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  1. #1
    DATY Fanatic's Avatar
    DATY Fanatic is offline Junior Member
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    May 2002

    Tijuana vs. Nogales & Crossing

    I’ll have an opportunity to make a road trip in approximately 4 weeks. I suppose I have two options. Nogales or Tijuana? First, does anyone know if Nogales, MX even has adequate supplies of gear? Nogales is a shorter drive from where I live. If no to Nogales, then I can make time for Tijuana during my next San Diego trip. Anyone think the idea of doing the actual foot work myself is too risky/crazy these days? I’d also appreciate your tips about border crossing. I’ve heard about challenges with both driving and walking across. For some reason I’m leaning towards driving across…something about it being easier to hide in a car rather than in a sock…having my girlfriend in the car also seems more innocent…she’s a Spanish teacher with a built in "research & supplies" excuse. Then again if they search, they’ll find it no matter where it’s hidden. On the other hand, I drive a Denali so that alone could be a target for a lot of problems down there. If the best odds are to walk then I think I will go over late in the afternoon get the gear and hang out until the drunks start walking over later in the night.

    Anyone have experience/advise/comments about this? Thanks!

  2. #2
    Tedmax195's Avatar
    Tedmax195 is offline Member
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    Nov 2001
    There was a thread posted on here a few days ago about a guy who was busted coming over the border in Nogales you should do a search on it and maybe pm him to find out what Not to to do. just my 2 cents though. Just found the thread read and enjoy
    Last edited by Tedmax195; 05-27-2002 at 03:28 PM.

  3. #3
    DATY Fanatic's Avatar
    DATY Fanatic is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Thanks for the link Tedmax! That was a pretty interesting.

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