of the diet, what to eat, how to train, what supplements (or drugs) to take.

    Based on the most recent scientific research, the UD2 is an advanced diet for advanced dieters, individuals who are already lean (men should be 15% bodyfat or less, women 24% bodyfat or less) and who want to get leaner without sacrificing muscle mass.

    It will also help both men and women get rid of stubborn bodyfat. It can also be used by athletes such as powerlifters or endurance athletes to lean out while maintaining performance. It is not an appropriate book for the casual or beginning dieter.

    Special Report #1: Bromocriptine

    Although ostensibly about the dopamine agonist bromocriptine, this booklet mainly deals with the topic of bodyweight regulation, how your brain sense how much weight and fat you have on you and how it alters your physiology when you diet. The first 5 chapters of the book cover nothing but bodyweight regulation and anyone with an interest in the topic would be well served by reading it. The remaining part of the book details how the drug bromocriptine can help your diet by tricking your brain into thinking you're not dieting. Even if you don't care about the drug information (and I cover everything from clinical data to side-effects to potential benefits and risks), you'll learn something about bodyweight regulation by reading this booklet.

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