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Thread: ?'s on winny

  1. #1
    wannaBjacked is offline New Member
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    ?'s on winny

    ok guys just a few questions. where do you inject winny? are there certain spots that are best? do you inject it into the fattest parts on the body? do you inject it straight into the fat or do you go down into the muscle? how often do you take it if youre going to inject it? how much should you take? how long does it stay in your system? i'm thinkin about going out for the college football team and i need to cut some weight but i need to know if it would be out of my system quick enough. how long is a usual cycle if thats the only thing youre gonna take? i think thats all i have for now. thanks for the help guys.

  2. #2
    KeyMastur is offline VET
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    i drink it.

  3. #3
    NutBuster's Avatar
    NutBuster is offline New Member
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    Originally posted by KeyMastur
    i drink it.
    What a WASTE!

  4. #4
    Shredz is offline Respected Member
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    Originally posted by NutBuster

    What a WASTE!
    I hope you are not serious when you say that it is a waste.

    To answer you question..first of a will find most of your answers there. Try doing that before you ask any questions if you can't find an answer then ask away...

    Since winny is a 17aa AS then just drink the stuff. It makes no difference weither you inject it or drink it. It works the same both ways. So why make yourself a pin cushion? Most people take 50mg of winny every day. But you must understand I am not telling you to go ahead and do this. I can already tell that you need to do some serious researching. As far as using winny to cut, winny will not help you cut up. What winny can do for you if used properly is help you from losing your already hard earned muscle that you already have when on a low carb diet. A diet that is most likely to put you into a state of Catabolism.

    If winny is injected it must be injected intramuscular. Winny half life is short that is why you must take it every day.

    As for doing a winny alone cycle I will leave that for someone else to help you out with since I have no personal experience there.

    But you have to understand that there is more to doing winny then just that. To start off....what are your stats, how long have you been training? Have you ever done AS before? Is cutting up your only reason for using winny? Have you ever tryed a hard core cutting diet and training routine naturally? You should always exhaust all your natural means before you even consider doing AS. Before you some serious researching.

  5. #5
    ripped4fsu's Avatar
    ripped4fsu is offline Anabolic Member
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    I have done 3 winny cycles. The first one I injected 1.5cc (75mg) EOD.
    The next two cycles I started mixing 1cc with my OJ ED at the suggestion of several AR members.
    It worked just as well. IMO
    But some people swear you get better gains running it.
    If you do drink it, drink 50mg ED. That usually works out to 1cc a day but check your bottle to be sure.
    Also, you might try splitting it up; .5cc in the morning and .5cc in the evening to get more even distribution.
    Whatever you decide, 1000mg of milk thistle ED is a good idea since winny is a 17AA.
    Good luck and keep us posted

  6. #6
    NutBuster's Avatar
    NutBuster is offline New Member
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    Originally posted by ripped4fsu
    I have done 3 winny cycles. The first one I injected 1.5cc (75mg) EOD.
    The next two cycles I started mixing 1cc with my OJ ED at the suggestion of several AR members.
    It worked just as well. IMO
    But some people swear you get better gains running it.
    If you do drink it, drink 50mg ED. That usually works out to 1cc a day but check your bottle to be sure.
    Also, you might try splitting it up; .5cc in the morning and .5cc in the evening to get more even distribution.
    Whatever you decide, 1000mg of milk thistle ED is a good idea since winny is a 17AA.
    Good luck and keep us posted
    Well over at Triedia Nandi12 posted a study that he got from medline and that study had all the absorbtion rates for oral tabs, drinking and IM IM IS BUY FAR BETTER. I have been using Gear for 16 yrs bro im 36 yrs old i have done it all ways many times. IM is the best and the next best is drinking then tabs. Its like night and day bro from drinking to injecting.
    Last edited by NutBuster; 06-22-2002 at 10:40 PM.

  7. #7
    Tsunami is offline Associate Member
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    Ajax also posted a thread over here, it was around 30 something percent more effective when injected.

  8. #8
    KeyMastur is offline VET
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    Originally posted by NutBuster
    What a WASTE!
    ok, well you do a search for my pictures on a winny cycle where i drank it and you tell me if it was a waste.......

    or just ask PaPaPumP.....

  9. #9
    blazenbell's Avatar
    blazenbell is offline Associate Member
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    so in reality... its a waste cuz its more effective to shoot it... so "do ur research". i hate when people say that shit

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    OK, back to the original question. I know you probably aren't going to listen to me anyway, but I guess it would be only right to say it. A little more research sounds like what you should be doing before anything. Your Steroid knowledge sounds pretty limited by your question. That would be my first suggestion. Secondly, I might wait until your older, but if you won't listen to my first statement you definatley won't listen to my second. That being out ot the way.....You DO NOT inject it into the fatty area (if you choose to in fact Inject) It is meant to be taken intramusclarly. I personally like injecting it into my shoulder or thigh the best. But I guess if you so prefer, you may inject it anywhere there is an adiquate amount of muscle tissue. More importantly your reason for injecting Winny. It's not really a great drug in order to "Lean you out", however the muscle that you do put on would strith more towards putting on "Lean muscle mass". Also quite good for strength. I personally would not go on a winny only cycle. The benifits you would obtain would be minimal. I would definatly add some sort of test in there as well (500mg/week split into two inj). Takeing it (Winny) at about 50mg/EOD should be addiquate. Some will say Every day, but I find that would be more of a dosage for someone who was more interested in bodybuilding rather than football. I would run a cycle for at least 8 weeks with the Winny for the last 6. The winny will make it's way out of your system fairly quickly in a matter of a few days, while the Test will take anywhere from 2-5 weeks. Anyone have any different suggestions?

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