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  1. #1
    BlueEyedDragonfly is offline New Member
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    Help Raising GOOD Cholesterol

    Hi, I'm on week 3 of a Sust 250 (500 a week for 10 weeks on Monday/Thursday) and Dbol (30mg a day for 4 week) cycle. I just got lab results in today and all the liver values were fine but there was a problem with my GOOD cholesterol. The bad cholesterol was fine and overall my cholesterol was low but my GOOD cholesterol was only 10 and it should be around 50. Three doctors all said they have never seen one so low. Because it is soo low I guess it triggered some Cardiac warning. I have another lab test on Monday after my suggestion it being so low that the lab tech made a mistake. I told the doctor what I was taking and asked if this could be the cause, he said he didnt think so. I was wondering if you vets had heard of this sort of cycle lowering one's GOOD cholesterol. Also, I am looking for any recommendations on an easy way to add some GOOD cholesterol into my diet.

    Thank you,

  2. #2
    BlueEyedDragonfly is offline New Member
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    Still looking for suggestions

  3. #3
    viper's Avatar
    viper is offline Member
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    damn blueEye you got a 10....someone call a code blue for him.....
    the AMA states that less than 30 puts you at high risk for cardiac damage and less than 20 puts you in the critical zone......
    i posted something a few days ago about raising HDL, i'll try to pull it up so i dont have to type it again....
    hope it was a lab error.....

  4. #4
    viper's Avatar
    viper is offline Member
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    The AMA recommends that along with diet changes, that patients start on niacin before attempting medications such as cholestran etc..
    niacin (nicotinic acid) is an inexpensive way to reduce cholesterol levels in your blood. it reduces levels of total and low-density lipoprotein (LDL, the "bad") cholesterol by 30 percent, reduces triglyceride levels 30 percent, increases high-density lipoprotein (HDL, the "good") cholesterol 30 percent, and reduces Lp(a) lipoprotein. the most common side effect is flushing, a warm feeling in the skin usually associated with redness, and sometimes itching. although many people can develop tolerance to this effect quickly, some people cannot take even low doses of niacin because of this effect. taking niacin at the end of a meal on a full stomach can help to prevent flushing. niacin should always be started at a very low dose and built up gradually over time. niacin can have other effects. one is a skin rash often seen on the back of the neck or in the armpits. it is not dangerous but can be bothersome.
    There have been several medical studies that show niacin is very effective…for the AMA to endorse it, you know it has been tested to death…
    Make sure you don’t eat 12 hours before the test is done or you will get higher cholesterol and triglyceride numbers….

    hope this helps.......

  5. #5
    BlueEyedDragonfly is offline New Member
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    SE Massachusetts
    Thank you very much Viper. I am going for blood work again on Monday. The first time I took it all I had was water for 12 hours before the test. I'm hoping they made a mistake but I won't find out til next week of course. I never worried about cholesterol before since its always has been low. Now all of a sudden the good stuff is low and I'm at risk. Its even worse cuz I'm 31 and I have a family history of heart attack and stroke and some deaths in the 30s. Anyway, I will keep this thread running for any other suggestions and to maybe inform others that low good cholesterol can be dangerous as well.

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