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  1. #1
    Luke's Avatar
    Luke is offline Associate Member
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    Anyone having nightsweats when on Fina/Winstrol/Test?

    I'm doing the following cycle:

    Weeks 1-8: Test. Cyp at 250mg/week
    Week 1-8: Omna at 250mg/week
    Week 1-5: Fina at 75 mg eod, but shwitched now to about 0.7cc ed
    Week 4-8: winstrol (drunk) at 25mg/day

    Plus I'm taking 0.5mg of Armidex per day.

    I have noticed recently inability to sleep well. I wake up every few hours and I pouring sweats. I'm drinking 5L of water a day, but I don't presume that's the reason...? Is this normal when on test/Fina/Winnie?


  2. #2
    Tapout's Avatar
    Tapout is offline Senior Member
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    its normal for me
    1-- i need less sleep usually 6 hrs per night when on is enough, but when off 8 hrs any less makes me grumpy.
    2--also i think the water retention causes the sweats not quite sure but if its hot(when i'm on i'm usually hot)i get them to

  3. #3
    tt333 is offline Senior Member
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    Ive never breakout in sweats but i have to keep my air conditioning around 65 though. Do you keep your place worm?

  4. #4
    demetri's Avatar
    demetri is offline Member
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    I get cold sweats when I'm on V. I feel like I'm freezing but I'm sweating buckets.

  5. #5
    Trevor's Avatar
    Trevor is offline Associate Member
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    I have been getting this same thing. I keep my house like a freezer at night, but it does no good!!! I wake up feeling like I am laying in the bathtub. SOAKING WET!! It is the weirdest shit I have ever seen. My girl says at night my body feels like it is on fire. WTF? I also experiance sleeping problems. Up every few hours and restless!!! You aint alone bro!

  6. #6
    Luke's Avatar
    Luke is offline Associate Member
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    Originally posted by Trevor
    I have been getting this same thing. I keep my house like a freezer at night, but it does no good!!! I wake up feeling like I am laying in the bathtub. SOAKING WET!! It is the weirdest shit I have ever seen. My girl says at night my body feels like it is on fire. WTF? I also experiance sleeping problems. Up every few hours and restless!!! You aint alone bro!
    Are you doing both Fina and Winstrol ?

  7. #7
    BASK8KACE is offline Anabolic Member
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    I agree with Tapout.

    I need less sleep and I think it's the water retention that is the culprit of night sweats. I'm on just Cyp so It may be the test alone that does this. Has anyone experienced the sweats without a form of test?

  8. #8
    XBiker's Avatar
    XBiker is offline Retired Vet
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    Over there.
    It's the tren . Most people who use it get it and there's no way that I know of to avoid it.

  9. #9
    budman_z71_24 is offline Associate Member
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    Happened to me before, while on mexican test 200mg

  10. #10
    G-S Guest
    Hell, I had night sweats bad on DBOL /SUST/DECA .

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