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  1. #1
    getbigrob is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Miami, FL

    Talking Novice Cycle, how does this look to you guys?

    I did a cycle once 2 years ago, but it was only deca . After I moved back from college, I got lazy living at home and eating my mothers latin foods all the time (fried this, fried that...) You could imagine, the least to say, I gained a few pounds. So, towards the end of 2005, I decided I would step back in the game. I spent November and December 2005 hiting the gym hard in preperation for my early 2006 cycle. Here is what I am taking, I have started this week, so I am probably a week or 2 late on posting this, but still would like to see what other members think.

    Deca 200 mg
    Test Cypionate 200 mg
    Winstrol (20 mL bottle)

    Week 1: Monday 1 cc of Deca/1 cc of Cypionate
    Thursday 1 cc of Deca
    Week 2: Monday 1 cc of Deca/1 cc of Cypionate
    Thursday 1 cc of Deca
    Week 3: Monday 1 cc of Deca/1 cc of Cypionate
    Week 4: Monday 1 cc of Deca/1 cc of Cypionate
    Week 5: Monday 1 cc of Deca/1 cc of Cypionate
    NOTE* Winstrol starts this week begining Sunday 1 cc every other day
    Week 6: Monday 1 cc of Deca/1 cc of Cypionate
    Week 7: Monday 1 cc of Deca/1 cc of Cypionate
    Week 8: Monday 1 cc of Deca/1 cc of Cypionate
    Week 9: Monday 1 cc of Cypionate
    Week 10: Monday 1 cc of Cypionate

    Let me know your thoughts. I am on a high protein/low carb diet. Eating atleast 6 times per day (3 of those shakes/protein bars). Gym 6 times per week. I am on a training program (12 weeks) that I got from Flex Magazine.
    Playing Basketball, Racquet ball and tennis. Also I am getting back into Mountain Biking for that extra cardio.

    Thanks, GetBigRob

  2. #2
    Prada's Avatar
    Prada is offline Anabolic Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Seems like a weak cycle. Why so low?

  3. #3
    Booz's Avatar
    Booz is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    E London,no SOURCES given
    you should run the test higher than the deca mate!apart from that a 1st cycle should be test only at around 500mg weekly.

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