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  1. #1
    aka47 is offline New Member
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    is there a danger in taking too much clomid?

    I dont plan to overdose, but wut if u take too much, do ur balls get bigger, or does it reach a certain point where nothin begins to happen anymore.

  2. #2
    Dizzy's Avatar
    Dizzy is offline Banned
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    Do your balls get bigger??? LMAO!!

    Just follow the advice of so many bros on the board...

    300mg the first day (some use 150 or so and get by fine)
    100mg the next ten days
    50mg the next ten days

  3. #3
    aka47 is offline New Member
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    i know, how much to take, i just wondering wut happens if too much is taken, like 300 everyday

  4. #4
    Steak Helmet is offline Associate Member
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    YOur production of semen and sperm will go through the roof. You will orgasm about a gallon of stuff. Benefit for your lady.

    Too much Clomid can make the BOYZ grow a little large. They will become someone kicked you right in the willy.

    as far as long term sides, I am unsure.

  5. #5
    TNT's Avatar
    TNT is offline Retired Moderator
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    Cool No, your balls don't grow, but...

    Remember the clinial indication of Clomid: to induce ovulation.

    So if you take too much, what happens is simple: You become pregnant. Even if your name is George.

    But it's cool - you'll be able to make lots of money by writing a book about it.

  6. #6
    goldenFloyd's Avatar
    goldenFloyd is offline Member
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    It was suggested to me to take 50mg of clomid/ed of my cycle in addition to a standard psot cycle regiment. The idea was that it would help keep gains (as opposed to just keeping the kiwis in season during the cycle) after the cycle as well. How does this work?

  7. #7
    MeatHead03's Avatar
    MeatHead03 is offline Associate Member
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    your balls get elphentitus....haah jk, sorry had to say it

  8. #8
    Kaz's Avatar
    Kaz is offline Member
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    Originally posted by goldenFloyd
    It was suggested to me to take 50mg of clomid/ed of my cycle in addition to a standard psot cycle regiment. The idea was that it would help keep gains (as opposed to just keeping the kiwis in season during the cycle) after the cycle as well. How does this work?
    Like everything we use I would guess that your reaction to it will change over time (Prolonged use) and your body will become used to it. If this is the case with clomid then it would be counter productive to use it like that.

    You really want it to react as strongly as possible at the end of the cycle!

  9. #9
    Ajax's Avatar
    Ajax is offline Senior Member
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    Originally posted by aka47
    i know, how much to take, i just wondering wut happens if too much is taken, like 300 everyday
    Well, you could be our guinea pig! Let us know when you try it!

    Seriusly--stick to the tried & true methods.

    TNT: So, are you saying that I should wear a condom when I am on Clomid or risk getting pregnant?

  10. #10
    aka47 is offline New Member
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    i should stop sleeping around cuz i dont wanna get pregnant

  11. #11
    aka47 is offline New Member
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    another questoin, if a female juices does she take clomid post cycle to keep gains?

  12. #12
    XBiker's Avatar
    XBiker is offline Retired Vet
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    Over there.
    Originally posted by aka47
    another questoin, if a female juices does she take clomid post cycle to keep gains?
    Since females should not do much (if any test based gear) I would say no. Clomid is basically synthetic estrogen and it is used in females as a fertility drug to induce ovulation.

    When guys take test, it is converted to estrogen, unless an aromitase inhibitor (such as arimidex ) is taken.

    Females do not get shut down like males. The amount of (natural) test in their system is very low.

    Gear such as anavar , primo, EQ and low doses of test are the only things that females should take.

    *** Disclamer *** I am not, nor do I claim to be any type of authority on cycling for women.

  13. #13
    androplex is offline Donating Member
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    TNT if clomid will make me have a babby then I am not taking it even if it makes my jewels get bigger. The doc told me he does not want me taking it cause its hard on the liver. Said I could take hcg however. I wonder if hcg will start making my jewels stop shrinking. They are getting smaller.

  14. #14
    jbrand's Avatar
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    Re: No, your balls don't grow, but...

    Originally posted by TNT
    Remember the clinial indication of Clomid: to induce ovulation.

