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  1. #1
    devistate is offline Junior Member
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    Question Eq And Winny=sickness, Why?????

    Hey guys a few questions here. My friend started a cycle of eq and winny. He is a sprinter and a football player. 22 years old and this is his 3rd cycle. He started his cycle with 50mg of winny every other day and was plan on running it for 5 weeks. the Equpoise he started at 300mg a week and was going to run it for 10 weeks. He started his 1st shot with 50mgs of winny and 100mgs of equpoise. He plan on running it that way for 5 weeks and then stoping the winny but continuing the eq. Well after his 3rd shot he got really sick like as if the juice was bad. So here is the questions:

    1, Can winny and eq be taken together? And is it recomended?

    2, If he was going to take 300mgs of eq a week should he take all 300 on the 1st day of the week or take 100 every other day?

    3,He stopped the winny and eq cycle because he got sick but now he is better but taking penacilin medication, but he wants to start up the cycle again, so can he start it back when he has a week left of taking penacilin?

    4, Does his cycle look good or would you guys recomend something else?

    5,Now the most important question. He doesn't know for sure if it was the eq or winny that got him sick or if it was just a common cold eventhough it was a hell of alot worse than the common cold. Does winny or eq usually get people sick because of being dirty? And If it was you would you try the stuff again?


  2. #2
    big N's Avatar
    big N is offline Anabolic Member
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    u could take both together mand they actuallt work good too,btu he should definaetly add test to it 400 -500mg of enethate ,there are some cases of flu like symptoms with the eq but its un common,and its only light flu symptoms ,now i dont know what happen to your freind,maybe he jsut got sick it does lower your immune give it another shot and make sure maybe he had some allergic reaction what kind of gear is he taken?and also he can get away with once a week bur split into two would be a little better ,id do it like this.
    1-10 400 mg eq
    1-10 4-500 mg test
    7-12 50 mg winny eod.

  3. #3
    devistate is offline Junior Member
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    Thanks Big N, Anyone else? He bought all his stuff in TJ but from a legit dude. I told him about the test bought he is scared to take it because they say that eveytime you take it it will drop your own production of test for the future. now i know taking eq twice a week would be better for the 1st 7 weeks but when starts the winny should he take the eq with the winny,(every other day shot)?

    thanks again!

  4. #4
    Tedmax195's Avatar
    Tedmax195 is offline Member
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    Big N is right you should add 400mg of test to that and maybe bump up the winny to 50 mg ed instead of eod. just my 2 cents bro.

  5. #5
    EXCESS's Avatar
    EXCESS is offline Retired Moderator
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    What brands did he buy? Thats a very mild cycle but he planned it out wrong. He should have started with eq (week 1-10) and then winny (week 7-12). Either way he takes it won't change his health problem but it is a smarter way to go.

  6. #6
    Tedmax195's Avatar
    Tedmax195 is offline Member
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    I totally agree Excess.

  7. #7
    dork's Avatar
    dork is offline New Member
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    Their is such thing as "EQ FLU" similiar to "Sust Flu". I've used TT Eq before, @400mg/10wks i didn't get sick at all, but it is a vet roid, and can cause some to get sick....

  8. #8
    Younger is offline Junior Member
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    It may be placebo or coincidence but the two times I've used eq(would have to be acredited to eq b/c was only drug taken each time) I've had very mild flu symptoms starting after first week and lasting about five days. again could be coincedence or just in my head but I feel like it was the eq.

  9. #9
    xplicit is offline Member
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    I am taking eq now also and had experienced flu like sympotons. Every one is different so its possible. As i took more shots and the weeks went by i was getting less sick each time. I take an asprin the morning after just in case and im good.

    He should separte the shots i found that helped to stop the flu like symptons. I was taking 450mgs one day(250cyp 200eq) and 300 (eq)another day during the week.
    Now i started taking 250/125 twice a week and have felt a lot better. He might be getting sick casue the dosage are very high.

    Another thing to the bros who responded to this post find out more stats like height weight past cycles/how much his doseages were before recomming him to take 400/500 mgs of test. Also find out the kds goals not everyone wants to be a huge or gain 20 pounds just casue u want to dont mean he wants to. The kid is a football player what if hes a is a QB does he need to add 20 pounds no it will mess his arm up. Also the kid is getting sick and people are recomming him to take more 500mgs of test which from what i hear is worse then eq in givng flu like symptons. No flame to anyone just trying to help out the best i can.

  10. #10
    devistate is offline Junior Member
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    Thanks guys for all the feed back! I will clear up few things with this reply. He is 21,,,5.10,,,, 200lbs,,,,12-15%bf. And a linebacker.

    What do you guys think about taking cycles with test at 500mgs a week along with something like primobolan or eq for like 8-10 weeks? How many cycles are too many with test? This guy has taken two cycles(here they are).

    1st cycle
    -500mgs or sust for 8 weeks
    -400mgs of deca for 8 weeks

    2nd cycle
    -500mgs of sust for 8 weeks
    -300mgs of primobolan for 8 weeks

    He took both cycles in one year one in january then one in september.
    So I think that is more than long enough between cycles, what do you guys think?

    So how much test does the average body make in a 21 year old ? And since there is supposed to be a reduction in a persons own production of test after every cycle, how much do you think a person losses after each cycle with test?
    I hope that made sense, if not I will try again

    Also, if he got sick from the eq should he take it again?
    I will get back with the make of the eq but it has english print on it and it is a 50ml bottle at 50mgs/ml.

    He decided to change his cycle to what you guys have been suggesting but he is still scared about the reduction in his own test production. The reason why he is scared is that he will be drug tested during college so he don't want to screw up his production of test. so that he can't play at the level he would have if he would of never taken the test? Once again I hoped that made sense
    What do you guys think?

    One more question, on this website it tells how long each steroid stays in the body. Do you guys think the detection times are right or even reasonable?

    Thanks guys!!!!!!

  11. #11
    devistate is offline Junior Member
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    One more thing, His 1st 3 shots consisted of one cc of winny and 2cc of eq so for a total of 100mgs of eq and 50mgs of winny. Was that ok?

    Thanks again!

  12. #12
    devistate is offline Junior Member
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  13. #13
    devistate is offline Junior Member
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    Bump, PLEASE HELP!

  14. #14
    devistate is offline Junior Member
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    BUMP, If there is any reason why you guys can't or don't want to reply, please let me know.

    Thanks again!

  15. #15
    xplicit is offline Member
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    Listen if you want to find out your answer start another thread and word it clearly. I personally cant answer the question and to be honest i dont know what you want to know exactly. Start a new thread up.

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