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  1. #41
    RockSolid's Avatar
    RockSolid is offline Banned
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    pete is that u in ur avatar, cause if it is, you keep getting bigger and bigger and bigger,in ur avatars good job,

  2. #42
    Iron horse's Avatar
    Iron horse is offline Anabolic Member
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    Pete complained for a good reason. Many new members, maybe some thinking there steroids guru's WHEN they arn't give bad adivce..............

    I've been READING not registered on this board since the begining, hell, I was reading the original board more then a year a go. A lot has changed, and the board has held together like a growing city on a screen.

  3. #43
    DrJay73's Avatar
    DrJay73 is offline Associate Member
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    Well said as always Pete!

  4. #44
    Sicilian30's Avatar
    Sicilian30 is offline Respected Member
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    Hell I have been trolling the boards now for a year or so, and I still don't know half of what most vets and Mods know. I do see where Pete is coming from, and I have made the mistake myself many times of taking someone's advice and found someone contridicting the advice I had received. I think it is safe to say here, that research and consulting with other people and getting more than one person's views are the key thing here. I made a mistake one time on a thread with needle size and it was simply cause I had it backwards and wasn't thinking and Pete quickly corrected me.
    We are all here to learn, and everyone is different. I will always try to say when I give someone advice that asks, I base it on what I have experienced for myself. I never say I know everything, nor will I ever say that I am 100% correct about anything, because no one is. That is why when most people ask me for help I normally base my answers on what I have personally experienced and what and how my own body reacts, we are all different some of us react differently to all things.. Great post pete I wanted so bad to say something like this, but I was afraid you guys would give me the boot.

  5. #45
    jamotech's Avatar
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    Shit I just reailized that in one of my recent posts I put in the "I read that...". The only reason I put that there was to give validity to my statement. I have been researching AS quite a bit in the two years since I first tried it to the point that I cant believe how much I didnt know then. I put that there because I dont want people to think im giving out advice based on my limited experienced, I think its better than someone with 10 posts is just throwing out info like
    "up it to this" or just some badly mispelled statement.

    I do take into consideration how many posts I and others have. If someone with 2000 posts is asking a question their most likely not want to take someone with 12 posts too seroiusly-good advice or not. Its like juming into an argument thats been going on for 5 hours thinking you have the answer to everything, not saying AR is a big argument. I think AR is great and its good to come here and get info on based on experience, not just text. Anyway, this was the first time I really read this post and thought id give my .02, Good post Pete but I think if someone reads info in credible literature and passes it on theres no harm. However, Info from guy at the gym is a different story.

  6. #46
    reli is offline Junior Member
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    yeah you are right about them ppl,i am not sure if u should get that angry over it though this shit its an everyday occurrance in all fields of life you get a lot of ppl that have no idea what they are talking about and want to sound like fucking pros,the best thing would be to advice the ppl that read these posts not to take everything to heart from very smartass here

  7. #47
    Gekko is offline New Member
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    Hey guys...first of all I want to thank everyone here for the great website; I can't believe all the information that is in here. Right now I am stupefied by the amount of threads, the jargon, and the technicalities of the site. In other words, I am a ship sailing around in a hopeless circle without a rudder...this happens when you and your computer are mortal enemies!

  8. #48
    Gekko is offline New Member
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    Secondly, I'm glad I read this thread...otherwise I would have pissed off the whole board, and even people who aren't members yet! I will definitely be contacting a few of you moderators soon so please be patient (just as soon as I find out how to send a PM!).

    And lastly, thank you all in advance because I'm sure that this site and it's members will have a direct impact on the fulfillment of my new goals.

    "Give a man a fish, and he'll eat for a day...teach a man to fish, and he'll eat for a lifetime."

  9. #49
    astrolifter is offline New Member
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    Consider this:

    Originally posted by Pete235
    Lately it has come to my attention that a lot of people with little research and NO experience are giving advice on the proper ways to administer AAS and offering cycle and stack advice. This really chaps my nads!!! I've responded to several offenders in the past week or two and I'm getting sick and fucking tired of repeating myself!!! Do not, I repeat DO NOT give advice if you are not qualified to do so. If you have a cycle or two or three please give advice based on your practical experience and feel free to share your suceesses and failures. If you have a lot of clinical information from years of studying and research please give advice as it is always welcome and helpful. If you are asking "what kind of test is best?" on one thread and telling somebody on another thread "yeah, cyp kicks ass!!!" then you will have a major fucking problem with me!!!! This is not an exaggeration...I have seen this many times. Don't give advice on hersey (what you read in another post) and don't give advice based on what the big guy in your gym said!! My patience is wearing very thin on this topic and I'm losing patience. Why? This is why.

