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  1. #1
    tomcat is offline Junior Member
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    Oct 2001

    clomid all at once or spread throuhout day?

    is there a difference between taking all clomid pills at once in the morning....or is it better to spread it out over the day?

  2. #2
    XBiker's Avatar
    XBiker is offline Retired Vet
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    Over there.

    Re: clomid all at once or spread throuhout day?

    Originally posted by tomcat
    is there a difference between taking all clomid pills at once in the morning....or is it better to spread it out over the day?
    The 1/2 life is long enough that it doesn't really matter. You can spread the dose if it makes you feel better.

  3. #3
    Vaj10's Avatar
    Vaj10 is offline Associate Member
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    on my first day (300 mg) i take 2 in the morning, 2 in the afternoon, and 2 in the evening....
    next 10 days (100mg): 1 in am....1 in pm
    next 10 days (50 mg): 1 around noon
    good luck...

  4. #4
    PaPaPumP's Avatar
    PaPaPumP is offline Retired Moderator
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    Outside your bedroom wind
    I always split em me crazy, but my nuts always come back like ragin cajuns doin it that way. So if it ain't broke, why fix it? However, I know the halflife is long....but still, I'm just weird like that...k?

  5. #5
    tomcat is offline Junior Member
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    Oct 2001
    when is the best time to take clomid after taking equipoise ?
    i only have 25 pills, how should i set up my dosages? please help...

  6. #6
    androplex is offline Donating Member
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    Mar 2002
    my nuts always come back like ragin cajuns doin it that way
    I hear you on this one papapump, I have the same problem.

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