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  1. #1
    Iwan2bsolid2's Avatar
    Iwan2bsolid2 is offline Senior Member
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    Arrow Using too much gear.

    How come when I talk to juice heads off the internet they seem as though they don't have a clue about gear? I was talking to this guy tonight at work about gear and he didn't even know the diferences between test's. I asked him what he was taking and he said the stuff with the little dog on it, from mexico. He says he was also taking V. - ...winny? I asked him how much, and he said ml eod, I told him that he should take 50mgED and he would be much happier, he thought that was way too much. Then I asked if he drank it or shot it, and he was like "drink it?" Then I tried to explain that to him and he was telling me how bad that is for you liver- yata yata. It seems alot of people I talk to about gear think that the amounts we take and discuss about here are way too much? I was talking to another guy the other day about my next cycle. I told him I was planning on taking 40mg/ED of Var, he said that's way too much? How have we established our theory on the amount of gear needed to be taken? I mean logically wouldn't it vary from person to person. I see people all the time - and myslef as well advising people to take a minimum of 500mg of Test/wk stacked with 400mgEQ/wk, etc...because that is what I have learned from researching these boards. But in all honesty would'nt a person that is 150lbs need less than say a person who weighs 215? It seems like the general advice given is to do 500mg of Test and up no matter the size of the person. Are we advising too much gear for some?

    Last edited by Iwan2bsolid2; 06-04-2002 at 01:50 AM.

  2. #2
    Kaz's Avatar
    Kaz is offline Member
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    Its about time someone else had this idea!!

    I always tell people to use smaller doses because I simply see no point in going for high doses until you get nothing from a lower dose. I have been using AS for 10 yrs and I STILL don’t use more than 200-300mg of any one thing in a cycle.

    I get good results, which I am able to keep, from as little as 200mg of test (Lets say enthanate for example) and 200mg of deca or EQ. If taking HUGE doses actually worked we would see lots of 350lb, shredded juice junkies wandering about, and we don’t! Just to make a point about the size of the person – I am 315lbs and I still only use 200-300mg of test in a cycle and I still get results.

    The answer as far as I can tell is that the body can only support a certain level of gains on its own (Meaning once you stop taking the gear), and anything above that is lost no matter how much clomid you take. Gaining in small and easily kept increments means that you build up slowly, using SMALL doses, and your body can handle these smaller increments with no problem.

    When, and if I stop making gains using 200-300mg per week then I will of course increase the dose, but not by more than about 50mg! I see people on other boards (Not so much this one its true) who advocate taking 1000mg of test per week! What kind of madness is that! When you see that they are also taking something (Or more than one thing) along with it they are talking about injecting maybe 2000mg of juice per week!! That is just insanity!

    As I said, if these kinds of doses worked then there would be lots of guys walking around who look like Ron Coleman etc. Since there are NOT we can only assume that a majority of the gains they make with such doses are lost (Just like the money they spent on all that gear) and that after all that they make the same kinds of gains as us, for all the gear they are using.

    As far as I can see the only thing they are doing by taking that much gear is exposing themselves to dramatically increased risks of side effects! Taking it slowly, with smaller doses, and making smaller gains that we keep seems to be the safest route to me.

    I am also horrified about the number of people who don’t seem to know anything about the steroids they are using. I cannot imagine injecting myself with something that I did not understand. As an example I spoke to a (HUGE) guy in the gym the other day and he told me he was doing test. He had no idea what kind of test it was, he had never heard of aspiration, he had never heard of using alcohol and had no idea what clomid was. This man has been using AS for several years now by taking a week off between cycles!!

    It is our job, as far as we can, to try to educate these people! Why? Well aside from being the right thing to do, it is also beneficial to us, since there is then less chance that they will end up on a slab and in the news as advertisements for just how bad steroids are!

    Oops! I'm rambling! Good post bro! Brings up a subject close to my heart!

  3. #3
    Iwan2bsolid2's Avatar
    Iwan2bsolid2 is offline Senior Member
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    Kaz, good to hear from you bro.

    "As far as I can see the only thing they are doing by taking that much gear is exposing themselves to dramatically increased risks of side effects! Taking it slowly, with smaller doses, and making smaller gains that we keep seems to be the safest route to me."

    well said my friend, I couln't agree with you more. The thing that really concerns me is that these people are mostly newbies taking way too much gear. I can understand a Vet who's been in the iron game for a great time taking large amounts of gear, but not kids on their first cycle. I see newbies going straight to the hard shit like Tren - doing like 4 stack cycle's - this is just outta hand for a beginner. But then there's that saying floating around that "your first cycle is your best cycle" so make it a good one...well shit no wonder they end up taking so much juice. I think we need to make more effort to advise the right cycle for a certain person, taking into consideration age, weight, experience, and not advise people to take gear unless they have been training consistantly for a few years. I believe gear is for the hard core. The dedicated all around bodybuilder or athlete, who has everything in order- diet, training regimene, rest, sleep, passion to learn about the sport, desire to learn as much as possible about the use of Steroids , and will power to pass up anything that may jeopardize gains or goals you set for yourself. Gear is not for the weekend warior's that want to look bigger for summer, etc. I could go on and on but I think I made my point clear.

  4. #4
    solid-d's Avatar
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    How did you get the picture of ImWithStupid? thats awsome. Sorry I cant help you out with your post. Can you tell me how to make the same sign, thanks bro

  5. #5
    Iwan2bsolid2's Avatar
    Iwan2bsolid2 is offline Senior Member
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    If I told you, I'd have to kill you.

  6. #6
    testaprim's Avatar
    testaprim is offline Associate Member
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    Good posts you guys, i fully agree! I see really good results with smaller doses as well. I have yet to met the minimums of stated cycles and still gain 20lbs when all is said and done.

  7. #7
    silverfox's Avatar
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    There is a point where more is not better and i think it's different for everyone i have done both low end and very high dose cycles and have found what it best for me, and over certain amount for me seems to be counter productive. So i guess to answer 1st post, lost of guys know NOTHING they take it becuase johny said take 1ml of this and that so they do. Do these guys grow? Some do some don't. I have personal friend who has card been to Mr. Unaverse, did Master O one time and NOC i believe. He would take 3cc of winny per week, 1 or 2 amps of test on BIG cycle, 2 primo's week, you get the idea.... genitics and hard work are more important than gear in any amounts.

  8. #8
    hammerhead's Avatar
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    I bet people resort to using more gear as an answer to how to get more gains. Maybe you're on a training plateau or you're not eating enough. Who knows. An easy answer is more gear to get those gains you can't seem to get.

    I just did my first cycle - I went from 176 to 187 pounds and back down to 182. I took 250mg/wk sus and 400mg/wk deca for about 10 weeks. That was plenty of enough gear for me. My gains were limited only by how much food I was eating - if i'd eaten more i'd have gained more - but I was not trying to get bigger - I wanted to get leaner and managed to trim about one inch from my waist - bottom line is i'm happy with what I got. Next cycle i'm sticking to 250mg/wk sus and about 350mg/wk equ. and 25mg/day dbol . That's enough. But I can see where it is tempting to think more gear would be the answer if I didn't get good gains or didn't have realistic goals.

    It's easy to say: if i'm going to take the chance of getting busted, i'm going to go through all the side-effects and do all the heavy workouts and get tiny balls and go through clomid and all the depression at the end of the cycle why not make damn sure I get all the gains I deserve? Why not take plenty of gear and make damn sure that if I do fail it isn;t because I didn't take enough gear! Every time I look at my plan for my next cycle I keep itching inside to bump up those dosages just to be sure they're enough!

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