    So if you take too much, what happens is simple: You become pregnant. Even if your name is George.

    But it's cool - you'll be able to make lots of money by writing a book about it.
    More responsibility with still no action... and I didn't think things could get worse

  15. #15
    NINEX05 is offline New Member
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    Actually, I haven't heard it on the boards but there is one significant side effect of clomid use that I am concerned about...

    It can cause swelling in the primary visual cortex of the brain and cause temporary blindness...

    It hasn't stopped me from using it but I always wonder about the people advocating 300mg a day etc...

    I usually go with 100mg for 10 days and 50 mg for 10 days post cycle.

  16. #16
    escalade is offline Junior Member
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    if you take to much of anything it causes problems

  17. #17
    samoth's Avatar
    samoth is offline Member
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    It was suggested to me to take 50mg of clomid/ed of my cycle in addition to a standard psot cycle regiment. The idea was that it would help keep gains (as opposed to just keeping the kiwis in season during the cycle) after the cycle as well. How does this work?
    There is some truth to this... do some research, or I can point you in the right direction... if you have clomid, this is a way I would strongly advise. However, it is not imperative to the cycles success. I do not know were Kaz got his "guess" from... but I have found nothing to support his comment.

  18. #18
    Dizzy's Avatar
    Dizzy is offline Banned
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    Originally posted by samoth

    There is some truth to this... do some research, or I can point you in the right direction... if you have clomid, this is a way I would strongly advise. However, it is not imperative to the cycles success. I do not know were Kaz got his "guess" from... but I have found nothing to support his comment.
    Point us in the right direction....please.

  19. #19
    samoth's Avatar
    samoth is offline Member
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    I believe I said "do some research" first, perhaps you do not know the task of searching medical studies and citations? If so, please give me some studies of what you are exactly arguing, and I will be obliged to present my counter arguement. Good luck!

  20. #20
    Dizzy's Avatar
    Dizzy is offline Banned
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    Oh...i didn't know you were giving orders. I thought you were trying to help. Thanks anyways.

  21. #21
    samoth's Avatar
    samoth is offline Member
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    I am sorry to say, your cockyness and immaturity are not becoming. Apologies, if this is going to turn into childish bickering I will withdraw myself from this thread.
    Still, feel free to PM me with what you are attempting to debate, and we can continue.

  22. #22
    Dizzy's Avatar
    Dizzy is offline Banned
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    I love to debate. Even more so argue. I also like to kid with people. Most misunderstand it and think i'm being rude. But i'm just FUCKIN WITH YA. Lol. continue your debate....hopefully I will learn something from it. But I'm just to busy to research this topic right now.

    Sorry if I offended you samoth. That really wasn't my intention.

  23. #23
    Full Intensity's Avatar
    Full Intensity is offline Anabolic Member
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    Originally posted by Steak Helmet

    Too much Clomid can make the BOYZ grow a little large. They will become someone kicked you right in the willy.

    Yup, I posted about the too My boys were soo sore until i relieved some pressure

  24. #24
    Kaz's Avatar
    Kaz is offline Member
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    Originally posted by samoth

    There is some truth to this... do some research, or I can point you in the right direction... if you have clomid, this is a way I would strongly advise. However, it is not imperative to the cycles success. I do not know were Kaz got his "guess" from... but I have found nothing to support his comment.
    My guess was just that - A guess! based on the usual premise that taking too much of anything over extended periods is not good for you.

    Take 800mg of test for 8 months! The effect which you get in the first few months will be great, but after a time it will have less and less effect on you and you will need to increase the dose to have the same effect.
    Athough it is not related at all I could also suggest cocaine as an example. What gets you high today doesnt not get you high tomorrow (And no I dont take the stuff but I know people who do)

    My point was simply that if you plan to use clomid post cycle it would be better to use it in the usual tried and trusted doses, rather than overload yourself with the stuff. You may then find that the next time you try to use it those doses are not enough.

    And NO I didnt research this from medical records. I state once again this is purely a guess. Should I suddenly have the desire to take larger amounts of clomid for some reason (Perhaps to have a baby as TNT suggests!) I would of course do some research into its effects.