    I was 34 years old and researched an entire year before I even considered giving this a go, I value my health that much. That's why it pisses me off when 18 year old cowboys come jumping in saying shit like "Yes I'm young, but I've hit my natural plateau and I'm gonna do gear whether you tell me to or not!!" Don't give me some bullshit response that you want to take your physique developement to the next level!! You want to look big at the night clubs and you want to poke your little pecker in hot piece of tail...that is the only reason you want this!!! If you were as mature and intelligent as yo claim, then you would heed the advice given here (many young guys have, and they also have my respect). AAS are potentially dangerous and over a year ago when I came to this board asking questions, I would have been livid if I thought I was getting advice from somebody who knew less than me but read on another post that running test and deca togther is a good stack. The advice may well be true, but that's not the point! I think you all see the point I'm trying to make. I understand the need to feel like a contributing member and the need to participate. If you want to do that but have no knowledge of your own fine, but preface your response with "I have read that...." or " I have heard that...." or "My research indicates...." or "A friend of mine did that and he found...." or "In my experience....", well you get the point.

    I'll say this again, my patience is wearing thin and I hope this is not a trend that continues. I will see if I can sticky this so all newcomers can give it a once over.
    You talk about clincal information as if juicing was some sort of studied science. It is not. Trial and error is how most of us learn, aside from the information we get from various ancedotal testimonies, such as that which is often posted on this board and many others. What works for some does not necessarily work for others. There are some 18 and 19 year olds out there that have already acheived a level of development that most of us dream of. Are they just as qualified to give advice as you are? I should say so! Instead of chastizing perhaps you should open up your mind. You just might learn something new

    Also, I think developing one's physique merely for "hot piece of tail" is a pretty noble idea
    Last edited by astrolifter; 07-24-2002 at 12:24 AM.

  10. #50
    Jarhed is offline Associate Member
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    That was probably the best "wake-up" post I think I've seen. Kudos and BUMP

  11. #51
    BIG TEXAN's Avatar
    BIG TEXAN is offline Respected Member
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    I'm new here.....have some pretty good knowledge and I have to give you an AMEN BROTHER! If you don't know.......keep quiet.

  12. #52
    Pete235's Avatar
    Pete235 is offline Retired Moderator
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    Re: Consider this:

    Originally posted by astrolifter
    You talk about clincal information as if juicing was some sort of studied science. It is not. Trial and error is how most of us learn, aside from the information we get from various ancedotal testimonies, such as that which is often posted on this board and many others. What works for some does not necessarily work for others. There are some 18 and 19 year olds out there that have already acheived a level of development that most of us dream of. Are they just as qualified to give advice as you are? I should say so! Instead of chastizing perhaps you should open up your mind. You just might learn something new

    Also, I think developing one's physique merely for "hot piece of tail" is a pretty noble idea
    Did you read the post or merely peruse it? I said that if you have experience and proven results, share it!! If you've never touched gear, then shut the fuck up when somebody asks about the proper way to administer drugs! If you have clinical, anecdotal or factual knowledge from a source other than personal experience, then put that in your post. Oh and if an 17-18 year old have reached a level of developement that most of us dream of, it's due to genetics, not experience. Are they qualified to give advice on diet and training? Most definatly!! Are they qualified to give advice on how many cc's of test enanthate to shoot and how often? Well, if they've never done it themselves...NO FUCKING WAY!!

  13. #53
    pureanger is offline Senior Member
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    Looks like things havent changed good to hear from you on your opinion sounds good

  14. #54
    m16a2 is offline Senior Member
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    Originally posted by bolabola
    i'm a newcomer to this website, and i already noticed that my self.
    I'm 30 years old, and just did my first cycle, but i resherched and read every thing i could ,before i even did any thing ;my self i though i knew a lot about anabolics and working out [ only been working out for 5 years] but after joining this site, i came to a conclusion I KNOW NOTHING ABOUT STEROIDS , compared to you guys, and for that reason alone, i would never give anyone advise on any cycle.... the search i did was for my self and my self only, if i'm still don't know the answer, i will ask someone that knows..... i can give my opinion, if i think something is fake or looks fake, but that's about it.
    That's the truth right there. I spent a few months researching AS and deca in particular. Then I found this website and joined this forum. Once I came in here I realized that I had ALOT to learn, so I delayed my first cycle until I catch up here. This forum is awsome.

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