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Thread: deca-winny tabs

  1. #1
    HoRsEmEn is offline New Member
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    Question deca-winny tabs

    Whats up guys,

    I started reading about steroids and doing research here and there for the past month. I am 21 years old, around 195 lbs, 5 ft 10 in, and a little on the chubby side ( I do not know my % body fat). I have been working out on and off with weights for the past 4-5 years. And I am an avid muay-thai boxer.

    I was thinking of doing my first cycle of steroids this summer. And i wanted some advice from people who actually know what they are talking about. I want to get a little bit bigger, and get cut up. I am about to take 2 things:

    Deca -Nanadrolone -- 300 mgs per vial -- 10 vials -- all for $170

    Winstrol Tabs -- 10 mgs -- Red in color -- $1.50 - $1.75 a tab

    *the guy i am getting it from said that he is getting them from a pharmacy

    I would like to know if this is a good cycle. And I would like to know how i should go about using them. For instance, should i do a 10 week cycle of deca, or should i pyramid it, when should i start using the winstrol tabs, how many tabs should i use, correlated to what week, (i remember reading in the message board it is not wise to take too many tabs for too long), what should my eating habits be ( i read deca is useless unless you are on a high protien diet). Just basically anything that can help me get started.

    Thanks a lot for your help, this site is great.

    Sincerely, Michael

  2. #2
    Pete235's Avatar
    Pete235 is offline Retired Moderator
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    First of all if you have only been working out off and on I would wait a least until you have a full year of consistant training under your belt. But, IMO deca /winny is a good stack. Yes run the deca for 10 weeks staright, 300mg/week should be ok (I did 400mg/week my first cycle). As far as the winny tabs, I would try to get more. Run the winstrol at 50mg/day for 6 weeks (weeks 3-8). You will also need to run milk thistle or ALA while on winny to help detoxify the liver and you will need clomid post cycle to help re-boot your bodies natural production of test...which in turn will allow you to keep most of your gains. Diet is key!!! I recommend spending some time in the diet forum here on the board, there you will be able to find out what you need to know. Good luck.

  3. #3
    HoRsEmEn is offline New Member
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    What do you mean you say 'run milk thistle or ALA', is that referring to a cardio workout?

    Each winstrol tab i got is 10 mg, so for weeks 3 - 8, i should start taking 5 tabs a day, until week 8? thats a lot of money!

    And have you ever seen red winstrol pills, and if so are they good?

  4. #4
    HoRsEmEn is offline New Member
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    ohh i hit submit by accident, i also want to say thanks for taking the time out, really appreciate it. and good luck to you to, Michael

  5. #5
    tuff is offline Junior Member
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    Milk thistle can be gotten at any local GNC. It is not cardio it is a substance that can be administered orally to help detoxify your liver. It is a must if you are taking any AS orally.
    Peace out

  6. #6
    Pete235's Avatar
    Pete235 is offline Retired Moderator
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    Originally posted by HoRsEmEn
    What do you mean you say 'run milk thistle or ALA', is that referring to a cardio workout?

    Each winstrol tab i got is 10 mg, so for weeks 3 - 8, i should start taking 5 tabs a day, until week 8? thats a lot of money!
    Tuff was spot on with the milk thistle question.

    As for your winny dosage, on my first cycle I ran 50mg/EOD as opposed to ED and still had great results. However, I was running winny depot as opposed to an oral. Some have claimed that oral administration of winstrol is not as effective as intramuscular administration, but that is still up in the air. At $1.50 - $1.75 a tab you're right.

  7. #7
    way2rude4u's Avatar
    way2rude4u is offline New Member
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    Sounds like you are getting Ttokkoyo winny tabs, the price in Mexico is $72 for 100 or $271 for 500, so realize you are paying quite a bit more.

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