  25. #25
    Dizzy's Avatar
    Dizzy is offline Banned
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    Originally posted by samoth
    perhaps you do not know the task of searching medical studies and citations?
    Yeah your right...I haven't a clue.

    Effect of raising endogenous testosterone levels in impotent men with secondary hypogonadism: double blind placebo-controlled trial with clomiphene citrate.

    Guay AT, Bansal S, Heatley GJ.

    Section of Endocrinology, Lahey Clinic, Burlington, Massachusetts 01805, USA.

    Secondary hypogonadism is not an infrequent abnormality in older patients presenting with the primary complaint of erectile dysfunction. Because of the role of testosterone in mediating sexual desire and erectile function in men, these patients are usually treated with exogenous testosterone, which, while elevating the circulating androgens, suppresses gonadotropins from the hypothalamic-pituitary axis. The response of this form of therapy, although extolled in the lay literature, has usually not been effective in restoring or even improving sexual function. This failure of response could be the result of suppression of gonadotropins or the lack of a cause and effect relationship between sexual function and circulating androgens in this group of patients. Further, because exogenous testosterone can potentially increase the risk of prostate disease, it is important to be sure of the benefit sought, i.e. an increase in sexual function. In an attempt to answer this question, we measured the hormone levels and studied the sexual function in 17 patients with erectile dysfunction who were found to have secondary hypogonadism. This double blind, placebo-controlled, cross-over study consisted of treatment with clomiphene citrate and a placebo for 2 months each. Similar to our previous observations, LH, FSH, and total and free testosterone levels showed a significant elevation in response to clomiphene citrate over the response to placebo. However, sexual function, as monitored by questionnaires and nocturnal penile tumescence and rigidity testing, did not improve except for some limited parameters in younger and healthier men. The results confirmed that there can be a functional secondary hypogonadism in men on an out-patient basis, but correlation of the hormonal status does not universally reverse the associated erectile dysfunction to normal, thus requiring closer scrutiny of claims of cause and effect relationships between hypogonadism and erectile dysfunction.

    Publication Types:
    Clinical Trial
    Randomized Controlled Trial

  26. #26
    Dizzy's Avatar
    Dizzy is offline Banned
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    I guess that kind of supports your side of the argument mamoth. But even thought they say these patients are USUALLY treated with testosterone . They didn't really specify wether the men studied were or not.

    Oh yeah...I'm not done having trouble looking for medical studies and citations. God it is hard...but I think I can do it.

  27. #27
    androplex is offline Donating Member
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    Man I dont know what you all are talking about but I sure would appreciate it if you all would help me with my problem. Would you look at this and give me your views. I posted it on a thread but no one got back to me yet. Thanks in advance for your views. I really want to here from you.

    I have had to adjust my gear plan in mid stream since the doc is changing things on me. doc just told me in 6 weeks he is taking me off the test and putting me on hcg .

    Is it going to be affective to start taking deca 1.7 cc (340 mg) each week for the next 6 weeks with test 200mg per week?

    I will continue hgh for next 4 months and then some 10 iu's per week.

    Here is what it looks like
    week 1: 100 mg test depo
    week 2: 100 mg test depo, 1.2 iu's hgh
    week 3: 100 mg test depo, 1.2 iu' hgh
    week 4: 100 mg test depo, 1.2 iu's hgh
    week 5: 100 mg test depo, 1.2 iu's hgh
    week 6: 100 mg test depo, 1.2 iu's hgh

    doc increased levels and told me he will cycle me off test and put me on hcg in 6 weeks. I need to adjust things and this is what I plan to do.

    week 7: 200 mg test depo, 1.7 iu's hgh, 340 mg deca, 25 mg clomid
    week 8 - 12 same as week 7.
    week 13 - 50 mg clomid for next two and half weeks.
    week 15 start the hcg 1000 ius per day for next 10 days

    Cant take nalvadex since I am taking hgh.

    Please give me your thougths on this. I have had to adjust like I said because doc changed things on me.

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