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  1. #1
    Tryintobejacked is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2002

    What would work better for me EQ or Deca?

    I am 18 6'2 200 poiunds with 14% bf. I have been training 2 years. I want to put on a solid 10 pounds of muscle. I dont want to have the puffy bloated look. I want a more lean hard muscle. Which should I take? Also should I take winny with either? What would a eq/winny or deca winny/combo do? Do I even need to take the winny with either will I see significant enough gains with just one or the other? This will be my first full cycle and would like to do it right.

    Also while on steriods how is it best to workout? Should you go all out everyday? Any advice would be great.

  2. #2
    Tryintobejacked is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Also am I going to need Clomid at the end of the cycle?

  3. #3
    Jaguar is offline Associate Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    I'm sorry to tell you this mate but at 18 you shouldn't be even thinking about touching Steroids ... Your test levels are naturally currently huge... and seriously man, at 6"2 and only weighing 200lbs, your fairly skinny.. unless u have like a bf% of 5 or under So if your not eating/sleeping and training right now.. then even with doing steroids your not going to make any gains, and will pretty much kiss your money goodbye and at your age will be in a very high risk group to get several Side affects from your gear (which trust me you dont want to experience).

    I think the best advice anyone could give you mate it is to look at your training routine, get a better diet, and get lots of sleep... and you'll grow... and then after a good 2 more years of training you can then start looking into doing them if you still wish to do so, because by then your body will be able to better handle the stresses of AS..

    Just give it time mate, it will be worth it...

    Good Luck Mate..


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