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  1. #1
    vein-x's Avatar
    vein-x is offline Associate Member
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    I *HATE* Being Out of the Gym...

    This is my first cycle... and I'm absolutely loving it. In just over a month I've put on over 25lbs, had my confidence shoot up 500%, my aggression do the same and I f*ck like there's no tomorrow... probably because of the aggression and confidence. I'm 200% hooked on this shit, and even though I'm barely half-way through this cycle, I've already planned out (day-by-day) my next cycle and I'm already saving for it. Now that you have the slightest bit of background (check my log at the bottom of this post for a detailed cycle experience) on to my problem:

    As I said, my aggression, size and strength are up further than I'd ever hoped. I have no problems and I'm even running slightly higher than normal doses. My only REAL problem: I can't NOT go to the gym! I hate weekends and tend to eat like shit, because if I'm not in the gym I get 'depressed.' I can hardly use the word depressed, because I have the feeling of well-being 24/7 but I get pissed and feel like a useless piece of sh*t when I'm not on a bench pressing, or under a bar squatting. I love lifting, resting, reading, DREAMING about weight... hell I wanna own a gym now, and am seriously considering professional bodybuilding... offa ONE cycle!

    Anyway, up to this point most people are probably wondering what the hell do I want with this post. Truly, I want some kind of 'mindset' that you guys use to get you through your days out of the gym. I honestly love the pain. There'll be times when I self-inflict it like a pinch to feel something and make myself push through it (not wrist shit.. but yeah I've got problems) Bottom line: How do you tell yourself to stay calm, eat clean and get through the day if you have to rest and take a day off from the gym?? I went every day the past 10 days, and finally FORCED myself to stay home this weekend. I want to get the most out of this cycle, and I know rest is crucial. What do you think or tell yourselves??

    FINALLY Updated! Vein-X's *DETAILED* Cycle Log

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    my advice is, i kinda felt like that my first cyc, but really your second feels alot differnt, your more mental from "injecting steriods ", just settle down and take everything in porpotion. if your not at the gym accomplish something else with the same effort. happy lifting.

  3. #3
    Pinnacle's Avatar
    Pinnacle is offline AR-Hall of Famer ~ Cocky motherF*cker!
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    Yes,those are my legs
    As much as I enjoy being in the gym,I enjoy being out of the gym even more.Why is that,you might ask?That's when the results start to show ie;growth.I've yet to meet anyone who grew IN the gym.
    Also,there is much more to life than lifting weights.You have to have balance in your life.


  4. #4
    vein-x's Avatar
    vein-x is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pinnacle
    As much as I enjoy being in the gym,I enjoy being out of the gym even more.Why is that,you might ask?That's when the results start to show ie;growth.I've yet to meet anyone who grew IN the gym.
    Also,there is much more to life than lifting weights.You have to have balance in your life.

    I hear ya bro... but the way I feel now and have BEEN feeling for the past 2-3 weeks is crazy. I love lifting and the pain. I love thinking about my next meal and my next lift, prepping for the next set and feeling the pump from a high-rep set. Not only that, but at my current position in life, I don't need all that much balance. I'm doing just fine at the univ, grades are doing fine and the workload isn't hell. For the most part, I do what I want and don't live my life in school like some do. What I'm trying to say is that I have plenty of time to lift and balance isn't a big issue. I'll try and use that mindset Pinn, but again, the amount of aggression and energy on a day-to-day basis is SICK on cycle.

  5. #5
    arnold123 is offline New Member
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    wait until the cycle is over, im not saying wat your feeling now is going to stop, but its not going to be as much, you seem pretty educated, so make sure you come off of it the right way so you dont get any side effects or lose the gains you have made, keep it up and DO NOT lose that mindset and physical "want" to gain muscle and do everything right. good luck bro

  6. #6
    chest6's Avatar
    chest6 is offline Banned
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    Im going to route Pinnacle went. You have to remember you grow outside of the gym, not inside. When you understand this, you will truly enjoy being outside of the gym as much as inside, as he stated. This is the exact way I feel. I had an amazing leg session tonight, had strength come up a little bit even with a caloric deficit and I loved that feeling. I also am going to love this recovery phase i.e being sore tmr, and hella sore Tuesday, because I know I am getting bigger. You do have a good attitude though and Im glad you finally updated your log

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