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Thread: Deca-sus-dbol

  1. #1
    quirky531 is offline New Member
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    Mar 2002

    Question Deca-sus-dbol

    I have 100 russian dbols ... 16 cc's of russian deca and 16 cc's of russian sus ... i dont know why its all russian but ... my ques. is should i mix them in the same syringe or should i inject them all diff days? im going to use the dbol to jumpstart the cycle

  2. #2
    arthurb999's Avatar
    arthurb999 is offline Anabolic Member
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    You can make a nice cycle out of it assuming you have 200mg/cc deca and enough dbol . It would be better to get 4 more deca and 4 more sus amps and extend to for 10 weeks. Given what you have...

    400 mg deca a week for 8 weeks
    500 mg sus a week for 8 weeks
    25-35 mg dbol everyday weeks 1-4
    **Break up the injections and do two a week containing one cc of each on say Sun and Wed.

    Make sure you get clomid and an anti-e (novladex or arimimdex). Also take milk thistle or ala with the dbol.

    Remember eating and rest are of the utmost importance... not just training.

  3. #3
    Billy Boy's Avatar
    Billy Boy is offline Retired Moderator
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    Spot on good advice just drink plenty of water

  4. #4
    Ajax's Avatar
    Ajax is offline Senior Member
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    Nobody can give you good advice until we know a lot more about you! What are your stats & goals?

    Stats; what is your: Age? Height? Weight? Body fat percentage? Training experience (how long)? How many AS cycles have you done?

    What are your goals? What do you hope to achieve by taking AS? Strength? Size? Definition? Lose body fat? (Pick your main focus; don’t say “all of them” it’s not realistic!)

  5. #5
    quirky531 is offline New Member
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    I hear ya Ajax ... im 20 ... 160 lbs .... 5'7" kinda skinny ... im really lean but want size ... i dont mind some extra body fat if traded with mass if you know what i mean ... ive taken a dbol only cycle ... responded great... i ate like a horse gained 15 lbs and kept just about all of it .... which i know is unusual but i guess i did something right ... hope this helps.

  6. #6
    quirky531 is offline New Member
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    just looking at the gear i see that the deca is only 100mgs ... how would this change the amount i have to take? everything is real my source is extremely reliable ... thanks guys (... i see how some people come onto this site just looking for answers without any reasearch ... i have researched thoroughly just looking for second opinions) thanks again

  7. #7
    Ajax's Avatar
    Ajax is offline Senior Member
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    Still around quirky?

    16 ml of Deca @ 100mg/ml is not really enough to get decent results out of the Deca, unfortunately. Either get more (I would say that 300mg/week is the minumum that would get results, 400mg a week is better) or save it for another cycle-=-when you can get more!

    A decent beginner cycle can be done with what remeins though!

    Sustanon @ 500mg/week for 8 weeks (or even 400mg/week for 10 weeks) taken in two injections 3-14 days apart will do a good job for a first-timer. (If the Sustanon stings too much, you can mix 1ml Deca with 1ml Sustanon to dilute it a bit--that will take the sting out, though like I sais, if you do only 200mg of Deca a week, you would get much gain from it. Your call!)

    Dbol : I assume the Russians are 5mg tabs. 100 is a bit lite for a cycle, but taking 4-5 a day for as long as they last will give you a little 'kick' to get the cycle going.

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