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Thread: gyno questions

  1. #1
    tx_iron is offline Associate Member
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    gyno questions

    This is Tex's workout partner, and I have a question concerning gyno. I have only taken several cycles, but have never used anything such as test or deca , mainly equi and winnie. But lately my nipples have been hurting and sore, and at one point had clear liquid ooze out while being squeezed. and I was wandering what this could be a result of and if this was the sign of developing serioius gyno. I havent shot up for about 3 months. I know that nolvadex can help reduce the effects of gyno and I plan to take more of that, but I just needed to know if my current state was in fact a sign of gyno, and if it would be wise to start a new cycle of test and winnie.

  2. #2
    tx_iron is offline Associate Member
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    san antonio

  3. #3
    Havesome77's Avatar
    Havesome77 is offline Associate Member
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  4. #4
    rangerdudeleads is offline Senior Member
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    I would take nolvedex's to be on safe side

  5. #5
    03733+$'s Avatar
    03733+$ is offline Associate Member
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    I'm in here with the rest of YOU!
    Sorry to say but......................
    Sounds like gyno to me!
    When you are on a cycle your testosterone gos up.......
    Not every body gets gyno but all men have a little estrogen in there body!
    The reason that men that are prone to gyno start to get bitch tits is that there body sees the test and tries to counter balance the testosterone with estrogen IN which high estrogen values cause fatty tissue in the breast area along with some water retention.

    You can prevent gyno by taking nolvadex which blocks the receptors
    Which people mostly take if they see symptoms or.................
    you can take a aromatixation inhibitor like arimidex or liquidex these block the estogen from forming all together!

    I would take the nolvadex if you have it!
    If not a would get some immediatly!
    Nad now that you know that you are prone to gyno if you choose to go on another cycle I wold definatly get some liquiidex or arimidex!

  6. #6
    Billmister's Avatar
    Billmister is offline Member
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    well when i used Pinnacle andro poppers and i was poppin like 6 tabs a day, and after a deca cycle, my nipple's kind of sticked out, They never hurt so i didn't bother, and i did feel a little bit of like rice seeds in back of my nipple. now i'm on a dbol , sus cycle and my nipples got a little sore when i would touch them so i started the novadex (one tab for 7 days). that stuff cleared everything in like 3 day's, even what i had in the past, the pain and everything. Now i'm clear and my nipples don't stick out.. Nolvadex i love

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